Cover of Bronze


The idyllic town of Evershade is about to get a lot less peaceful.

Nestled in a small valley near the border of two kingdoms, Evershade is a small but prosperous town. But ranchers have been finding their livestock slaughtered, with no idea what's behind it. What begins as a simple mission to scare off a predator, turns into a race across hills and mountains to prevent agents of evil from destroying a future force for good.

A adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd to 4th level A regional map of the areas surrounding the town of Evershade Descriptions of the town of Evershade and several of the notable NPCs that live there A map of the dragon's lair on a cliff near the sea Stat blocks for all monsters Unnumbered map suitable for use in your favorite VTT

Published by Goblin Scrawl Games

Published By
Indie Dev.
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 3–4
Found In
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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