Word has reached your ears that a relic weapon is nearby and at the ruins of Linthar Keep. Once a bastion of humanity the remains of this fortress is now home to roving bands humanoids that have been attacking nearby communities. Can your young adventurer brave the dungeon of the old keep and find the riches others have been unable to…..the famed SKULLCLEAVER blade!
Emancipation of Clauslandia is an adventure that has your young party meet with several northern lords for a few missions. One of these missions is the retrieval of some holly for the druid Thane Xmas. He will send the party to meet with the Elf lord Nicolanclauthus to procure this item. Unfortunately all is not well in Clauslandia where the Elf lord has been captured! Can your party free Nicolanclauthus and gain the holly needed for a good payday?
Off the Coast of Clover Island and less than a league away from Corsair Bay is the wreck of the Golden Rose a ship of fame. The Tome Lord from Corsair Bay is looking for a few brave adventurers to go out, find the ship or what remains of it and locate a specific item for him. While the mysterious sage won’t explain what the item is he will tell you that it is protected by mighty magical glyphs of protection so simply obtain the box and bring it to him for the reward. Rumor has it the ship was laden with a great deal of treasure which is free for the party’s taking but the Tome Lord wants the box. Is your party up for a little underwater jaunt?
This adventure begins with a message delivery to the post commander in Penchant. Sadly for your PC Lt. Kateryn Hawtrey is gone and the PC will need to wait until her return. While wandering through town yelling is heard and someone is in trouble. Investigation reveals that a small child has fallen into one of the town’s wells and needs help getting out. While forming a rescue plan the child, CeCe, screams and disappears from sight. Is your player brave enough to venture into the darkness alone? As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!
With your fame building in the Great Plains of Dorack you have received word of an abandoned temple that has been showing signs of life. Years ago the followers of the old deity Sobek built a temple to honor him. The cult died out after a successful raid by Plainsmen who looted the complex after killing off the monks who inhabited it. A few days after the temple sacking the chieftain responsible for the attack fell ill and died of a mysterious disease. As it was believed a curse befell the warlord, the area was abandoned and considered taboo. Lately strange lights have been seen near the old temple and a giant stone alligator has been spotted in the area. The Plainsmen cannot go to the area as the old taboo is still in place and have asked your party to investigate.
The Precept of a Paladin order has called upon your group to do a favor. Recent initiates have gone to their island pilgrimage where the greatest member of their order is buried. Their vessel is long overdue and the commander feels they may have experience vehicular issues and no cause for 'major' alarm. A vessel has been obtained for you to head that way. Currently the other Paladins are all busy on assignment.
This solo adventure is designed as an adventure to teach the PC that sometimes you need help in solving tough problems. The adventurer learns that Ortella the Druid is seeking assistance in obtaining spell components to help the local village. It seems that the community has a magical phantasm causing problems in its lake and they need help in the form of Ortella and Ortella needs your help!
You and your associates dreamed of being big shot heroes but all you've managed to do was run afoul with a group of humanoids. Your speed has managed to distance yourself out of spear range and reached the river. The pounding waterfall matches the blood rushing in your ears and you try to move across the waterway only to find a cave system behind the water.Leaping in, you take a fortified position against the "horde"!
Playing a Paladin can be an enjoyable experience especially with their vast array of powers and special abilities. One of their most overlooked abilities is their calling for a bonded mount at 4th level. Several scenarios are available for this "calling" including dreams, quests, etc. in the books but I have yet to run across any published adventures for it. This adventure provides one such option for gaining the mount and utilizing the Paladin's recent ability to turn undead as well. While this is a short adventure, it gives the DM an option to go one on one with a Paladin PC and challenge him/her in order to win their steed and a little glory as well.
You have been sent to watch over the destruction of an ancient artifact by your liege, but arrive to find the temple sacked and the item missing. You and the other abassadors must take the famed Pick of Zander across the Kamula Wastelands. There you must track down the agents of evil and, if possible, destroy the artifact...time to earn your hero status!
After visiting a friend in a nearby town you head to the tavern to get some food. A recent storm has wreaked havoc and the residents are busy making repairs. Despite your offer to help the citizens politely refuse. After sitting down for your meal you quickly learned that some children found a ship that has run aground. The father tells you that the children are prone to exaggerate but you obtain directions to the supposed site anyway. Sure you’re alone, but you’ve got tons of experience already…
In PS1 - Barrow of the Culder, your newfound companions were offered a paying job as adventurers. With your victory complete it is now time to get paid. The only problem is that your benefactors are not in Merrydale, they are in Upton. With a payday in sight you head out on the Highway to Upton. As an ancient sage once said “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” In this case the journey is going to be the adventure!
With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.
AL19 – Junket to the Southlands has the PCs enjoying a little R&R in southern Allatrama when a caravan comes into town. Scuttlebutt has it that some famous Bard came in with them and is giving a performance later. With nothing else to do you opt to take a listen. After hearing the tales recited by the incredible poet you opt to visit the location of her stories. Saddle up folks, you’re heading into the frozen land to the south!
FT – Earldom of Curwood is a companion to Filbar offering FQ8 – Uprising of the Undead! This supplement gives an overview of one of the major cities in the Duchy of Bast and is the starting place for FQ8. The community is known for its diverse economic structure and makes for a nice respite for weary adventures!
Smuggler’s Den takes your group of adventurers above and below the city of Phoenix! After seeing wanted posters aka employment opportunities, you begin to sift around the marketplace for information (and deals). After finding a hint or two you go into the sewers below town to find a group of smugglers that will increase your fame and the size of your coin purses!
FVC9 – Royal Recovery is a short adventure involving a lost princess. A peace accord is in jeopardy when a royal wedding may be postponed due to a missing bride. She was secretly coming to Tol Borron, home to her future suitor, but her ship is now missing. The party has been asked by a gypsy, working on behalf of the king, to head towards the Horns of Barnack where some debris has been located. Will your party be able to solve the mystery of the missing princess?
Today we bring out a scenario for a pair of budding first level adventurers. Originally used to teach D&D to a novice, this fleshed out into a trio of adventures set on the northern island of Esaq off the coast of the ancient Greyloch Kingdom. Home to a Halfling population, the adventure takes two young people on a thrilling adventure after the duo’s home is raided by slavers. The novice delvers head east to rescue their family and fellow villagers!
The party that has made their way along the causeway has arrived on the edge of the sea and has been summoned by the high priest. The party has been asked to help in a mission on Borsk Isle. The group will be providing security to the mountain temple as a relic is going there to be destroyed. The island is home to a variety of creatures, most of which will be aggressive…up for a challenge?
You have traveled to the westernmost point in the Duchy of Starryshade as you make your way to the borderlands. Your final stop in the duchy is a small roadside inn called the Shepherd’s Spear Inn. While stopping for a respite you hear a few tales including a mysterious abbey nearby. This structure is said to only appear for a short time every three years. Magic and wealth are said to be lost within the walls of this structure and with little else to do this might be a final hurrah for your stay in Starryshade!