A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of SQ2 - Cesspool of Redrook
SQ2 - Cesspool of Redrook
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

SQ2 – Cesspool of Redrook takes a group of initial adventurers on their first challenge. Your new group wants to be big-time adventurers but don’t really have the money to wander out from the safety of the city of Redrook. As you question your options a wanted poster gives you just the opportunity you have been seeking. Can your party capture the notorious “Briny Pete”?

Cover of FN8 - Codic Keep
FN8 - Codic Keep
Levels 4–7
15 pages

While the name Codic Keep used to have prestige associated with it in the past, it is now a crumbling fortress blasted years ago by a large tornado. Now the ruin sits next to a swamp and is pretty much left ignored. Recently word has reached Feastelburg that strange lights have been noticed near the keep and many have wondered if the wanted criminal relative has returned to reclaim the property. Wanted posters of “Si” Codic have been circulating for quite some time with a reward of 1500 gp for his capture. Who’s up for a swamp trip?

Cover of FV4 - Ziggurat of Narvi
FV4 - Ziggurat of Narvi
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
25 pages

As the fledgling adventurers continue their movement throughout the area they begin to head towards the bustling Port City of Kak. To get to there from the Dy’oe Grasslands the party will need to navigate a river running along an overgrown section of the frontier. After obtaining the services of a strange riverboat captain the party heads down the river and into adventure! Between the wildlife, a mysterious old temple, and river pirates the party discovers getting to Kak is easier said than done!

Cover of FT - City of Filbar
FT - City of Filbar
Levels 1–9
49 pages

The jewel of the Duchy, the great city of Filbar can be utilized as a home base for adventurers or as a goal to go see. This city has over 130 points of interest and is the home to the Duke of Filbar. Rumor has it that if you can't find it in Filbar, it can't be found anywhere...short of artifacts that is! The walled city has decorative fountains and artisans of every kind. Mages can visit the towers of magic and multiple potion shops. The grand courtyard south of the castle is the home of festivals and carnivals every month. All in all, this city is large enough to provide residence or adventure to almost every adventurer. At 49 pages long there is plenty to explore!

Cover of TW2 - Path to Windy Peak
TW2 - Path to Windy Peak
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
21 pages

With their first adventure under their belts, the newfound associate Gelbo Green, needs to get his alchemist shop back in order AND find some needed supplies for his potion business. As he can’t do both he has asked the party that saved his shop if they would be interested in an ingredient search. He has offered a comfortable sum and has described the items he is need of. Will your party help the Gnome out?

Cover of T1 - Lord Griffons 40 Golden Eggs
T1 - Lord Griffons 40 Golden Eggs
5th Edition
Level 4
35 pages

This adventure was featured at GriffonCon in South Bend in 2016. Two countries are uniting for a wedding when one of the most important gifts of the union is stolen. Without the dowry of the 40 Golden Eggs from Lord Griffon the wedding will not occur and war will be the likely outcome. A quartet of the most loyal warriors has been sent into to Chromatic Canyon to deal with the bandits and retrieve the items! This is an “EGGSELLENT” adventure for convention tourneys!

Cover of RC3 - Theft of Knowledge
RC3 - Theft of Knowledge
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Curator Pierce has reported that the House of Knowledge was the victim of an assault and theft. Three days ago, brigands entered the building famous for housing the Tomes of Rummell. They attacked the Stewards of Knowledge, and made off with three books. Each of the missing texts was written by a different author and each is said to contain works of arcane power. The call has gone out for heroes to retrieve these items and bring those responsible to justice!

Cover of FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
Levels 5–7
18 pages

Tucked away in a volcanic hideaway is the home of the feared and wanted mage known as Arcanous the Black. This evil man is feared only slightly less than his original master Sabu the Witch King. In this adventure the party has the opportunity to deal with this fugitive from justice and claim the 5000gp reward!

Cover of FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
Levels 7–10
35 pages

At one time the City of Tygos was a bustling metropolis located in the southeastern portion of the Plains of Dorack. Sitting in the shadow of the Dorack Mountains this city flourished as a trading metropolis. Decades ago the leaders of the city, the Serpentine Cultists, began a racially charged campaign against certain factions of the Plainsmen tribes. The resulting response of the Plainsmen was devastating to Tygos and the city was levelled for the most part and the water supply was poisoned. The city was also home to a group of adventurers called JOHAN and their fortress was said to contain powerful ancient magic that was never recovered. If these items can be located the resulting power can bring continued success to your party’s wealth and fame.

