A community for lazy dungeon masters
3288 adventures found
Cover of Fierce Tempers
Fierce Tempers
5th Edition
Level 8
25 pages

A duergar mining expedition has led to a curious find - the entrance to the mythical Forge of Creation, where the first dwarves supposedly created the tools that brought civilization to the world. Their discovery has not gone unnoticed though, as their toiling within the forge has activated a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, drawing the attention of the efreeti Camus, Eyes of Midnight. The PCs are caught in a clash between the efreeti sultan and the meddlesome duergar, and must survive threats from each faction and the dangers that lurk within the forge itself!

Cover of Where the Machines Wait
Where the Machines Wait
5th Edition
? pages

They call it the Grave of the Machines. An underground mausoleum of the Ancients, filled with their wondrous devices and strange magic. Those bold enough to venture into its depths (and capable enough to return) spin tales of sights and encounters so astonishing they could not possibly be boasts or mere fiction. And they say its riches are as vast and unfathomable as its depths.

Cover of Lord of the Iron Fortress
Lord of the Iron Fortress
3.5 Edition
Level 15
48 pages

Great Danger Wrought in Secrecy Legendary forgemasters now serve an evil warlord and his dark purpose. Their hammers ring upon anvils dedicated to remaking a terrible weapon that was destroyed in ages long past. As the very fate of the world is being shaped, only the strongest heroes can shatter the diabolical plan. "Lord of the Iron Fortress" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game, the seventh adventure in a series of eight designed to take players from the beginner to advanced levels of play (although no other adventures need be played to play this one). This adventure contains an additional 16 pages of content for the same price as earlier adventures. Designed to challenge 15th-level D&D heroes, it opens the perilous gateway to planar travel.

Cover of Murder in Baldur's Gate
Murder in Baldur's Gate
5th Edition
Level 1
105 pages

Duke Adrian Abdel is a living legend in the city of Baldur's Gate, and much of the city has gathered to celebrate him and his accomplishments. On tis day of festivities, though, the dukes past will finally catch up with him, with dire consequences. Murder ha returned to Baldur's Gate, and brave heroes are the city's only hope to stop the violence. Wealth flows into the city of Baldur's Gate like water. As the rich luxuriate in their mansions atop the bluff and artisans ply their trades on the steep streets, masses of poor laborers swell the slums. Money and power beget political scandal, religious fervor, crime . . . and murder. No one feels save on the rain darkened streets. Strange, foreign gods are beseeched in secret shrines. The city is rife with corruption. And through it all, the body count keeps rising. Murder in Baldur's Gate™ is a Dungeons & Dragons® Roleplaying Game adventure that can be played using the rules for 3rd Edition (v.3.5), 4th Edition, and the D&D Next playtest.

Cover of Tree Maze of the Twisted Druid
Tree Maze of the Twisted Druid
Any Level
9 pages

Straight from the garage of Chris's mom—and 1981—comes this homegrown, truly old school adventure of malign druids, twisted tree demons, evil blink dogs, arboreal gelatinous cubes, magical pecans and certain death. Though sadly missing half its original key, the release has been painstakingly recreated by the author as a grown man. More or less.

Cover of The Mother's Curse
The Mother's Curse
Levels 3–5
18 pages

Wednesday's child... It's a blessed event only if you can end the curse in time. People have been disappearing form the town of Monetenapoleone and a swamp has appeared blocking the towns trade route. It is up to the players to find what is causing all of these strange events and to stop it. Pgs. 32-49

The Oreskan Lamia
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

People have been going missing in Oreskos. Merchants never finish their rounds, and leonin disappear during their hunts. At the center of this conspiracy sits a lone tower, and on its throne a vicious lamia seeking to claim the grasslands as her kingdom. The Oreskan Lamia is a 3rd level Greek mythology inspired 5e adventure, for use with the Mythic Odysseys of Theros setting book.

