Inspired by the "Happy Fun Ball" from the web series Critical Role, The Cube of Vanya is a magical adventure through demi-planes created by an ancient wizard, now destabilized by a malevolent dragon. The adventurers find themselves trapped within a series of themed planes with no idea how they got there. Navigating these planes to find a means of escape, they uncover the secrets of the cube while piecing back together their own memory. During the campaign the adventurers may fight shadow demons in an inn which is really a prison, flee a tornado while perched perilously in the sky, forge a weapon within a volcano, and much more. The module is structured in a non linear manner allowing the adventurers to choose their own way, or for the DM to pick and choose their favourite bits to highlight. The adventure was written with four level 5 players in mind but it would be easy to tweak for different sized groups around that level.
Ragvala, also known as the "Coinmaker," is an ancient gold dragon who wishes to mend his broken friendship with his old adventuring buddy. Recently, there are rumors that his friend’s old magical instrument has resurfaced in the Quivering Forest. Unable to change shape anymore, the dragon needs the help of skilled adventurers who can join him on his quest.