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452 adventures found
Knowledge is Power
3.5 Edition
Level 6
9 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. Harried by pursuing Shadow forces, the adventurers take refuge in the fissures of a vast glacier. In these icy caverns they battle the risen remains of an orc tribe and make contact with a powerful potential ally.

Cover of Valanche's Eye
Valanche's Eye
5th Edition
Level 4
16 pages

A gnomish settlement is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes, the wrath of an Earth Elemental. Can the heroes save the gnomes? Do the greedy gnomes deserve to be saved? "Valanche's Eye" was inspired by a desire to write an adventure which blurs the line of who the bad guy actually is, or indeed whether or not there's a really tangible villain. It takes the "patron hires adventurers to clear dungeon" trope and twists it – the patron turns out to be a pretty rotten bastard, and the monsters in the dungeon are just trying to live their lives. It starts when gnome gem-miners strike the mother lode of emeralds and sapphires, only to find themselves run off their claim. First they accidentally broke through to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, and mephits burst out to annoy them. When they were just about done dealing with the mephits, they disturbed an earth elemental who just wants to be left alone, and emeralds are its favorite snack. The mine boss hires the adventurers to come kill all the elementals. But should they?

Cover of FP12 - Raiders at Fargone
FP12 - Raiders at Fargone
Levels 5–8
20 pages

Coming off the Plains of Dorack, you enter the Glockenspiel Mountains, where the remote village of Fargone is located. A merchant caravan you encountered a few days ago mentioned that Fargone residents have discovered a pass through the mountains to the sea; and a new trade route is opening up. This sounds like a nice place to stop before venturing to the sea! As you approach the area where Fargone is said to be, large billowing smoke clouds can be seen….this could be problematic…..

Cover of The Burning Plague (3.5)
The Burning Plague (3.5)
3rd Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A sickness has come unto the simple mining community of Duvik’s Pass, poisoning their wells and blighting their crops. With the pestilence leaving the strongest men of the town’s guard a few short days away from death, the burden of descending into the mines and purging the wellspring of whatever evil has settled there falls to an intrepid band of adventurers. Can these noble heroes prevail within the depths of Duvik’s Pass, or will they too fall victim to the perils of The Burning Plague? The Burning Plague is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure designed for a party of four to six characters of 1st level. Dungeon Masters (DMs) should feel free to adjust the adventure as necessary to accommodate groups not falling within this range. However, given the fairly low power level of the inhabitants of the mines at Duvik’s Pass, it should be noted that parties consisting of 20 or more total levels are unlikely to find satisfactory challenge within The Burning Plague.

Cover of Shattered Souls
Shattered Souls
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

The Shades of Bodach Ridge Whitepeak has a dark history of black magic originating with the evil witch Skruul the Reaper. The dark rituals she conducted seemed sure to plague the region, until a plucky group of adventurers thwarted her plans sending her into a state of perpetual fractured undeath. Now souls scatter from her old haunt on Bodach Ridge. What could have set these souls free?

Cover of The Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar
The Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
34 pages

The Dread tunnels of Ruxbar were created by a cult of a lesser evil deity of the giant pantheon, known as Jargain to serve as a planar gate in hope of bringing chaos and destruction to the natural order of the world and power to the one who would control the gate. Ruxabar was the high cultist who completed the ritual but to his surprise nothing of what he expected came through the gate. Plague creatures, toxic gases and vapors, diseases of all kinds and decay lay quick waste to him and his cult. For some time the gate remained open and the settlements nearby were afflicted with diseases never seen before. The nearby town of Stagwood was quickly abandoned due to the plague. Rumor has it that the gods have weakened the gate and the cult has been destroyed. The remaining villages that managed to somewhat resist the plague are now hiring brave adventurers to venture into the tunnels and close the planar gate for good! Are you capable enough of surviving the horrors that reside in the Dreaded Tunnels of Ruxabar? Published by Mistfactor Press

Cover of F15 - Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains
F15 - Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains
Levels 7–9
29 pages

Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains is/was the finale in Filbar series. It features Lexicon Meridius the Ancient Red Dragon and scourge of the Dwarf Lords (F4 & F5). This large adventure represents how I look at the difficulty of taking on the deadliest dragon of the Prime Material plane. Will your party return to the Halls of the Dwarf Lords to help aid them one more time?

Cover of NC7 - Giant Foothold
NC7 - Giant Foothold
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
25 pages

The bustling metropolis of Saydown City is the largest settlement in the Denali land and home to the current ruler King Pellet. As your party reaches the watery entrance a huge iron statue guards the docks. Upon closer inspection you notice that the item is actually a golem. After continued investigation you discover that the ‘heart’ of the creature has been stolen and you accept the job to uncover the loss!

