Cover of Third Time's the Charm

Third Time's the Charm

Questing through the forest, you will be tested. Which side will you take between a wizard and the Keepers of the Veil? Will you be able to find the materials necessary to help cure your friend of the ancient evil that assails him? And when it comes down to it, what are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs?

Third Time’s the Charm picks up where Second Glance left off and invites the PC to find a wizard who can help heal the Crystalline Curse slowly paralyzing the PC’s friend and protector. As the party grows closer on this adventure, learning to depend on one another, they must also navigate the Veiled Wood’s changing landscape, deciding who they can trust and who they will help as much lies in the balance.

Though this was written as the third installment in the Crystalline Curse Trilogy, this adventure can be inserted into any campaign setting and scaled accordingly. Third Time’s the Charm is part of our mission to bring you high-quality, ready-to-play material that supports adventuring parties of 1 Player and 1 DM.

This adventure is written for a third-level character in a one-on-one 5th edition D&D campaign.

Everything you need for your own two-person game is inside!

This product includes:
-A 3rd or 4th-level adventure adaptable to any setting

-Stat blocks for one new creature and two NPCs

-A region map, two sitemaps, and a hand-drawn dungeon map to aid the PC’s investigations

-A fully realized forest region with fleshed-out NPCs and places to explore

-Detailed backstory for the ancient warrior sheltered inside the PC’s treasured amulet

-Four custom magical items

And helpful tips for DMing a one-on-one game

This adventure is perfect for those looking to begin or continue their duet campaign.

Published by D&D Duet.

Published By
Indie Dev.
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Levels 2–5
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
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