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661 adventures found
Cover of ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
Levels 2–10
64 pages

High Adventure is Your Companion Throughout the Land of Fate! There is no escaping Fate in the world of Zakhara, home of caliphs and favored land of the genies. And the Fate of brave adventurers is to travel the wide realms, vanquishing the urnrighteous and protecting the meek. A Dozen and One Adventures leads the characters from bustling Muluk, City of Kings, to the mysterious citadel fo flame, and many points between. They may meet the king who never died, the fish-people of the Great Sea, and other wonders too amazing to mention. This adventuresourcebox contains a 64-page booklet of 13 adventures, a 32-page campaign guide describing Muluk, the northern lands, and several new magical items, a poster map of Muluk and Krakal-Niraan, six map cards, and four MC instert pages featuring NPCs. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. Contains 13 adventures. TSR 9432

Cover of RM2 The Created
RM2 The Created
Levels 2–4
50 pages

A bizarre puppet master pulls the strings in this introductory RAVENLOFT® adventure for lower level characters. "Beware what you wish, for it might come true" is an old Vistani saying. In the small town of Odiare, a toymarker has wished a puppet to life--only this puppet is not a friendly, playful toy. It is a thing of evil, bent upon killing all the adults of Odiare. When the player characters are trapped within this town, Maligno the puppet and his animated toys begin to hunt them down. The PCs' only chance for escape is to defeat the mad marionette.

Cover of Tale of the Comet
Tale of the Comet
160 pages

Strange lights in the sky, prophecies of doom, and a threat unlike any other draw the heroes to Aston Point. In this small frontier town, the fate of the world will be decided. If the heroes and their strange new allies defeat the invaders, they must then pass through a portal to another battleground, a metal city on a far-distant world, where aliens fight desperately against death machines that threaten to overwhelm all organic life. So trade in your sword for a blaster rifle, your sling stones for a few high-explosive grenades, and see what happens when you mix magic with high technology. This box contains A 32-page book, The Cast and Props, describing new, high-tech equipment, detailing the battleground of the Rael-Overseer war, and explaining how to mix fantasy and science under the AD&D game system. Two 64-page books, The Tale Begins and Crossing Over, presenting the grand adventure that is the Tale of the Comet. Eight sheets of charts, maps, art, and statistics for the players and the DM. Two posters, one a double-sided map of the regions where the action takes place and the other an illustration of all the technological terrors the heroes will have to face in the course of the adventure. TSR 1143, From 1997

Grotto of The Queen
Levels 6–9
15 pages

A party of adventures has gone missing and the inhabitants of a local town have been acting strangely it is up to the party to figure out what is going on and stop what ever force are at work on the towns people

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Cover of FS7 - A Paladin's Warhorse
FS7 - A Paladin's Warhorse
Levels 1–4
12 pages

Playing a Paladin can be an enjoyable experience especially with their vast array of powers and special abilities. One of their most overlooked abilities is their calling for a bonded mount at 4th level. Several scenarios are available for this "calling" including dreams, quests, etc. in the books but I have yet to run across any published adventures for it. This adventure provides one such option for gaining the mount and utilizing the Paladin's recent ability to turn undead as well. While this is a short adventure, it gives the DM an option to go one on one with a Paladin PC and challenge him/her in order to win their steed and a little glory as well.

Cover of FP2 – Under Castle Modum
FP2 – Under Castle Modum
Levels 2–4
16 pages

The Adurite Empire ruled most of the area centuries ago due in no small part to its chain of mighty fortresses. Chief among these bastions was the formidable Castle Modum. This ancient refuge was said to hold mighty magic which may or may not have been the downfall to the castle. Long abandoned the area has always been rumored to house spectral forces and evil creatures. Recently strange lights have been spotted over the keep and the citizens are concerned that an ancient magic has been awakened. The call has come to your ears that adventure awaits….are you ready?

Cover of Thunder Under Needlespire
Thunder Under Needlespire
Levels 8–12
23 pages

From the magazine: "The monster you're sent out after is so dangerous that even mind flayers fear it. And the illithids want your help!" Earthquakes hit the area around Needlespire mountain, affecting both dwarven and deep gnome villages, and the local mining industry. Deep gnome expeditions discover an illithid outpost! This adventure includes roleplaying encounters with both deep gnomes and illithid in their quest for the true cause of the earthquakes. The creature causing the earthquakes is a draknor which has sent its huge tentacles into the earth seeking magma to fuel its growth. Pgs. 38-60

Cover of Hellgate Keep
Hellgate Keep
Levels 9–12
38 pages

Hellgate keep - a name that once made the boldest of heroes shudder in fear - was long ago known as the fair citadel of Ascalhorn, a haven for elves and humans. The the demonic horde of bateezu and tanar`ri destroyd all remnants of real cicilization and turnet it into a den of malevolence. Today, the citadel lies ruined. The mistmaster and the harpers destroyed the keep and ended its centuries-long reign of evil...or so they believed

Cover of WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
Levels 3–5
8 pages

The Ruins of Alaxar is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #15 (WS2 The Forgotten Plateau). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their exploration of the Sacred Plateau. Smoke still rises from the ruinds of the once mighty citadel of the Corsairs of Uthoria. Now, amid the ruins, the characters find that a deadly force still lurks, and they must end it if they are to find the new location of their quest's last hurdle, the Necrotic Pearl! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of For a Lady's Honor
For a Lady's Honor
Levels 4–7
9 pages

When the Guildmaster speaks, everybody listens. When the going gets tough, the thieves get going. For 3-6 thieves. Pgs. 9-16 & 34