Cover of Campfire Tales: In-Between Encounters
Campfire Tales: In-Between Encounters
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
44 pages

Settling down as the sky turns black with rest, you gather by the heated campfire and swap stories to pass the night. You hear tales of wonder and worry, descriptions of distant lands, plants, and beasts. Exchanged this night are stories of thieving travellers, worried giants, and godly squabbles. Ever wanted small stories to make travel more interesting than random encounters? Ever just wanted to run shorter games? Maybe you’re just low on prep time for your next session. In this volume of campfire tales you’ll find eight half-a-session length adventures that help with all these classic DM worries. Also included is an in-depth appendix of fauna, flora, locations, and more to help boost your game.

Visitors from Above
Levels 4–8
20 pages

"One night, a piece of the sky fell to earth..." "Visitors from Above" introduces the DM and players to the concept of flying ships, alien races, and space travel as described in the AD&D SPELLJAMMER boxed set. The adventure is compatible with AD&D 2nd Edition rules and the Monstrous Compendium, but can easily be played with only AD&D 1st Edition rules. "The adventure is designed for 4-9 characters of 4th-8th level (a maximum of 30 total levels). "The PCs begin in the city of Neverwinter and must venture upriver through the Neverwinter Woods to Mount Hotenow."

Cover of The Snow Stalkers
The Snow Stalkers
5th Edition
Level 5
18 pages

When the members of The Red Drakes adventuring party go missing with precious cargo, it's up to the characters to find them before a blizzard hits. Can the group survive the grisly revelations waiting for them in the remote peaks of Frostfall Pass? The Snow Stalkers is an ice-cold horror adventure for 5th-level characters. It's a one-shot that takes about 3-5 hours to complete and includes: -A race against a deadly blizzard and abominable enemies -Three new monsters that relentlessly stalk the characters -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra
Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
38 pages

Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra is a collection of 12 unique Tier 1 side stories filled with danger, horror, & mystery for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. It can be easily integrated into your adventures set in the frozen lands of the North or during any Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. Featuring ❄12 unique pre-adjusted Tier 1 encounters ❄38 pages filled with amazing artworks by artists from all around the World ❄A handy and image-free print-friendly version ❄Coloured battle maps that can be printed or used in your VTT platforms ❄New frightening creatures!

Cover of Unsettled Ground
Unsettled Ground
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
26 pages

The ruins of Castle Hermitage are shrouded in mystery after the disappearance of Lord Soulis Hermitage some 50 years ago. In the time since, the thriving village of Bellshall has grown a reputation for its market and specifically for the gemstones that can be bought there. Unfortunately for the people of Bellshall that supply of gemstones is at risk. Something is watching the Deep Gnomes who live and work in the mine. Soon it will need to feed. Are there any heroes who can help defeat this horrible menace, save the Deep Gnomes, and the village’s prosperity? Contains: A 4 to 6-hour adventure for four 4th level characters. With scaling information for other levels. A new CR3 monster, the Ettercap Host. Print friendly version. Accessible version. Separate GM & player map images for VTT use (Gridded and Gridless).

Cover of DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

In the town of Easthaven, a group of adventurers is tasked on a routine mission to resupply an expedition to the Reghed Glacier. But everything is not quite as it seems, and it's not long before the chronographer's misfortunes become apparent.

Fait Accompli
3.5 Edition
Level 12
14 pages

The white dragon Hinterbite has kept the barony of Icenvale ruler-less and poor for centuries. But now his power and that of his secret supporters is threatened by the popularity of an heir who hopes to make a change for the betterment of the people. Can the PCs take on the dragon and his minions and restore power to the barony's rightful ruling line? Download this new adventure by Owen K.C. Stephens and let your PCs face the dangers of the dragon lair! Fait Accompli is suitable for 12th-level characters. At its most basic level of use, Fate Accompli is a straightforward quest to clear a dungeon and slay some dragons in an arctic climate. However, it also includes political elements that you may either may play down or use to expand the scenario into a mini-campaign, as you wish. Fait Accompli is a short adventure for four 12th-level characters. It is set in the wilderness north of a minor border barony that has at best an arms-length relationship with any larger nation. Though the adventure requires all these elements to work, it can be set on the outer edge of any kingdom near an arctic region. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia
Level 1
295 pages

