Cover of Under Their Iron Hooves

Under Their Iron Hooves

Stop the goatfolk, or watch the world be tread UNDER THEIR IRON HOOVES

The goatfolk of Capra are a cruel, mericless race from the olden days. They sacrificed their souls to devils and swept the world like a plague, conquering and enslaving. The united races managed to enact a ritual and banish them out of time...but the Caprans have returned. Raiding parties strike from the wastes, stealing men, women and children in the night and dragging them off to Capran's black temples. Only the heroes can find out the Capran's true purpose and end the threat before the armies of goatmen sweep the world once more in iron and blood.


5 NEW MONSTERS designed to work together. Every combination is a new, interesting tactical challenge.
UNIQUE MECHANICS: Each battle is presented on a unique battlefield. Will your players adapt or perish?
ROLEPLAYING: How will players deal with the men who sell their brethren for a quick buck? Will they negotiate with the dark elves who have a tenous alliance with the goatfolk?

Published By
DMs Guild
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Level 12
Found In
Part Of
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
Notable Items
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