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453 adventures found
Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
Dungeon Crawl Classics #93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 2
24 pages

Far to the west, beyond civilized lands, lie the Tolomak Islands— volcanic peaks covered in pestilential jungle and bestriding sunken ruins. The legends say the Tolomaks are home to treacherous witches, ferocious cannibals, moon demons, and worse! Wise are those who steer well away from these accursed jungle isles, but not everyone is wise… For the legends also speak of power unimaginable and treasures beyond the limits of mortal avarice. Now, under the light of the triple moons, a band of intrepid adventurers sails ever nearer the islands. With luck, they will escape with a fortune; without it, they may not keep their souls.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #2: The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
Dungeon Crawl Classics #2: The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho
3.5 Edition
Level 1
32 pages

This new version of the classic adventure is completely updated to 3.5 edition. In The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho, a defenseless village asks the characters to slay an out-of-control ogre. Sounds easy enough. But the ogre, who used to be nothing more than a nuisance, has become crazed and psychotic. When the characters arrive at its cave, they find a subterranean portal has connected the cave to a much larger underground complex. Something in that complex has transformed the ogre and many other local creatures into fiendish marauders. In fact, it’s the lost vault of Tsathzar Rho, an ancient wizard and prophet of the Outer Gods, who are gathering their foul minions for battle.

Cover of The Bonegarden
The Bonegarden
3.5 Edition
Levels 12–14
128 pages

Ages of Buried Evil The Bonegarden is a small nation ruled by the dead, a circular cemetery 1 mile in diameter, surrounded by a magical containment field that keeps its denizens from spilling into the innocent world beyond. Within the gate lies one of the true blights of the Domain of Hawkmoon, an immense graveyard that serves as the prison for the doomed spirits of thousands of history's most awful criminals. Those inside are determined to escape, and one of them may have found a way... An Endless Forum of Adventure The cemetery is a self-contained battlefield that abounds with undead of types the heroes have never seen, each with its own special plan for escaping its eternal confinement. The Bonegarden contains dozens of new spells, feats, monsters, and magic items. All the action takes place inside a mile-wide arena where the dead are the majority and the living are hunted like wild game. The heroes have come to the cemetery in search of adventure. The only question is... can they get out?

Cover of F8 - Grotto of Torla Mir
F8 - Grotto of Torla Mir
Levels 4–6
17 pages

Your group has been requested by Archbishop Telamor Constran from the Church of Koassak to go on a rescue mission for one of his missing brothers who was taken by pirates. You have been enlisted because of your growing fame to barter a release out of the Pirate Lord Hannibal the Black. After three days of storms you awake to a really bad sound....Abandon Ship!

Cover of Ratcatchers
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
25 pages

Something sinister is brewing in the Emerald forest! It starts off simple, as they do. A group of fresh-faced adventurers is tasked with clearing out rats in the tavern cellar. What they find down there is something more than they bargained for. Now, they have to make a perilous journey across an uncharted forest to face off against an unknown threat (it’s a swarm of BrainiumOGL Rats). The fate of the entire world might be at stake! (or that of a small hamlet, at any rate!) Ratcatchers is a 4-6 hour setting neutral one-shot adventure for four to five characters of level 1-2. It has been designed keeping in mind players new to the game. Features A 25 page full-color and fully illustrated PDF, a printer friendly B&W version, and a tested for screen readers accessible version. A beginner friendly adventure that hangs a lampshade on RPG tropes, then sets said lampshade on fire. A template to convert any beast into were-rat hybrids. Rat-bunny and rat-pigeon, a.k.a. Trash Gryphons included. Several colorful battle maps for VTT use. Terrible rat based puns. Content Warning: The intended tone of this adventure is a mix of horror and comedy. Where it exactly lies on the spectrum of horror to comedy is up to you, the DM, and your players. There is depiction of body transformation and body horror, parental neglect and tight spaces. Also, there are rats. Lots and lots of rats. Published by undeadR

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #121: The Lost Outpost (Ruins of Azlant 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #121: The Lost Outpost (Ruins of Azlant 1 of 6)
Level 1
96 pages

Trouble in Paradise The Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path begins with the adventurers standing on the deck of a ship ready to make landfall at their new home. However, dread settles in as they notice that the colony is empty and abandoned. Tasked with uncovering the whereabouts of the prior group of colonists, the adventurers go ashore and explore the deserted settlement. Uncovering strange evidence leads the adventurers across the island, where they encounter two survivors who can give them clues as to the fate of the rest of the first wave of settlers. Can the adventurers survive long enough to discover what truly befell the fledgling colony?

