A community for lazy dungeon masters
147 adventures found
Cover of The Ecstasy of Bleakwash Village
The Ecstasy of Bleakwash Village
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
14 pages

Explore a cult-ridden village in this adventure for 2nd-level characters set in the world’s greatest roleplaying game! Syra Fallbrook, a talented blacksmith, is due to be executed. Her only crime was trying to prevent the Cult of the Engine from taking and sacrificing her daughter, Ariadne, in a dark ritual beneath the town. The party find Bleakwash a closed off and inhospitable town, with zealous cultists and downtrodden citizens so tightly entwined that nobody trusts anybody else, and nobody can be trusted. Eventually, the quest takes them to the dungeon beneath the town, a dank, sodden crypt where the cult’s enigmatic leader seeks to awaken The Engine Of Salvation. This second-level adventure is perfect for new DMs and players alike. Visit the grim portside town of Bleakwash, save Syra and her daughter, investigate a dark cult, and do battle in the salt-crusted catacombs! Included in this adventure: A quest to clear a town of corrupting influence. An open-ended investigation in a full town map. Broken, sea-washed catacombs. 5 random encounters to support you during travel. Approx. 4 hours of fun. A gripping adventure for 2nd-level players. Visit the grim shores of Bleakwash for a holiday you'll never forget!

Cover of The Terror of Haverford
The Terror of Haverford
5th Edition
Level 1
49 pages

This Adventure is based on the web comic series, Table Titans. It is set in the same village that part of the comic takes place in, however the path of the adventure does not follow the story line set in the comics. There are familiar elements that are a wink and a nod to fans of the comic, but it is a unique story. The adventure is set around the village of Haverford, currently beset by an unknown [i]Terror[/i] that has resulted in many many deaths in the surrounding forest. The adventures have arrived at this once peaceful hamlet and if they discover the source of the [i]Terror[/i] plaguing the region they will be handsomely rewarded. The Terror of Haverford is a starter adventure. Characters will advance from level 1 to 4 if completed. This adventure has both social and combat encounters, as well as combat encounters that can be solved socially. If characters aren't thorough in their investigations they will be taken by surprise by what lies ahead.

Cover of Visions of the Vault: One Page Dungeons: Crypt of the Pale Vein
Visions of the Vault: One Page Dungeons: Crypt of the Pale Vein
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
1 pages

The chapel, once populated by the priests and priestesses of Eldath has now been desecrated by cult of necromancers who sought its secrets to prolonged life. They soon discovered the bodies of the chapel’s clerics they slew, and those interred in the catacombs below, were unnaturally strengthened and preserved by the chapel’s white waters. Their bodies were soon used to create powerful undead. Seeing this desecration of her followers, Eldath stemmed the flow of her life-giving waters. The cultists remain in her chapel, seeking to corrupt the well and harness its powers for their vile plans. Published by Arcana Games.

Cover of The Mists of Madness
The Mists of Madness
4th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

An ancient cave, defended by ancient death traps and weird arcane seals conceals the antediluvian vault of an archlich whose reign predates recorded history. Undisturbed for untold eons, the vault now stirs thanks to the machinations of cultists who have meddled with secrets best left undisturbed... This module sends the heroes to an ancient cave occupied by cultists dedicated to the Mists of Madness. Defended by ancient death traps and weird arcane seals, the caves conceal an antediluvian vault, the resting place of an archlich whose reign predates recorded history in the Known Realms. Undisturbed for untold eons, now the machinations of the cultists and their eladrin master threaten to awaken the archlich, to dire ends that none can predict.

Cover of CCC-BMG-05 CORE 2-2 Songs of Law & Chaos
CCC-BMG-05 CORE 2-2 Songs of Law & Chaos
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Omens speak of an old and forgotten power located within a played-out diamond mine in the foothills of Thar, and some believe that might be a solution to the current problems facing Melvaunt—or possibly the cause of them. With danger closing in, someone has to investigate. The adventures converse with a drunken gnome, from a previous installment, and decent the gnome's diamond to rescue his kidnapped family and confront the cultists of Cyric. Part Two of the Misaligned Trilogy

Cover of Fifth Edition Funnel
Fifth Edition Funnel
5th Edition
Level 0
20 pages

Ever wanted to face the cold, dark, and dangerous unknown without the advantages of a fantasy hero? This is your chance! Fifth Edition Funnel puts a spin on character creation. In the Funnel, each participating player quickly generates several 0-level characters blessed with the abilities and low survivability of your average commoner. Those that survive will be promoted to 1st-level heroines and heroes. The Funnel bonds characters over common challenges they meet and (hopefully) overcome. The surviving 1st-level characters share a common origin as adventurers. Instead of merely rolling dice, there is a trial by fire where average people succeed against the odds to do something heroic (or hide under a table in a tavern).

