A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of C17 - 1 - Rituals
C17 - 1 - Rituals
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
32 pages

You and your cohorts have their first adventure under their belts and are now recognized heroes of the realm! You plan on building your reputations but one of your henchmen has promised his love that he would marry her. You and your group are happy to attend and quickly discover that danger lurks everywhere as bandits crash the celebration.

Cover of FD7 - Needle of Patti
FD7 - Needle of Patti
Levels 2–4
20 pages

While doing due diligence going over some dusty tomes you have discovered a scrap giving you a clue about some magical items in a strange obelisk somewhere in the vicinity. The adventure takes the PCs across the Torgoth’s Causeway into the frontier. A few coins to a local sage and you will have a better idea on where to go…or so it would seem.

Cover of FT - Village of Xer
FT - Village of Xer
Levels 1–4
13 pages

East of the great city of Filbar is the Village of Xer. This large village is the gateway to the Eastern lands and the humanoid tribes. Xer was originally the army base for the Bloodrayne Conflict of 715. After the battle the wounded returned to the serene woods and some remained after that. Since then it has been a comfortable caravan stop for many weary travelers.

Cover of PS5 - Yodel Bluff
PS5 - Yodel Bluff
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
23 pages

Your party has finally made it to Queen’s Point only to discover that the military was already aware of the approaching humanoid army and dealt with them. After a rest and training period in the large city you now have to decide what to do next. The large seaport has plenty of options but a curious problem has been brought to your attention. A large giant north and west of the city is harassing the shipping lanes with random boulder tossing. Word has it that a nice reward is available to anyone able to solve this problem. Did I mention a Medusa also has a proposition for the party?

Cover of SQ4 - Dungeon of Otek
SQ4 - Dungeon of Otek
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Kind words and a scrap of paper are enough to lead you off on an adventure into the hills. You and your party have opted to follow the clues leading to a fabled Talisman of Otek lost years ago in an old dungeon. Your benefactor has warned you that some cultists are actively seeking the item and hope that the “heroes in the making” will obtain the item before the nasty fanatics get ahold of it and use it for nefarious purposes!

Cover of FT - Corsair Bay
FT - Corsair Bay
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Clover Island is home to one of the wildest towns in the world of Filbar. While the town of Corsair Bay is recognized as the home of the Pirate Kingdom it is a fully functional town. This location sits at the midway point for those crossing the Newmack Sea and is a resupply stop for most commercial traffic pirate and otherwise. The ruler of Corsair Bay is the legendary, and somewhat retired, pirate named Hannibal the Black. This fearsome pirate now enjoys ruling the community and most of the explored areas on the island but his ship still waits in port for him should he decide to set sail again

Cover of FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
14 pages

The Jail of Gundavold is a scenario designed for a solo player but adjustable enough for a party size if needed. After a foray into the wilderness Ruins of Borgdell, you found yourself ambushed with a bag tossed over your head. After a grueling trek across uncertain terrain you find yourself in jail. Are you smart enough to get yourself out of this mess?

Cover of HOF2 - Putting a Krampus in the Holiday
HOF2 - Putting a Krampus in the Holiday
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
11 pages

Putting a Krampus in the Holiday is a tongue in cheek adventure for a group of low level PCs. This scenario takes place during the Filbar holiday of “Giftus” a ten day celebration that culminates in a gift exchange. This year’s holiday is threatened when a jolly Gnome finds a few items that turn a happy holiday into a potential nightmare! A short little adventure that can be played after your own holiday celebration!

Cover of FC5 - Leptis Magna
FC5 - Leptis Magna
Levels 7–10
37 pages

The Adurite Empire once ruled a major portion of Filbar but when the culture lost the favor of the gods it spelled doom for the entire civilization. In the wake of the carnage that followed the major cities fell to fires, plagues, and other disasters both natural and magical. In the centuries that have passed the cities are now in ruins but rumored to still hold magic and wealth. The most famous of these cities was the port city of Leptis Magna. The city was once the crossroads of the empire and was known for trading, agriculture, and magic. What treasures remain in the ruins so fierce that even pirates avoid the area? This was also the adventure played at Gen Con 2014! "I step over his body and go inside..."

Cover of Far12 – Necropolis at Manheim
Far12 – Necropolis at Manheim
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
14 pages

After a string of successful adventures, you find yourselves reequipping gear in the small community of Tarten. After an unusual currency exchange in the mercantile, the party learns that a group of adventurers had encountered some Goblins possessing old currency belonging to the Co-Tai people. Well, it ain’t grave robbin’ if someone else did for you!