Cover of The Nexus Spore
The Nexus Spore
5th Edition
Levels 3–7
7 pages

The Nexus spore is an intriguing Underdark adventure that can be sewn into any subterranean setting. This one-shot production was designed with long campaigns in mind, for when you want to break up the narrative to keep things fresh and interesting. This short adventure is ideal for players of level 5-7, although, much like the length of the adventure, it is easy to adjust. The adventure fits well into a single long session, or 2-3 short sessions. It comes complete with maps, stat blocks, boxed descriptions and a rare magic item.

Cover of Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Levels 1–3
20 pages

In the deep, it has awoken. Hidden in the ruins of an old dwarven kingdom awaits a powerful relic, and an army kobolds are on the march to retrieve it. Dare the heroes enter this ancient place, and will they find the relic before the army arrives. In a race against time the adventures may unleash the greatest evil, while trying to save the world from a grim fate. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart is a low-level OSR adventure suited for Labyrinth Lord and other oldschool retro clones. The adventure was originally written for the Danish Living Campaign The Hinterlands, and it is for the first time presented in English. The adventure introduces the players to a different tradition of adventures, and it one with a focus on exploration and encountering the unknown. The adventure contains new magical items and relics and new monsters to challenge your players. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart also functions as a prequel to The Flooded Temple and to Grave of the Heartless. Published by Greis Games.

Cover of The Hive (BoL)
The Hive (BoL)
5th Edition
Level 6
4 pages

"The Hive" is a spawn of Arbeyach lair, also featuring giant termites and termite swarms, for five 6th-level characters. This adventure can be finished in one session. Several mounds in the Forsaken Hills are the dens of voracious termites that have added flesh to their diet to supplement dwindling wood supplies. At night, swarms of termites hunt and devour prey. They swarm over victims in wooden carts and wagons, and bring the dismantled wood back to their mounds. Three spawn of Arbeyach, searching for a location to summon Ia'Affrat, Arbeyach's herald, discovered a mound filled with particularity nasty termites and used their vermin empathy to gain acceptance. They dug out a cavern beneath the mound, and now use the termites to protect themselves and gather food while they complete a difficult ritual involving dozens of sacrifices. The final sacrifice is prepared and the spawn are finishing their ritual when the party arrives.

Cover of FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
Levels 2–5
20 pages

The fifth offering of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is Venture into Sordack Valley and takes the small group of young adventurers and puts them on the border of the frontier. The small town of Commerstance is located on the edge of the Lordek River separating civilization from the wild. Several locales are present for the aspiring group of adventurers including two wanted criminals.

Cover of The Copperbolt Conundrum
The Copperbolt Conundrum
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
7 pages

The party approaches the Dwarven Kingdom of Narol'Duun, where things are far different than in your typical dwarven empire. The first major difference is that Narol'Duun is split into three distinct categories of dwarven tribes based on the main type of ore that they mine and refine. The dwarves take on characteristics of these ores - the Cobalt Dwarves having a tinge of blue to their hair, the Copper Dwarves having tough skin and beards of shining reddish-brown, and the skin of the Iron Dwarves is a deep grey in color. These dwarves engage in trade and drink, but the one thing that they are sure to never do is breed outside of their respective tribes. To be found in a relationship with a dwarf of another tribe is to be exiled to the surface - a punishment worse than death for most of these dwarves. On this particular adventure, the party finds themselves caught up in a case of forbidden love between a royal member of the Cobalt Dwarf family - Nadom Glintstone - and a simple merchant woman from the Copper Dwarf tribe by the name of Lajeera Copperfist. They have been doing their best to keep their love a secret for they both know the risks, but the Cobalt King, Norgith Glintstone, has suspicions and is deeply afraid of the damage such a scandal could have on his family's reputation. He doesn't want to draw any attention to the situation, so it is difficult to find a dwarf of his own tribe that could look into it further, so when the party comes along he sees it as a perfect opportunity. He will hire the party to look into the situation with Nadom, offering grand rewards in exchange for the truth if they can provide proof. The party will be torn between multiple threads of possibility in this adventure – telling Norgith the truth about his son's affair with Lajeera, helping Lajeera to permanently change her form to that of a Cobalt Dwarf so they can be together, or perhaps even trying to end the tribalistic ways of the dwarven kingdoms all together. This is a heavily role-playing based adventure, perfect for those who would rather talk their way through a difficult situation than cut their way through it, but there is still some combat along the way depending on the party’s choices. This story will decide if love can win out against all odds or if the temptation of coin is greater than the happiness of others.