Cover of Under The Devil’s Thumb
Under The Devil’s Thumb
5th Edition
Level 5
14 pages

The city is plagued by an affliction being called "stone sickness" or "the gorgon’s touch" that disorients people and turns them to stone. Those with, or suspected to have, the affliction are being banished from the city. Some demand a cure, but most are just scared for their loved ones. A ravenfolk woman named Spinel Larkdon, mother to a child with the gorgon’s touch, begs the PCs for assistance. An artifact known as the Shroud of Tiberesh, capable of curing any sickness, is locked away within The Umbers' vault of spoils below the city. Passionate, she is determined to save her son and all those afflicted. Fortunately for the player characters, completing the Umber’s Gauntlet alive means they are not only entitled entrance into the cult, but also a single item from its vault of spoils. The PC's only hope of procuring the Shroud is by traversing this initiation Gauntlet – a series of traps, monsters, and puzzles devoted to the demon-god Nakresh - and claiming the Shroud as their prize.

Cover of Tomb of the Scorpion Prince
Tomb of the Scorpion Prince
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

The infamous Scorpion Prince ruled his domain centuries ago, but the lands are still desolate, a testament to his poisonous influence. His terrified subjects rejoiced in his death but also feared he would return if not interred properly. To ensure the prince's happiness in the afterlife and his tomb's security, his people erected a great monument and created trap-filled chambers to house and protect his body and his wealth.

Cover of The Crypt of Somber Hill
The Crypt of Somber Hill
5th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

The town of Somber Hill is a quiet settlement in the foothills of a mountain range. A few days travel from the nearest city, the people of Somber Hill are a humble and self-reliant bunch. Unbeknownst to its people, the small town hides a sinister secret, some of the residents of Somber Hill belong to a cult that worships a long dead entity. Known only as The Dark One by their followers, this ancient being once called Old Somber Hill home. Their dark master is entombed in the catacombs beneath the town, and the cult hopes to resurrect their master with a blood sacrifice. The Crypt of Somber Hill is a Setting Neutral adventure and thus can be easily included in any existing story-line with minor alterations and adjustments or outright slotted into any existing campaign setting.

Cover of Written in Blood
Written in Blood
5th Edition
Levels 1–14
14 pages

"Every year, the Awakening Festival draws folk from across the rich expanse known as Godsbreath, uniting celebrants as they tell their history in song and set the course for the upcoming year. But the mood turns grim when a group of farmers suddenly turns violent, manipulated by an unknown magical malady. In the aftermath, well-known trader Aunt Dellie fears for her goddaughter Kianna-a worker at the farm the attackers came from, deep within the outlying farmlands known as the Rattle. When characters investigate, they are pitted against a lurking evil that uses a young woman's grief and loneliness to lure new victims." Roll20VTT

Cover of Neither by Sail, Nor by Oar
Neither by Sail, Nor by Oar
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
3 pages

The party arrange for passage on a fast ship called the Silver Slipper. The good Captain Sara agrees to take them aboard for a reasonable fee. The voyage, however, is marred by strange events, and the crew begin whispering about a dark statue taken aboard as cargo. The statue is to be delivered to a port beyond the PCs' destination. When a fog rolls in one night, the ship is attacked by evil agents of a dark god come to claim the statue. In this nautical nightmare, the PCs must travel aboard the ship, interact with the crew, and save themselves from a boarding party of eldritch evil.

Cult of Desire: Shadows of Oath-Iron
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Famous hunter and Resident Hero Task of Alivast welcomes you on your journey to becoming an adventurer.However, when his son Tarusk is kidnapped he will need your help to get him back. Yet something stale is on the wind. A cult following an evil Demi-god stands in your way and help may come from an unlikely place. Thus begins the quest of a lifetime for you and your fellow adventures. travel through forests, cold mountains, and even a trip beyond. Meet NPCs of original creation and some you may know of. But be ready, for sometimes... You may need to peer beyond what is before you to live. This is the first of a series of fan modules I'm working on. SO ENJOY! I have 6 planned so I hope you will be patient with me. Either way, I'm sure this small adventure will entertain you. Thank you to the Unexpectables Crew (Monty, Connor, Zito, Gaijin, Taka, Ed) For inspiring me with a world and characters I want to write about. Thank you to my Beta Readers (Tixdixl, Magologue, and KingKiwi). You were a great help. Thank you to the fans who allowed the show to go on for so long.

