A community for lazy dungeon masters
661 adventures found
Cover of Eye of Myrkul
Eye of Myrkul
Levels 6–8
22 pages

Retrieve the bones of a dracolich to save the life of a paladin. The epic conclusion of the Mere of Dead Men series. Set in the Mere of Dead Men region of the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
Levels 2–4
28 pages

Danger Lurks in the Lendore Isles. Bands of evil creatures prowl the hills overlooking the town of Restenford. Now you have come to this sleepy little village looking for adventure and excitement. You seek to fathom the unexplored reaches of Bone Hill and unlock the mysteries of Restenford. TSR 9045

Cover of FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
Levels 5–8
18 pages

For those seeking high level adventure in the dead lands of the Adurite Empire the trail leads through Qualtorian’s Gap. This area was once a breadbasket of agricultural success that fed a great deal of the empire. Qualtorian, a retired general, knew that the best friend to an army was its filled stomach. After leaving the military he set to creating vast wheat fields and arbors for food and drink needs. Decades after his death and the fall of the empire this land is teaming with humanoids and other creatures to challenge your PCs!

Cover of RA1 Feast of Goblyns
RA1 Feast of Goblyns
Levels 4–7
96 pages

In Feast of Goblyns, a party of adventurers is mysteriously transported from the lands they know to a dark and dangerous demiplane known as Ravenloft. Trapped in this realm of terror, they must use all their skills to escape the manipulations of one of Ravenloft's most powerful lords as they attempt to seek out the accursed Crown of Soldiers. If all goes well, they just might live long enough to escape this dread land and return to their homes. Also of note: As the first published adventure, is bundled with a DM screen for running games in Ravenloft. TSR 9298

Cover of Forest of Doom
Forest of Doom
Levels 4–7
16 pages

For as far back in time as the tales of history stretch, the area bordering what is now the Lands of Launewt has been a foreboding, practically impenetrable forest. When the lords who ruled the various borderlands united to form the Council of Launewt a century ago, the forest was in the same physical condition as it is now: thick, dark, and expansive, said to be so dense at the center that sunlight pervaded the foliage only on the brightest days. Pgs. 41-56

Cover of U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Levels 1–3
31 pages

Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist's mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumors of a fabulous, forgotten treasure. What is its sinister secret. Made for 5-10 character of levels 1-3, contains maps, handouts and encounter descriptions. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. TSR 9062

Cover of The Halls of Beoll-Dur
The Halls of Beoll-Dur
Level 8
17 pages

Built into what was thought to be an inactive volcano, the Halls of Beoll-Dur were created as an isolated training ground for dwarven clerics. However, upon their mountain shaking itself awake the dwarves discovered that they shared the mountain with something far more sinister. Few escaped to tell of the massacre as an horde of salamanders rising from the fiery depths, claiming the halls for their king. Now the temple sits desecrated, waiting for the day that hero's will purify it of the evils within. Pgs. M1-M16

Cover of Moonless Night: The Defense of Goblin’s Tooth Volume II - Faces of Love
Moonless Night: The Defense of Goblin’s Tooth Volume II - Faces of Love
Levels 2–3
45 pages

Moonless Night is an adventure module composed of short adventures which are compatible with both the first and second editions of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game.

Cover of FA1 Halls of the High King
FA1 Halls of the High King
Levels 6–8
71 pages

Someone in the misty, wooded Moonshae isles needs hundreds of brand new swords taken under guard from Sword Coast smiths to a certain place on the Isles. The swords are needed so badly, and their safe arrival is considered so unlikely, that someone is willing to pay adventurers a lot of gold - someone fairly important. Adventures foolish enough to take assignments too good to be true (or merely desperate for coins) will soon find themselves embroiled in a dark and mysterious struggle against evil that will take them into sacred groves, crumbling castles, and through ancient magical gates to the halls of the High King - and beyond -- An adventure that takes place on the Moonshae Isles, in which a mid-to-high level party fights against the encroaching darkness of The Cult of Bane. Although helped by the Harpers, players will have to uncover the plans of the cult, and thwart them where possible. Preventing the summoning of the "Godson", a manifestation of Bane's evil. Part of the "Forgotten Realms Adventure" series, this is FA1 - Halls of the High King. FA2 is "Nightmare Keep" TSR 9301

Cover of Reunion
Low Level
32 pages

Once, the Tribe of Altair roamed the sands, free as the great eagle on the wind. Now, caged by an evil mage, these desert riders yearn for their lost freedom. But fate takes a hand as a noble djinn seeks to fulfill an ancient wish... In this unusual three-part scenario, players first take the roles of the men of the tribe, who stage a revolt after being enslaved in the Pit of the Laughing Efreeti and then try to battle their way to freedom. In the second part, the PCs are the women of the tribe, who must escape the evil flame mage's harem and use all their wits to win free of a strange city. Finally, the children of the tribe have to slip away from an evil temple before they can be sacrificed, which calls for them to embark on a magic carpet ride that promises to be the adventure of their lifetimes. TSR 9584

