This deluxe adventure takes heroes into the ruins of Gardmore Abbey, a monastery that was once the base of a militant order of paladins devoted to Bahamut. According to legend, the paladins brought a dark artifact back from a far crusade and stored it in their abbey for safekeeping, and evil forces gathered to assault the abbey and take it back. What the legends don’t tell is that this artifact was actually the Deck of Many Things, a force of pure Chaos.
This adventure brings characters into the extensive dungeons beneath the ruins - dungeons that are warped and twisted with the raw forces of Chaos surrounding the cards of the deck.
This adventure doesn't have any pending change requests.
DGoldDragon28 has played this adventure and would recommend it.
Excellent concept -- the Deck of Many Things deserves a quest of this sort to claim it. The individual cards having their own minor effect until the entire deck is assembled is wonderful. The stats of the final, assembled deck itself I found to be ... underwhelming, compared to previous editions' versions, but then again I am a 3.5 player mainly and generally use 4e modules mostly as conversion fodder, so it's not too much of a downside for me. Good plot -- interesting history, multiple individuals with understandable goals and plot threads. The use of the Deck to randomise certain plot points is a fun gimmick, but doesn't really contribute to the game itself (it's not something the players "know about") so my advice is to pick whichever patron you prefer or create your own to fit your campaign.