Cover of Rappan Athuk - The Dungeon of Graves (5E)
Rappan Athuk - The Dungeon of Graves (5E)
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
662 pages

The Dungeon of Graves, is nothing more and nothing less than a good, old–fashioned, First Edition dungeon crawl updated for the 5th Edition Roleplaying Game. Very difficult, it should strike fear into the hearts of the most stalwart adventurers. It offers an abundance of traps, tricks, and monsters. We hope that you find this module as fun and exciting as those thousands of players who have ventured into (and not as often out of) the endless caverns and mazes of Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves. Rappan Athuk is a difficult dungeon. Even the upper dungeon levels should not be attempted by a party of less than six mid-level characters.

Cover of Cutter's Last Voyage
Cutter's Last Voyage
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
13 pages

A sunken ship...a lost relic...a race against evil! A seafaring adventure for charactes level 5-7! Years ago, the Salt of the Wavemother terrorized the seas, captained by the fearsome Cutter Blighe. Overnight it vanished along with all souls aboard. Now cultists are seeking Tarsik Bilgebreach, rumored to be the only surviving crew member. It's up to you to accompany Tarsik to the wreck of the Wavemother and prevent the cultists from acquiring an artifact that would give them control of the sea! Includes suggestions on how to place the adventure in your larger Ghost of Saltmarsh campaign, including faction opinions of the events!

Cover of DDEX02-16 Boltsmelter's Book
DDEX02-16 Boltsmelter's Book
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
34 pages

A dwarven expedition has stopped in Mulmaster for much-needed supplies. Furgis Boltsmelter, their founder and leader, is looking for some “no questions asked” protection for the duration of his stay in the city. Whatever he is trying to protect may not stay hidden for long. Can you keep his secret treasure out of the wrong hands? A four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of Feast of Ravenmoor
Feast of Ravenmoor
Level 3
32 pages

For decades, the tiny village of Ravenmoor has existed quietly on the upper reaches of the Lampblack River. Linked to the outside world only by an overgrown, mostly forgotten trail, the villagers are comfortable with their isolation. Certainly, the lack of a village inn, the oppressive humidity, and the bug-infested moors and swamps that surround the village do little to encourage visitors. When a clerk in the city of Magnimar discovers that, due to a clerical error, the village of Ravenmoor hasn’t paid taxes in years, a tax collector is sent to the distant community to settle accounts with its mayor. When the tax collector fails to return, however, a group of adventurers must travel to the town during its Founders’ Feast celebration to investigate his disappearance.

Cover of The Last Breaths of Ashenport
The Last Breaths of Ashenport
4th Edition
Level 8
36 pages

The seaside town of Ashenport has a troubled past and a dark secret. If you spend a night in Ashenport, you just might not wake up the next morning. "The Last Breaths of Ashenport" is an adventure of survival and alien horrors. The adventure is self-contained and can be placed in any setting. Pgs. 70-105

Cover of The Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar
The Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
34 pages

The Dread tunnels of Ruxbar were created by a cult of a lesser evil deity of the giant pantheon, known as Jargain to serve as a planar gate in hope of bringing chaos and destruction to the natural order of the world and power to the one who would control the gate. Ruxabar was the high cultist who completed the ritual but to his surprise nothing of what he expected came through the gate. Plague creatures, toxic gases and vapors, diseases of all kinds and decay lay quick waste to him and his cult. For some time the gate remained open and the settlements nearby were afflicted with diseases never seen before. The nearby town of Stagwood was quickly abandoned due to the plague. Rumor has it that the gods have weakened the gate and the cult has been destroyed. The remaining villages that managed to somewhat resist the plague are now hiring brave adventurers to venture into the tunnels and close the planar gate for good! Are you capable enough of surviving the horrors that reside in the Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar? Published by Mistfactor Press

Cover of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
5th Edition
Levels 5–20
320 pages

In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon shunned by all but the most daring adventurers. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteries—to what end is a constant source of speculation and concern. This adventure picks up where Waterdeep: Dragon Heist leaves off, taking characters of 5th level or higher all the way to 20th level should they explore the entirety of Halaster’s home. Twenty-three levels of Undermountain are detailed herein, along with the subterranean refuge of Skullport. Treasures and secrets abound, but tread with care!

Cover of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
3rd Edition
Levels 3–4
188 pages

Years ago, brave heroes put the denizens of the Temple of Elemental Evil to the sword. Now, dark forces whisper again in the shadows of the once-deserted temple - forces far more insidious and dangerous than any sane person could dream. Evil has risen again to threaten the village of Hommlet. A continuation of the original AD&D Temple of Elemental Evil, made for a party of 4th-level adventurers, taking them up to 14th level.