Cover of The Brazen Bull
The Brazen Bull
Levels 1–2
14 pages

In "The Brazen Bull," whilst traversing one of the seedier neighbourhoods of Khromarium, your party are solicited by a greasy-haired Pict. He offers to sell you a sheaf of magical lotus that allows one to see the future or to brew potions that empower the imbiber with sorcery. He beckons you to follow Jeffrhim into a dilapidated building ...

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Level 4
92 pages

The knightly order known as the Glorious Reclamation continues its crusade against diabolic Cheliax, conquering the town of Kantaria, where the goddess Iomedae once ruled as a mortal. The villainous adventurers, now official agents of House Thrune, must retake the town, depriving the knights of a valuable holy site. Can the evil characters earn greater infamy and prestige by dealing the Glorious Reclamation a serious defeat in their most substantial territorial gain so far, or will the knights' rebellion continue unchecked across Cheliax?

Cover of Myriad, City of Tiers
Myriad, City of Tiers
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
105 pages

Myriad, a city originally devoted to magical research, has been hidden and isolated for nearly a thousand years. Now, it has rejoined the world and an unseen struggle is taking place within its walls. A party of adventurers has been invited to enter the city and assist in its reintegration. Myriad's secrets, however, run deep and dangerous.

Cover of Eye to Eye
Eye to Eye
Levels 8–12
68 pages

Deep below the surface lies an ancient beholder city called Ilth K'hinax. In times past, hundreds of beholders called it home - until simmering rivalries within their society exploded into warfare. The few survivors fled, leaving the city deserted for hundreds of years. However, the story of Ilth K'hinax's glory was passed down from one generation of beholders to the next. Now, after countless years of self-imposed exile, the beholders are back! After securing the city, the hive mother of Ilth K'hinax implemented a plan to wipe out all the beings living above it. Unfortunately for the beholders, several facets of the hive mother's plan have been revealed through the exploits of a party of adventurers. Now, this group of heroes must meet eye to eye with Ilth K'hinax's newest occupants in an effort to stop the hive mother's pernicious plan! "Eye to Eye" is the last of three adventures featuring the nightmarish beholder. It can be played as an individual mission or as part of the series that began with "Eye of Pain" and continued in "Eye of Doom." TSR 9536

Cover of Back To The Sea
Back To The Sea
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Uncover the curious tale... When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering the mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 3-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Contains 3 beautiful original digitally illustrated Maps. Unique Monsters and interesting combat scenario. Encourages player creativity and problem solving. Screen reader version.

Cover of Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
Dungeon Short- Spider Isle
5th Edition
Levels 4–10
17 pages

In this small 20 page adventure module, discover an island infested with giant spiders and hope that you don't get caught too deep in their web... Spider Isle- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 4, 7 or 10. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign. Featuring 4 original statblocks, and a new playable race, find out what terrors await your players in Spider Isle. An Island Adventure Dungeon Short.

Cover of The Raiders of Galath's Roost
The Raiders of Galath's Roost
3rd Edition
Levels 1–2
32 pages

This adventure focuses on a Zhentarim attempt to spread terror in Mistledale, although it is suitable for almost any lightly settled area northwest of the Sea of Fallen Stars. "The Raiders of Galath's Roost" is suitable for four 1st-level characters, but PCs should be at least 2nd level before tackling the adventure's second half, the Zhentarim Citadel. Even in the first half of the adventure, many of the encounters are quite formidable for 1st-level characters, and the PCs might find it necessary to withdraw and recover one or more times before completely exploring the ruins.

Cover of White Plume Mountain 5e
White Plume Mountain 5e
5th Edition
Level 8
14 pages

Three artifact weapons have gone missing and you adventurers have been sent after them. Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis.

Cover of The Trial of Heroes
The Trial of Heroes
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
6 pages

Players must prove their worth in this series of trials. Face the minotaur in his own maze, resist the allure of a crafty nymph, put on a show for the crowd as you face down an incubus / succubus duo in the arena, crawl through the muck and sneak past the demons that lie in wait, and finally use all of your creativity to navigate a glass golem through a gauntlet of traps. Another exciting blend of combat and puzzle-solving.