A community for lazy dungeon masters
16 adventures found
Cover of Sorrow of the Sand Lord
Sorrow of the Sand Lord
5th Edition
Level 1
5 pages

Wanderers emerge out of the desert in the dead of night, bending low against the driving sandstorm. They are adventurers, heroes whose tale has yet to begin. And they are in trouble. For he last three days, a raging sandstorm has harried you. Your faces and hands are rubbed raw by the driving sand. Worse, not once has the sun risen in that time: 3 days worth of unbroken night. Finally, something rises out of the yellow-black haze. A massive structure, outlined in moonlight. The heroes are TRAPPED in a cursed land, harried by sandstorms. They stumble apon a ruined city and a DARK TOMB that lies beneath. Can they find a way to escape this land? Or are they doomed to be drowned in the SORROW OF THE SAND LORD?

Cover of Grimalkin
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
32 pages

Lo! The corpse of poor, departed Scholar Zubayr, washed up on the shores of the River of Sand, lies in the charnel house…destined to become dinner for a cult of cannibals. Though distasteful in the extreme, this isn’t your concern—except that Princess Karima Gamila, the most beautiful gnoll in Per-Bastet, has begged you to rescue her friend’s body and help discover his fate. Still unmoved to action? Know then, adventurer, that the Scholar was hot on the trail of lost treasure! If you can claim his body from the cult and decipher the clues he left behind, long-buried riches and powerful magic might be yours. But nothing is simple in this city of dark wonders: others converge on the charnel house in pursuit of wealth, vengeance, or both. Can you out-fight and outwit vile cultists, undead catfolk, a cunning werecrocodile gnoll, and the deadly secrets that lie buried beneath the River of Sand? Set in the city of Per-Bastet in the Southlands Campaign Setting, it is meant for play either as the thrilling sequel to Cat and Mouse, or as a standalone treasure hunt! Also available in Pathfinder format.

Cover of Priestly Secrets
Priestly Secrets
Levels 2–4
20 pages

Something's rotten in Restenford! A plague of giant rats is the least of Restenford's worries. The adventure is set in the town of Restenford but with a little work can be adapted to fit almost any setting that features pirates (or once did). Pgs. 10-29

Cover of Madness of the Azure Queen
Madness of the Azure Queen
Levels 4–6
24 pages

"You opened the chest? You shouldn't have opened the chest! You are magically transported to a ruined temple surrounded by vast desert. A dragon, driven mad by the slaying of her mate and brood, lies between you and a wish-granting treasure that could mean your salvation, or spell your doom…"

Cover of Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride
Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
87 pages

Tales of the cursed pyramid and the sleeping tomb of the Mummy Bride have long been a traveler’s tale, passed along by wayward explorers and greedy plunderers alike. Deep within the verdant jungles of the south, amidst a Green Hell of impenetrable jungle, savage cannibals and ancient myth, lies the shattered remnants of a once-powerful civilization and the terrible gods who ruled over them. Rumors swirl of untold riches and unplundered magic for those brave (or foolish!) enough to claim it. Will your players survive… and what will be left of them? The Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride is an old school, grindhouse-style combination of classic role playing adventure and devilishly-designed dungeons for levels 5-7, cram-packed with b-movie goodness to challenge even the most seasoned of adventurers. It’s a module that could only have been made in the primitive jungles of man… where life is cheap! Published by Planet X Games

Cover of Temple of the Gleaming Sands
Temple of the Gleaming Sands
3.5 Edition
Level 5
9 pages

Temple of the Gleaming Sands is a short adventure for four 5th-level characters that features monsters, spells, and items from the newly released Sandstorm book. You can use this scenario to introduce the new material on deserts and arid wastelands into your campaign, or you can just use it as a site-based adventure in a desert area. The scenario is set in a remote area of the desert that very few humanoid travelers visit. The temple from which the adventure takes its name has lain forgotten for centuries and is now inhabited only by monsters who use it as a base. The area around the temple should be inhospitable enough to discourage humanoid settlement.

Cover of Risen from the Sands
Risen from the Sands
Level 3
16 pages

The deserts of Osirion—land of pharaohs and ancient tombs—hide not just untold wonders, but also unspeakable dangers. When the vast sand dunes part to reveal the ancient pyramid of the legendary Pharaoh of Sphinxes, glory seekers from across many nations race toward it, each fighting to be the first to claim its wonders. But the storied pharaoh doesn't rest quietly within this monument, and his tomb was designed to slaughter any who would dare trespass.

Cover of LP-3 The Lost Places: Iron Keep
LP-3 The Lost Places: Iron Keep
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
30 pages

First the bandits attacked then the Roc carried away the guide. Since then you have blindly followed the camels hoping that their instincts would lead you to water or help of some kind. You and your friends are lost in a sea of sand. Plodding along in the shadow of the camels and doing your best to stay alert. Ahead the heat shimmers take shape. This time it is a castle. Blinking away the dryness in your eyes you realize that the tower is not a mirage but it is broken.