The lost city of Archaia - an ancient ruin sunken into the earth - lies deep in the badlands. In recent years, caravans from Eastdale have come under attack from orcs, goblins, and worse. Some say these blood-thirsty warbands have made lairs in the deep caves and ruins. Sill others say the ancient halls are filled with magnificent treasures left by the Archaians. Are you brave (or foolish) enough to delve The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia? The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia (FCoA) is a 296-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing game. The pages of Forbidden Caverns are crammed full with new material, maps, amazing art (including special surprizes by former TSR artists), as well as an amazing colour cover art by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus that matches Barrowmaze Complete as a sister-book. The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. FCoA is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #17: Legacy of the Savage Kings
Dungeon Crawl Classics #17: Legacy of the Savage Kings
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–6
40 pages

For centuries, the Great Swamp has hidden hints of an ancient culture of barbarian kings. While passing through this miserable bog, the PCs encounter Stygoth the Damned, a half-dead black dragon driven mad by a mysterious disease. Delving further, the heroes discover that the disease is tied to the very swamp itself. A great corruption once infested this place, destroying the savage barbarian kings and leaving only mighty statues as their legacy. Now this corruption has returned, and a terrible Witch Queen is mining the corrupted swamp-earth to produce evil, blighted artifacts. In order to stop the spread of these evil weapons, the heroes must enter the ancient caves of the savage kings, put to rest the corrupt legacy of their downfall, end the disease that scars the land, and then face off against the Witch Queen herself.

Cover of The Goblin Bathwater Incident
The Goblin Bathwater Incident
5th Edition
Level 1
54 pages

Synopsis: Goblin Bathwater, a magical drug, has taken hold in a sleepy coastal town at the edge of the Empire. As the characters investigate the origin of the drug, they uncover an international criminal conspiracy, wild and ancient magic, and a threat to reality itself. Contents: This beautifully made, 54-page adventure offers: A fully fleshed out, setting-agnostic starter area, brimming with colourful NPCs and hooks for adventure. Balanced encounters to bring characters to level 2; then some more devious encounters on their way to level 3. Three mini-dungeons built on the design philosophy of the "5 room dungeon method" Multiple big, cinematic set-piece boss encounters what will make your players feel epic. A facetted intrigue, which does not immediately suggest a simple, ready-made solution but invites the players to come up with their own, personal approach. Why pick this adventure? Hey, my name is Marius. This is my first time publishing on the DMs Guild but I wouldn't call myself a newcomer. I started playing Pathfinder 1e back in 2014. When I took over as our group's DM in 2019, we swapped over to 5e. We have run many, many modules and adventures since. Currently I play three games a week. In short: You could say I'm hooked. I created The Goblin Bathwater Incident as the ideal adventure for in-between your big modules, but it isn't a simple little adventure. With a playtime of about 30 hours, it still manages to hit that sweet-spot, where it establishes context, makes you grow fond of NPCs, and makes those big bossfight wins so much sweeter, all without taking more than a few sessions. The Goblin Bathwater Incident is different from many of the 1st tier adventures in that it pits the characters against traps and monsters, but also asks difficult, open-ended ethical questions, where a simple strategy of "apply sword to head of bad guy" will not cut it.

Lochfell's Secret
3.5 Edition
Level 15
16 pages

Stories of misfortune are often exaggerated, especially when they have been retold many times. For that reason, most people aren't taking seriously the claim that a sea monster living along the coast is eating whole ships full of sailors and swallowing entire families. But there's no denying a few facts -- the town of Lochfell is losing its citizens to a sea monster (one that walks on water no less), someone is stealing that same town's dead, and ships are beginning to choose other ports for unloading their goods. Such a scenario could doom the residents of the small port town to either a monster's gullet or the poorhouse. No one seems to know whether the town's two ongoing problems are connected, but the sea monster never leaves behind a corpse to bury. Is it collecting bodies for some dark purpose? Or did some more powerful evil creature create the sea monster to do its dirty work? Someone in Lochfell knows the answer, and it's up to the PCs to find it out. Lochfell’s Secret is a short D&D adventure for four 15th level player characters (PCs). The story is set in and around the port town of Lochfell. You can place the action in any section of your campaign world where a coastal town on a bay might exist. If there is a small town that the PCs visited in a past adventure but haven’t returned to in quite a while, so much the better. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of A Much Bigger Problem
A Much Bigger Problem
5th Edition
Level 3
12 pages

"For the past sixty-seven years Wheatwinter Farm, a small farm outside the village of Longbranch, has produced an essential survival tool for the town — a unique strain of wheat that can survive the harsh winters of the region. However, for the past few weeks something has been terrorizing the livestock at Wheatwinter and the surrounding farms. Markus Wheatwinter has defended his farm from goblins time and time again, but this time something is different and he has put out a call for aid." When ankhegs assault Wheatwinter farm, the party is called upon to exterminate them and rescue the farmer in this adventure loosely inspired by Starship Troopers. Published by Green Feather Games