Cover of PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
24 pages

After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!

Cover of CAF17 - Problems at Vanessa's Point
CAF17 - Problems at Vanessa's Point
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
28 pages

I know we told you that we closed out the convention scenarios for 2017 but we were wrong! One of our favorite conventions (CafCon) is named differently and therefore overlooked! Problems at Vanessa’s Point is a nice little urban adventure that was made for six, 4th level players. The party hits town during a big celebration and is presented with a business opportunity. The local militia is out seeking a group of problems and the celebration needs some extra security. This sandbox style scenario is filled with strange encounters for your own campaign or play it straight through! The scenario was at several 2017 Convention offerings and was always a big hit. The original characters are published under HOF4 (free).

Cover of NQ19 - Venzor Trench
NQ19 - Venzor Trench
5th Edition
Level 9
17 pages

Venzor Trench is set for a group of characters hired to deliver a magical item between two warring countries. The sea voyage becomes tumultuous and the ship goes down. With the mission unfilled the players utilize the magic item to survive on the bottom of the sea floor and continue to trek their way towards completing their misson through the legendary Venzor Trench!

Cover of FQ13 - Future Past
FQ13 - Future Past
High Level
19 pages

In FQ13 – Future Past our brave adventurers are summoned by the Duke of Bast to the capital city. You quickly learn that your exploits have earned you a celebration in Bast and are to be honored by all! Prior to the festivities, the duke’s advisor Thril Galia requests to meet you and makes a unique proposal and shows you an arcane piece of the historic book…what have you gotten yourselves into now?

Cover of FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Picking up where the adventures left off in Sordack Valley, the PCs gain information on areas with potential treasure. Several ruins are just within reach and at least one may be the burial site known as the Ossuary of the Bear! A magical crozier was said to be buried there and has never been found. Are your players ready to make themselves legends?

Cover of FD4 - Hunt for Charon
FD4 - Hunt for Charon
Levels 2–4
19 pages

The fourth installment of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is The Hunt for Charon and picks up where the FD3 - Crisis at Marstan left off. Your pair of intrepid adventurers is off to find out who orchestrated the attack at Marstan. When the previous adventure concluded they discovered a note mentioning a “Charon” as behind the attack and the humanoid raiders. This adventure will see if the pair can find and defeat this person/humanoid and protect the area once and for all.

Cover of C17-3  York Towers
C17-3 York Towers
Level 6
100 pages

After handling a bit of diplomacy for the York Republic, the ruling council has asked for more assistance from you. Years before the western edge was not where it is now. A series to protective towers stretched out securing the land. Unfortunately for the country, those towers were taken by Giants of the region and pushed the York-ians to their current border. The council feels that your party is strong enough to go scout out the area and see if the land can be retaken. This adventure setting was designed for both 5th Edition rules AND 1st/2nd Edition D&D for the Filbar Campaign for six, sixth level adventurers and DM. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for a one shot adventure or a continuing campaign.

Cover of F2 - Crypt of Kendall Furfoot
F2 - Crypt of Kendall Furfoot
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Set to the west of Crystal Shores this old tomb is said to hold riches of untold value. Some say a magical healing item may be located within the secret rooms of the lost sanctuary!

Cover of PL5 - Phoenix Island
PL5 - Phoenix Island
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
22 pages

After carving out quite the reputation, you and your associates have been summoned to meet with the local regent. As you wait in the audience chamber you notice that the furnishings appear to be in the middle of an upgrade. After being introduced to the slovenly king, his vizier explains the task ahead of you. Apparently the monarch wants to decorate his throne room and wants a Giant Ape as the showpiece. As luck would have it, rumors point to a nearby island in the Jarteach Mere…

Cover of FT - Borgusburg
FT - Borgusburg
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
20 pages

FT32 – Borgusburg is our first offering of November and, as always, free! This is a larger, walled village suitable for any campaign. While no scenarios are included, a variety of opportunities abound in this community. Feel free to use it for depth in your own campaign!

Cover of PS2 - Highway to Upton
PS2 - Highway to Upton
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
14 pages

In PS1 - Barrow of the Culder, your newfound companions were offered a paying job as adventurers. With your victory complete it is now time to get paid. The only problem is that your benefactors are not in Merrydale, they are in Upton. With a payday in sight you head out on the Highway to Upton. As an ancient sage once said “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” In this case the journey is going to be the adventure!