Cover of Expanded Environments and Additional Actions

Expanded Environments and Additional Actions

Give your game’s locations a character all their own!
Build encounter themes, emphasize magic places, and connect it all to the monsters living there with Expanded Environments and Additional Actions. Use traits to make creatures stand out and enhance their bond with the land, then add lair actions to reinforce the connection and escalate the fight. New interactions encourage a race between players and monsters to gain the upper hand using the environment around them with additional options in combat. In non-combat encounters, regional effects keep the feel of magic heightened in the surrounding area.

Grab characters’ attention, and limbs, in the clutches of fallen armies on the ancient battlefield.
Apply library traits and lair actions to a dragon to create an encounter with a bookwyrm.
Tempt characters with the allure of enchanted gold in the treasure hoard.
Bend fire itself to your will in the heart of a volcano.

With Expanded Environments and Additional Actions ties “where you are” to “what & how you fight” with 21 environment templates for attributes and abilities you can apply to existing monsters and places that include all of the following:

80 lair actions that give the terrain a role, and often a roll, in the fight.
75 traits so familiar monsters gain new tricks and special features.
73 regional effects to add to the wonder of the world between combats
64 interactions for players or monsters to make the most of their surroundings

This supplement was designed for dungeon masters who want more dynamic combat and more magical encounters. The collection started as my own expansion of the environments found in MCDM’s Flee, Mortals! but can be used on its own (along with the existing D&D 5e rules).

Written By
Joel Russ
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Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Any Level
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Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
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