Cover of For a Lady's Honor
For a Lady's Honor
Levels 4–7
9 pages

When the Guildmaster speaks, everybody listens. When the going gets tough, the thieves get going. For 3-6 thieves. Pgs. 9-16 & 34

Cover of C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
Levels 4–7
32 pages

Excitement and unrest grip the land of Pellham. Two hundred years ago, the royal line of kings was deposed and replaced by a High Council. The current council is well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent. Everyone agrees that a drastic change is needed for the kingdom to survive. The ancient Prophecy of Brie foretells that in Pellham's darkest hour, a king from the past will return to restore the kingdom. The time of the prophecy is now. All is in readiness: the symbols of the ancient kings have been recovered, the keys to the royal tomb are in hand, powerful magics to revive the long-dead king have been secured at great cost. Only one problem remains... no one knows where the king is buried! The Bane of Llywelyn concludes the epic adventure of the Prophecy of Brie -- can YOU insure that the quest will be a success? The adventure can be played as a separate adventure or as the second part of the Prophecy of Brie series. TSR 9109

Cover of FD9 - Windmill of Tregg
FD9 - Windmill of Tregg
Levels 4–6
22 pages

You’ve arrived at the small community of Smentz (15 locations!) to regain strength after your last adventure. While speaking with the people of the small village you catch wind of some ruins across the river that may have a mine or cache of ore and ruins to investigate. Your group is not the first who has had interest in searching but those that have ventured east have not returned. Are you ready for a bit more adventure?

Cover of FT - Cedarwood
FT - Cedarwood
Level 1
46 pages

Let’s face after multiple dungeon delves and wilderness encounters you just want to spend some of that hard won loot. If your party has been out in the wilderness a little too long the high walls of a frontier city is a welcome sight. Such is the case with the large community of Cedarwood in the Plains of Dorack. At 46 pages of locales if the PCs can’t find something interesting, they need a cure blindness spell!

Cover of FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Randal Morn certainly has his hands full! The temple of Lathander, which burned to the ground eight years ago, seems to be the source of a curse affecting the entire town. People are taking ill, animals are dying overnight, crops are failing. All this seems to have started after Eragyn, priestess of Cyric, disappeared from Daggerdale. Shortly before that, a forgotten mage-lord's crypt was discovered and opened, and things just haven't been the same since. Constable Tren is displeased with the situation, what with suspicion being cast in the Zhentarim's direction as well as toward Cyric's priesthood. He's undoubtedly making the Dalesfolk's lives more difficult than usual because of this upheaval. Randal has sent out the call for aid to all who are interested and able to help; his freedom riders have their hands full already. A missing evil priestess, a mage-lord's crypt-curse, a plague, and possible Zhentarim involvement: all the elements of a rousing adventure in one place! Where do your characters sign up? Step right this way, won't you? TSR 9391

Cover of F1 - Zombie Curse
F1 - Zombie Curse
Levels 1–3
26 pages

As you begin your travels to fame and glory you have discovered the road is actually paved mostly with dirt and boredom. You have heard of the caravan attacks at Feastelburg and have begun to make your way to fame and fortune. As light begins to fade from the sky you have come upon a sign welcoming you to the small lake community of Crystal Shores. What appears to be a smoldering funeral pyre is near the lake’s edge and a small group of children play near the road. Your journey to the caravan raiders is halfway there. A few more days and you will begin your life as adventurers!

Cover of DF2 The Lost Apprentice
DF2 The Lost Apprentice
Levels 3–5
15 pages

Continue the adventure inside the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the second part of this new gaming trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Now entrenched in the tapestry of The Patina Court, the players must begin unraveling an even greater mystery that lies beneath the streets. Taking the adventure to the sewers, get ready to explore some of the locations that have made Valoria so famous among its players over the years This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Levels 5–7
9 pages

A little friendly competition can be fun now and then - unless, of course, the competition isn't friendly at all. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of Voyage of the Crimpshrine
Voyage of the Crimpshrine
Levels 3–5
10 pages

Up the river "Just sit right back, and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip..." Pgs. 58-67

Cover of F11 - Prison of Oxidosus
F11 - Prison of Oxidosus
Levels 6–9
26 pages

As your party closes in on the coast of the Newmack Sea you are greeted by a large group of the duke’s military. After gaining an audience with General Zulta you discover that your reputation has preceded you. The general asks your party if they could assist him in the capture of the rogue mage Oxidosus who is currently trapped in his island fortress. A cautionary note, if the players make poor decisions TPK is a very real possibility!