Cover of A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4

A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4

Incandium’s youth was fairly typical, at least for a half-dragon raised amongst dragons, filled with years of endless physical and mental abuse. It was always clear he was different than his clutch-mates, though his mother only claimed it was because he was ‘special’, never explaining what latent power his elemental blood held. And so, after studying magic and drawing on untold power, he slew his mother and claimed control over the volcano he called home, which he has ruled with an iron fist ever since. Now, however, he sees the PCs as a threat to his plans, and he calls them to the field of battle! Even if he is defeated, can the party stop his machinations to unleash a wave of dragons on Klavek’s western border?

Also included in “Incandium’s Erruption”:

A new magic item, the  bracer of shields
Two new alchemical solutions, azure powder and engraving solution
A new spell,  redirect teleport
A new deity, Hado, the god of summer and judgement
Details on Elemental Princes, and the blessings and curses they can bestow on characters
Details on the Serpins Sanguis cult, including their origins and goals
Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble

Published By
AAW Games
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Level 10
Found In
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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