Cover of FP7 - Blood Mace of Khan Sing
FP7 - Blood Mace of Khan Sing
Levels 6–8
22 pages

When you wander the wilderness you run into the strangest things. Nestled in the middle of a few mountains in a volcanic basin is a strange temple structure. This is the final resting place of the legendary warlord Khan Sing. A hero among the plainsmen, this ruler was believed to have grabbed power with the assistance of a magic weapon known as the “Blood Mace”. Will the party’s investigation find this mysterious artifact?

Cover of FA1 - Fens of Malack
FA1 - Fens of Malack
Levels 2–6
13 pages

This setting is a collective of different area encounters for several different character levels. While this land was a frequently traveled area for the adventurers it was used for a variety of challenges. While not every challenge is met for every level it is up to the PCs to decide if they are up for the challenge they discover. Of course you can always ‘discourage’ or hide some encounters from the party. It can also be used in an area frequented by the PC party that can offer an increased challenge with each visit they make.

Cover of AS5 - Ear of the Gods
AS5 - Ear of the Gods
5th Edition
Levels 16–19
21 pages

This item was originally created for MaceCon 2018 but has been rebranded as part of the Artifact series. The party meets with the religious leaders of Liverpool and are tasked with recovering a three part artifact known as the "apparta". Their journey takes the PCs through time and space with some rather high level obstructions to deal with!

Cover of NQ2 - Oversight Pass
NQ2 - Oversight Pass
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
18 pages

NQ2 - Oversight Pass picks up where Meteor Mystery left off. The citizens have honored the party with a banquet when a group of Worgs crashes the party. The simple people have requested your party to investigate to see if more problems will be forthcoming. A hero's life is always busy...

Cover of OP10 - Pickle in Flavortown
OP10 - Pickle in Flavortown
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

As a new adventurer, you haven’t been able to catch a break. Just as you empty your mug, a job opportunity presents itself! A crazy Gnome, (Guy Fieri) has gotten ahold of a Wand of Construct and is animating mundane objects that are causing problems! Can you stop the Gnome and gain the mantle of “Hero”?

Cover of FA9 - Festival Experience
FA9 - Festival Experience
Levels 1–7
12 pages

Throughout the course of a campaign there are some sessions when you just don’t have enough players and need a “side trek” to salvage the day. While many times it’s a throw away session this adventure brings in the underused festival experience. From royalty to commoners everyone likes a good break from the daily grind. This packet lays out a basic festival experience with vendor options and actors. While no “adventure” is present it provides a good base with which to work with. In one of the Filbar Campaigns this festival gave the PCs an opportunity to come face to face with one of the nemeses without knowing until it was over. It also gave them rumors from the carnival staff of the location of a much sought after item. Just two of the possibilities for a successful one-shot adventure!

Cover of SQ16 - Kingdom of Bane
SQ16 - Kingdom of Bane
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
70 pages

Once a naval powerhouse, the Kingdom of Bane ruled the waters wherever they went. Four decades ago the neighboring countries noticed a stark difference taking over the once lush Bane. As the years progressed, rumors swirled about the downfall of the proud nation but the overall view was that a curse took over. The kingdom had been famous for the multitude of riches and magic it once possessed and it is widely believed that undiscovered treasures await any adventurer brave enough to test their mettle against the curse as well as the elements. This offering is 70 pages of magic, challenges, and a lot of urban discoveries. This scenario can be cut up and used as individual projects or as a massive campaign. The original campaign allowed the players to move from fifth level up to eighth!

Cover of HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
18 pages

Almost every larger city has one...a Grand Bazaar! This supplement spells out a large group of booths available at a standard open market. Three different sizes of marketplaces have also been included for various metropolitian areas. While this product isn't an adventure it doesn't mean that information FOR adventures can't be located here...This supplement was designed with role players in mind that enjoy the banter!

Cover of FT - Silvantri
FT - Silvantri
Levels 1–6
11 pages

Tucked away in the Springwood Forest is the Elven settlement of Silvantri. The town is filled with those Elves who left their ancestral home in the Treetop Forest. The community is elevated and suspension bridges link the buildings together. This setting will allow those enjoy Elven backgrounds to further their joy.

Cover of FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
Levels 2–5
11 pages

Decades ago a group of adventurers saved the town of Logan’s Bluff from a humanoid incursion. While the battle ended in a victory, the cost was high when the party lost a valued member of their group. In his honor his comrades and grateful citizens built a tomb over his final resting spot. In the decades since the battle peace has reigned but has recently waned with the advent of more humanoid sightings. Some have wondered if Forstal’s tomb is drawing the humanoids back for revenge.