Cover of Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge

Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge

A city of burgeoning technology beset upon by intrigue and insurrection, Samon has been a thorn in Emperor Hitoshi's side since suffering in the rebellion against the Kengen Occupation, its wounds still fresh on the minds of its citizens. It is not beneath the notice of Hakaisuru Bengoshi however, and the adventurers are ordered by one such official to make certain that the Tazuki Rail company's doings are not curtailed by its increasingly aggressive laborers and their shadowy union, the Fangs.

Little do they know that the bite of the fangs carries a far deadlier poison than any worker's ire!
What you’ll find in Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge:
A complex cast of 20 NPCs beautifully illustrated by Nathanael Batchelor interwoven in an impressive tale of deceit, false trails, intrigue, and lethal adversaries

The city of Samon, a settlement in the northern prefecture of Hakaisuru and home to Soburin’s most prosperous railroad company

Four maps by cartographer Mike Myler: an isometric view of Samon, an isometric map of the Tazuki Rail Offices, a combat map of the Chujiang Gardens, and a combat map of the Tazuki Rail Basement

The dangerous Mists of Akuma and the new misted condition

The hengeyokai race and kitsune, nezumi, usagi, and (new!) hebi (snake) subraces

The adeddo-oni and true hebi templates as well as a coterie of statblocks: adeddo-oni hunchling, adeddo-oni mage, adeddo-oni ninja, adeddo-oni samurai, factory worker, nuwa the brute (a true hebi), wajdet the charlatan (a true hebi), the many-faceted hengeyokai ninja, and the hebikontorora snake woman

Written By
Mike Myler
Published By
Indie Dev.
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 6–7
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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