Cover of Tomb of the Scorpion Prince
Tomb of the Scorpion Prince
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

The infamous Scorpion Prince ruled his domain centuries ago, but the lands are still desolate, a testament to his poisonous influence. His terrified subjects rejoiced in his death but also feared he would return if not interred properly. To ensure the prince's happiness in the afterlife and his tomb's security, his people erected a great monument and created trap-filled chambers to house and protect his body and his wealth.

Cover of Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Levels 4–6
72 pages

Many years ago a brutal bugbear chieftain united the goblinoid tribes of the Meirlara Forest and nearly wiped out all traces of the elves there within. A stroke of chance fate turned the tide and the dreaded bugbear warlord Spragnokk was defeated. His loyal kin hid his body away in a sealed chamber and then the world forgot about Spragnokk... until now. Now his bloodline continues, and they have plans to resurrect their fallen "great chieftain," to bring ruin and revenge upon the elves that handed them defeat decades past. The goblinoid tribes have once more been gathered, and their bloody revenge is imminent, except fate has yet once more placed new champions to stand in their way. They just don't realize it yet.

Cover of Return to Fel'Valashar
Return to Fel'Valashar
Levels 4–5
16 pages

Written in celebration of Swords and Wizardry Appreciation Day 2017, Return to Fel’Valashar picks up where Dungeons of Fel’Valashar left off. In this book is a collection of mini dungeon adventures with a small region called Fel’Valashar that they take place within. Each of these adventures is written in such a way that they don’t have any ties to each other or to Fel’Valashar. This means you can easily drop them into your own world with no fuss. Includes: Details of the south-western region of Fel’Valashar. Four mini dungeon adventures. New monsters. New magic items.

Cover of Crypt of the Crimson Stars
Crypt of the Crimson Stars
3.5 Edition
Level 7
8 pages

Rumors of an Eberron dragonshard of enormous size and power have reached the city of Sharn. Unfortunately, the shard is concealed winthin a Talenta Plains tomb located below a camp of cruel halfling nomads and their dinosaur pets. For centuries the Crypt of Crimson Stars has lain hidden in the vast expanse of the Talenta Plains. Now it has been found, and its legendary lost treasures draw adventurers from across the continent. Can you navigate deadly traps, fearsome guardians, and vengeful nomadic halflings to claim the prize? "Crypt of the Crimson Stars" is part one of the three-part "Shards of Eberron" Campaign Arc. Pgs. 32-41

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves (Mummy’s Mask 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves (Mummy’s Mask 2 of 6)
Level 4
91 pages

Following the opening of its necropolis, the city of Wati is overrun by hordes of the unquiet dead. The heroes must once more brave the abandoned streets and dusty tombs of Wati’s necropolis in search of the powerful artifact called the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, as well as the necromancer who is using it to create the undead uprising. But mysterious masked cultists also seek the artifact so they can bring a pharaoh from the ancient past back to life. Can the heroes defeat the evil necromancer and return the deceased to their graves, or will Wati truly become a city of the dead?

Cover of Entombed with the Pharaohs
Entombed with the Pharaohs
3.5 Edition
Level 6
32 pages

Now that the ruined pyramid tombs of the ancient emperor-gods of Osirion are finally open to exploration, the race is on to plumb their depths and rescue their priceless treasures. Entombed with the Pharaohs is a desert adventure written by Michael Kortes that pits players against rival adventurers bent on getting to the treasure first as well as the vicious monsters and lethal traps set to stop them from their plunder. Ancient secrets and wealth beyond imagination await you in the pharaohs' tombs—will you be the first to find them?

Cover of Ooze Tomb of the Oathbreaker
Ooze Tomb of the Oathbreaker
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
4 pages

A small band of centaurs have seen their water source fouled by unknown magic. When word of their plight reaches the party, they embark on a day's travel to the centaur camp. Along the way, they encounter injured wildlife and panicked bugbears. Terrifying storms beset the region, raining down acid and oozes. Agreeing to investigate the small corrupted lake, the adventurers discover a long buried evil has awakened—bringing with it oozing undead. The party must navigate the wilds, face the ooze storms, and confront a reanimated warrior who betrayed her god.

Cover of Journey Through the Center of the Underdark
Journey Through the Center of the Underdark
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
20 pages

Are your player's moving out of Velkenvelve? Enjoying a stroll along the shores of the Darklake? On a day trip from Gracklstugh to Neverlight Grove? Sightseeing near Blingdenstone? Then Journey Through the Center of the Underdark is for you. Journey Through the Center of the Underdark contains several detailed encounters ideal for fleshing out traveling days between locations in Out of the Abyss. Furthermore, these encounters could be readily inserted into any 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Underdark oriented Forgotten Realms or home campaign setting. Designed for a party of 4-6 fourth through sixth level characters, with easy notes for adjusting encounter difficulties for lower or higher level groups, Journey Through the Center of the Underdark should provide 8-10 hours of exciting in game adventure. Written for your Rage of Demons Out of the Abyss campaign, Journey Through the Center of the Underdark is ideal for any descent into the depths your characters might take. Enjoy!

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