Cover of Miss Teree's House of Tea...And Devil Summoning

Miss Teree's House of Tea...And Devil Summoning

Please come right in. What can we get started for you? We’re so sorry about that noisy eyesore across the street. I assure you, steps are being taken to solve that little nuisance. Oh yes. Steps are being taken.

We have some lovely new teas in from far-away lands. Very mild but oh so delicious. And our cook just took some gorgeous biscuits out of the oven. I’ll bring you some to nibble.

Now I need to run down to the basement for some more linens. I won’t be gone long, but my girls will take care of you while I’m away. And I’ll get that racket across the street taken care of. Yes, I most certainly will.

Miss Teree runs a elegant teahouse in the upscale part of the city. But when a kobold, Sug, buys the inn across the street, her sales plummet.

But then Sug starts finding rats in his basement, and they somehow manage to kill his bouncer.

Sug suspects Miss Teree has something to do with his bouncers death, but he needs help figuring out how.

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Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 2–4
Found In
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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