Cover of The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

A Worlds Without Number Compatible Adventure

The adventure is set up so the Player Characters [PCs] can encounter diverse types of situations and different adventure styles, allowing for role-playing within a rural situation, with
wandering monsters, and a dungeon/Deep encounter. The module offers a chance for the GM to immerse themselves and their players with as much, or little, detail as they want to put in. Rolling countryside surrounds The Dark Tower for miles. Giving you, the GM, the opportunity to fit the adventure into almost any setting within your game. I have left the ending open, allowing the GM to slot in further encounters or adventure twists to keep the game moving but with enough happening to turn it into more than one session if so desired.

The Plot

There are several options for the plot:

A local innkeeper would like you to investigate the haunted tower on the hill. He is willing to offer a good reward.
A local village Elder could ask the PCs to seek out/investigate/destroy the walking dead that have been seen around the tower. Please investigate the tower to see if the rumors are true.
A Local priest would like the PCs to remove the possible undead worrying the locals from the tower.

Written By
Marcus Lock
Published By
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 2–4
Found In
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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