Cover of BASIC04: A Miraculous Time

BASIC04: A Miraculous Time

5th Edition
Unknown party level
? pages

It isn’t just the weather outside that’s frightful!

Now that winter has arrived in full force and the predators of the wild have grown desperate, it’s more important than ever that shipments of vital supplies be given proper escort – especially around the Midwinter holiday, when such shipments become all the more frequent!

A sleepy town on the far side of a mountain range is counting on you to make this Midwinter a joyous and healthy one!

Some greedy and cheerless monsters may have other ideas…

“A Miraculous Time” includes:

The fourth leg of the BASIC series
The return of Ronius, Willow, Meeris, and Kale, fully upgraded for level 4 play.
Magic items that give reference to prior adventures
A spin on an oft-overlooked character in the Christmas tradition
A grading system to let you know how well you’ve done!

Published By
AAW Games
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Unknown party level
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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