Cover of A Little Knowledge
A Little Knowledge
Level 3
24 pages

Introductory adventure for Dark Sun, included in the original box set. PCs start on a slave caravan but are freed when it is attacked. With limited equipment and water, they must cross the desert to an oasis then save a druid. As with many Dark Sun adventures, uses a flip book providing 24 maps and illustrations for players. Combines combat encounters with survival encounters, where the treasure may just be food or enough water for another day.

Cover of EX1 - Trinity Trio
EX1 - Trinity Trio
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
11 pages

Don't you just hate it when you have a bit of downtime but some of your players need a bit more experience? Perhaps your group is fractured and only a pair of players could make it. Today's offering gives you three scenarios for a pair of adventures at three different levels! This offering helps you plug campaign holes with short encounters certain to challenge a pair of PCs!

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond the Black Gate
Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond the Black Gate
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 5
24 pages

Summoned by a coven of foul witches, the adventurers are bid through the Black Gate and across the multiverse, in pursuit of the crown of the fallen Horned King. There, in the icebound gloom of Thrice-Tenth Kingdom, they must pit their wits and brawn against his dread servants. His sullen citadel looms above the darksome woods and elfin ice caves, ruling over the mystic kingdom. Do you dare to ascend the throne of bones and declare yourself master of the Wild Hunt? Whatever your answer, the land beyond the Black Gate is sure to present a grim challenge for the even the hardiest of adventurers!

Cover of BMILL 01-03 Amaratha's Secret
BMILL 01-03 Amaratha's Secret
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
25 pages

In this climbing adventure, characters journey into the White Peaks mountains to find the source of a rare gem, which is driving the coup in Whitehorn.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Tomb of the Immortal Kahl
Dungeon Crawl Classics #84A: The Tomb of the Immortal Kahl
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 4
4 pages

Discovering a once-hidden passage in the Purple Planet’s Ancestor Peaks, the PCs enter the tomb of the Immortal Kahl. The party must survive deadly chambers fraught with alien life and technologies while unraveling the tomb’s mysteries. Ultimately, the party faces a choice unlike any encountered before, and a reward which will change them forever.

Cover of The Heart of the Jungle
The Heart of the Jungle
Levels 5–8
34 pages

This adventure is part of TSR 9386 FRM1 - The Jungles of Chult Introduction: Lord Onovan of the Dales stumbled through the underbrush, his clothes in tatters, his body aching from a tenday in the jungle. The food was gone; the water, too. The last of the bearers had fled hours ago, leaving him nothing but the tunic on his hack and the sword in his hand. Through the lush curtain of vines and broad-leafed plants surrounding Onovan came the ominous sound of Batiri war drums. He glanced up at the thick canopy high overhead. The sun was going down. The goblins would be after him soon. The howling packs would trail him like bloodhounds through the jungle until the sun drove them into hiding again. Panic closed around his heart like a stone giants fist, crushing his dreams of escape. The goblins had killed Kadir Silveraxe and Ryn the Bold as if they'd been stripling warriors, not experienced sellswords. And if stout warriors like them were no match for the Batiri, what hope did a gentleman explorer like Onovan have? That grim thought flew from the explorers mind as he pushed through a tangle of saw-leafed vines. The creature lurking there in wait for him was huge, at least as tall as a two-story building. Splashes of browns and greens covered the beasts scaly hide, perfectly masking its bulk against the jungle. A dinosaur! Onovan noted in fearnumbed awe, just before the allosaurus snapped him in two with its powerful jaws and row after row of daggerlike teeth.

