Cover of Goblin Fever

Goblin Fever

A plague has struck Waen Fawr, leaving hundreds dead, the city lawless and in crisis. The plague seems to drive those affected to violent, manic behaviour and the city militia have their hands full. Smoke shrouds the city as buildings burn, bandits and looters roam the streets amid the chaos.

This adventure comes with tiles to create a city map as the players explore. Tables of rumours and random encounters are provided, as well as detailed location-based encounters.

Pgs. 28-48

Written By
Randy Maxwell
Published By
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 3–5
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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Kukubara23 has played this adventure and would recommend it.

As of current, it hits a little too close to home with CoVID, but regardless of our real-world debacles, the adventure has a clear direction for the players. The writer has given a good scenes, and some obstacles for lower level characters, and has taken the time to give an interesting way to navigate the city. I am definitely going to use it in my latest campaign, and change a few of the initial premises. It's a fit for any campaign if you want to give an apocalyptic feel to an otherwise fantastical setting.