Gnomish denizens of Berribury are terrorized by flooding. Their only hope is for adventurers to summon the archfey of their domain; Tiddy Mun, to take the waters away. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3
The Stranger Stone, a rock that is to be used in a ritual to save the town of Berribury, has been stolen. The characters must track down the thieves and retrieve the Stone. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3
Goblins of the Malauth tribe have occupied a dwarven crypt in the Nether Mountains. When a dwarf from the hamlet of Hilltop goes missing, his brother enlists adventurers in Rauvin Vale to head up to the tomb and discover what happened to him. An introductory adventure for 1st level characters.
The Final Installment of the Tiddy Mun Trilogy Warning: This adventure is not for the most hardcore of grimdark enjoyers. Do NOT play this adventure if you do not like: Happiness, Joy, Fun, Dancing, Mischief, Maybe a little bit of mayhem, general naughtiness In the third and final installment of the Fennebog trilogy of adventures, the characters will have to brave the land of Fennebog once again. They must defeat violent darklings, negotiate with manipulative pixies and most importantly, meet the demands of a melodramatic archfey. The village of Berribury is in trouble. The characters must deliver an object called the Stranger Stone to the village so they archfey Tiddy Mun can perform a ritual to reverse the flood. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. CONTENT WARNING: Flooding, Manipulation, Deceit, Denial, Entrapment, Alcohol
Searching for a Shorebird A gnome contacts the characters in the Lucky Liar tavern of Lonelywood, and informs them of a legendary bird that has been sighted in the forest. A Tier 1, two hour adventure for Dungeoncraft (Plague of Ancients) using the Snipe Hunt Hook. Optimized for APL: 3
A novice group of adventurers foolishly leads a remorhaz threat to the town of Lonelywood. The characters must protect the settlement from these monstrosities and discover why the adventurers were attacked in the first place.
Rauvin Vale: Ashes of Lhuvenhead After a scout arrives at Hilltop and reports that hobgoblins have been spotted approaching the ruins ofLhuvenhead, the adventurers must travel to the destroyed town and dispatch the hobgoblin forces, working for the Blue Dragon Nahaunglaroth and the Blood of Morueme, before they can establish a base. A Forgotten Realms Adventure for 2nd Level Characters.