Cover of FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
Levels 1–5
32 pages

Welcome to the picturesque village of Eveningstar, nestled at the foot of the Stonelands where the River Starwater winds down a gorge and snakes into the King's Forest. Here, the Knights of Myth Drannor began their famous adventures. Here, the Ladies of the Brazen Blade, The Company of the Singing Sword, The Steel Shield Band, and many other came, clutching royal charters from King Azoun with the ink scarcely dry on the parchment. Some fell, some went on to greatness-but they all came here first; to the Haunted Halls. Despite numerous infiltrations, the Halls have not yet yielded all their secrets or treasures. Many dangers lurk as deadly as ever in dark chambers herein, awaiting new companies of eager-eyed adventurers. Is it your turn to dare The Haunted Halls? Many come, but few survive to again see Eveningstar's beauty. Welcome, then. Enter in, and find in these pages: A challenging introductory level dungeon. A detailed countryside setting, including important local personages, local color, and guidelines for play. Suggested campaign plots and adventures. New spells. New magical items. New monsters. A splendid campaign can begin here. Adventurers in an ongoing campaign can stop by for a memorable visit. Those looking for an underground stronghold may even find a home in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. TSR 9354

Cover of Ice Tower of the Salka
Ice Tower of the Salka
Levels 8–12
24 pages

60 years ago, a wizard's tower was encased in a magical glacier. Now a crack has appeared, exposing the tower for adventures. Inside, a magic artifact turns any who did in the tower to undead, including the PCs.

Cover of Serpents of the Sands
Serpents of the Sands
Levels 6–10
13 pages

Snakes! Why does it have to be snakes? They never forgot the theft. They proved it, too. Yuan-ti are looking to reclaim a symbol of their leadership, and it's up to the players to stop them from harming a small desert town. The adventure starts with roleplay and investigation in the town, followed by a trek through the desert and a delve into the Yuan-ti lair. Pgs. 6-18

Cover of WGM1 Border Watch
WGM1 Border Watch
Levels 1–3
38 pages

Greatwall is in peril - not from military forces of Iuz, but from lack of goods and supplies. Caravans from Willip have ceased thanks to increased dangers on the Willip Critwall Grabford Trail. As the key fort positioned to contain the Iuzian flood, Greatwall is a strategic necessity. Its failure would mean a major incursion along the border. Your characters are hired to escort a caravan from Greatwall to Willip; if its merchants are afraid to come to the fort, the fort will go to them. This should be simple, cut and dried guard job. Right? Of course not. There are many surprises in store for your little caravan, and your characters will need to keep their wits about them day and night in order to make it to the other end. Secret plans are afoot, conspiracies are brewing, and nothing is as it seems while on the Border Watch. This module uses information presented in the From the Ashes boxed set and the Iuz the Evil accessories. However, ownership of these two products is not necessary to play this module. TSR 9406

Cover of The Crypt of Somber Hill
The Crypt of Somber Hill
5th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

The town of Somber Hill is a quiet settlement in the foothills of a mountain range. A few days travel from the nearest city, the people of Somber Hill are a humble and self-reliant bunch. Unbeknownst to its people, the small town hides a sinister secret, some of the residents of Somber Hill belong to a cult that worships a long dead entity. Known only as The Dark One by their followers, this ancient being once called Old Somber Hill home. Their dark master is entombed in the catacombs beneath the town, and the cult hopes to resurrect their master with a blood sacrifice. The Crypt of Somber Hill is a Setting Neutral adventure and thus can be easily included in any existing story-line with minor alterations and adjustments or outright slotted into any existing campaign setting.

Cover of Chimes at Midnight
Chimes at Midnight
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
19 pages

The brilliant (if somewhat eccentric) detective Viktor Saint-Demain has put more criminal masterminds behind bars than any three other inqusitives. But when the master sleuth fails to get the recogintion he deserves, he sets out to prove to Sharn that they can’t live without him. Pgs. 16-34

Cover of Parallel Dungeons
Parallel Dungeons
Levels 3–4
8 pages

Three dungeons in one! The party is given a "dimension shifting device" and sets out to explore a 15-area cave, simultaneously occupied by the DEMON CORSAIRS, the remnants of an ASTEROID MINING OPERATION, and the MONASTERY OF TRANQUILITY & TRANSCENDENCE! The three dungeons are presented in three columns, so when the characters shift from one dimension into another, it's easy to find the corresponding area description. For use with old-school or OSR RPG systems. Recommended for character levels 3-4. Published by Eldritch Fields.