Cover of Castles & Crusades I3 Dogs of War: Felsentheim

Castles & Crusades I3 Dogs of War: Felsentheim

Shall you claim the glory of heroes, or accept your doom?

You have raised the ire of the goblin warlord, and now you flee his kingdom with war parties hot on your trail. You must reach the borderland town of Felsentheim, for if you do not, no alarm will sound to hearken the coming of the Dogs of War and your bodies will lie in the forest grass, forgotten by all but the worms!

Shall you claim the glory of heroes and warn the people or accept your doom and suffer death in the Treklant?

Enter again the World of Inzae, where all things slip into the Maelstrom, and from hence true heroes are born.

Written By
Davis Chenault
Published By
Troll Lord Games
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 3–5
Found In
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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