Cover of RQ3 From the Shadows
RQ3 From the Shadows
Levels 9–12
64 pages

TSR 9375, from 1992

Cover of SJS1 Goblin's Return
SJS1 Goblin's Return
Levels 7–10
96 pages

Hundreds of years ago, the elves and goblinkin fought for control of known space in the Unhuman War. The elves emerged victorious and the goblinkin were driven out to lick their wounds an plot revenge for another day. That day has come. After centuries of plotting and building, a new race of advanced orcs known as the scro have rallied the goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds. It is only a matter of time before they infiltrate known space to wreak destruction on the inhabited planets. The elves are looking for a few good adventurers to infiltrate a scro base and steal any information valuable to the war effort. Your PCs are offered the chance to become heroes?or die trying. Goblin's Return is a 64-page adventure set in the second Unhuman War. The first of a two-part module series, it can later be linked with Heart of the Enemy or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure. TSR 9347

Cover of The Apocalypse Stone
The Apocalypse Stone
Level 15
96 pages

"The end times approach. To everything there is a season. Every campaign has to come to an end sometime, so why not go out with a bang? The Apocalypse Stone is an epic adventure to challenge high-level characters, but beware, it will destroy your world. This adventure has it all: gods and devils, plague and pestilence, rains of fire, and world-shattering conflicts. Here is an opportunity for PCs to display undreamt-of heroism. . . or fall to ultimate defeat. The Apocalypse Stone is a tool for Dungeon Masters to present extremely challenging encounters for high-level parties, to wrap up a long-running campaign. . .or both. This adventure is a literal universe-ender. Past a certain point in the campaign, there is nothing the players can do. The world *will* end.

Cover of The Lurkers in the Library
The Lurkers in the Library
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Some monsters don't have any class. The quest for knowledge can be as dangerous as any other. The heroes investigate a library after one of the locals claims to have seen a librarian be attacked by a tentacled creature. In reality, a group of orcs found a secret entrance into the library and the "tentacle" is merely the whip that the leader wields. The party must make their way through a labyrinth hidden underneath the library and rescue the hostages. Pgs. 4-9

Cover of Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Some ports are more dangerous than the storm. It's alive, it's hungry, it's growing. And you're on the menu. Alone, out in the wilds with a savage winter storm bearing down on you, you need shelter to survive. You stumble through the trees and smell wood-smoke. Ahead you spot the small fortified trading outpost known as Jacob's well. You're not the only traveller to find themselves stranded here in the teeth of the storm. The only problem, someone has bought something with them, it's alive, it's growing, it's voracious and you are all on the menu. Think Aliens and The Thing and you're on the right track. Has potential to be scaled to suit a group of adventurers. Pgs. 8-23

Cover of OA2 Night of the Seven Swords
OA2 Night of the Seven Swords
Levels 4–6
48 pages

While Maeshi province revels in the festival spirit, clouds gather over the political scene. Two warlords are vying for control of this otherwise peaceful place, and you are guests of one of them. Sun Temple officials have offered complete support to the faction which successfully travels to Ito-jo Castle (said to hold relics of great importance to the Sun Temple), brings them back safely, and returns them to the Inn of the Globefish. The plan is laid before you. You are to leave immediately under secrecy for the castle of the Ito clan, also known as the Seven Swords clan. Find the relics, and return them to the renowned inn Doi no Fugu. Extreme caution is needed here, for your warlord's rival must not hear of this! Is the castle really haunted? What lies in the caverns beneath it? Will Korimori's troops discover your plan and try to wrest the relics from you, should you even get that far? What will you find at the Inn of the Globefish? Come, honorable stranger - the Seven Swords await! This module contains an extended adventure in four parts: Ito-Jo, The Ghost Castle Beneath The Ghost Castle A Day In The Country Yakuza's Honor TSR 9186

Cover of The Unkindness of Ravens
The Unkindness of Ravens
Levels 3–5
13 pages

If the ravens die, Crawford Manor falls. Soaked from the storm and weary from travel, the adventurers seek shelter for the night at the manor house on a hill. The PCs are shown rooms to change into dry clothing, and invited to dine with Lord Crawford this evening. Dinner is interrupted by a woman's scream from a nearby room: Corbett, the master-at-arms has been murdered! This adventure is an atmospheric murder mystery set in a manor house. While it's setting-neutral, it would be a good fit for a Ravenloft setting. Pgs. 52-64

Cover of ROS2 The Tremors in the Machine
ROS2 The Tremors in the Machine
Levels 3–5
40 pages

A series of small earthquakes have brought a sense of disquiet to the town of Daern Kelton and Roslof Keep. Against these strange earthly portents, the members of the Ivory Scimitar have claimed their place as a true Mithel Company, but even greater danger now awaits them in the second level of the Dungeon of the Black Fey Mithelvarn. What lost secrets will be revealed as they journey below? What new threats and adventures can be had in Daern Kelton? The town opens its doors to the brave new heroes of the Company of the Ivory Scimitar. Here continues the Roslof Keep Campaign in the pages of ROS2, The Tremors in the Machine. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
Levels 5–7
48 pages

Your family and those of your friends are deeply indebted to the Ko family, a clan of merchants from distant and alien Shou Lung. The Ko have been instructed by their emperor to develop an island possession to extend the Glorious Empire of Shou Lung. The colony there is failing because of fell spirits and dire hauntings. The Ko family is calling in old favors to discover who is responsible for these evil sendlings. And if the Ko have a problem, you have a prolem.... So you and your companions are bound for the island of Akari, a small pebble in the Celestial Sea. There you will find a land rich in ancient lore and guarded by the sword of a spectral samurai - Ochimo, the spirit warrior. Yet this is only the first taste of the adventures that await you. Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior is an adventure for characters of levels 5-7 and uses the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. The module includes descriptions of Akari Island, as well as much information on the lifestyles, attitudes, and history of the most civilized nation in the world: Shou Lung. TSR 9195