Cover of Desiccated Temple of Locha

Desiccated Temple of Locha

In the parched desert sands, a mirage glistens invitingly on the horizon, but the nearest water is a hard day’s march in the opposite direction. You swear you smell the faint wet smell like coming rain when the wind shifts just right and see the stars reflected off some far lake at night.

There’s no water here, just a lone sandblasted pillar, its features smeared by centuries of sand. Smell that? The brine of ocean mist? Here? Is the pillar made of coral polyps and mollusk shells? What is this place?

An aquatic temple magically transported to an arid environment.

Based on the author’s one-page map that was published in Knock #2 by Merry Mushmen.

Published by Duvelman Dice.

Written By
Andrew Duvall
Published By
Indie Dev.
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Low Level
Found In
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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  • Request to change "minStartingLevel" by @Nor'Namlin.
    3 months ago

    What level design was this for?

    Curator remarks: Module only says "low level" and does not give a specific range.


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