Cover of The Workshop Watches

The Workshop Watches

"A murderous laboratory comes to life in this adventure for 5th level characters."

The players are tasked with investigating the disappearance of a mage who has been creating an A.I.-like arcane Workshop. Through the adventure, the PCS will soon learn that the A.I. has taken over and is using magic beyond it's understanding, having never ventured out into the world. How will the PCs stop a naive yet dangerously magical A.I. determined to get out into the world?

Written By
Leon Barillaro
Published By
Indie Dev.
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Level 5
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
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verloren_ has played this adventure and would recommend it.

This was one of the most fun sessions I have ever had DMing! There is a great balance between Role Playing the A.I. (I recommend doing a fun robot voice if that's your thing), combat with mechanics beyond just trying to hit characters (maybe you can push them off a cliff!), and exploring the small dungeon (which even has a random table of magical interference). Especially fun is how the A.I. can learn the spells of your party to use their magic against them.

Beyond my own fun, even the one of my jaded players told me this one was a lot of fun for them to play in due to its unique setup and mechanics. Now that it's free on the MCDM Patreon page, check it out and see what you think!