In the thriving city of Zobeck, a breakdown of the vital Puffing Bridge is throwing a wrench into the entire city. Workers can’t reach their jobs, merchants and goods can’t reach markets. In short, if this problem isn’t fixed quickly, there’ll be chaos in the Free City. Of course, this isn’t a simple mechanical breakdown but an act of sabotage, and the saboteurs are still at work when characters arrive to investigate.
The Maimed Virulence has come. The future of the Cinnabar Throne and the lives of the denizens of Phlan are in jeopardy. The Cult of the Dragon rejoices, and the Black Fist is powerless to stop them. How will the factions of the city respond to this threat? Can Phlan be saved this time? Part One of Under Emerald Claws. An adventure for 5th-10th level characters.
The activities of the party have caused enough chaos to warrant their arrest. With the Felicity Triskelion confiscated, the adventurers await trial at a remote Azorius Arrester Station 13 in Precinct Four. Unfortunately, they are not alone in the holding cells. When a prominent figure of a brutal Gruul clan is also incarcerated, the Gruul lay siege to the Arrester Station. Other parties, interested in the power of the Felicity Triskelion, join the fray in hopes of making off with the relic. When chaos rises in Precinct Four, will the party survive?
A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. The adventurers must contact a recently-captured resistance fighter to uncover the identity of a traitor.
Today's offering was our convention scenario for SkyCon 2018. The scenario was written for younger gamers with some combat challenges along with a lot of roleplaying opportunities. It is easy enough to drop into your own campaign for an entertaining little adventure.
The lord of a local realm is having his council members systematically killed or cast out for treason with little to no evidence to support the claims. This has been occurring for some time and a local shaman by the name of Borjah thinks he knows the cause. In his visions, he has seen a strange spirit shifting the shadows, a puppet master using the lord as its personal servant by warping his mind. This entity is slowly gaining power in the city and increasing its dominance over Lord Kestyl. Borjah attempted to warn the council of this corruption, but all those he informed ended up dead a few days later, so now he is taking matters into his own hands . . . with a bit of help from some willing adventurers of course. Borjah has a few strands of Lord Kestyl's hair, enough to create a strange potion for the party to consume. A potion that will link their minds to that of the lord and be able to fight back against the corruption that has taken hold. All they need to do is wait until his mind is at its most vulnerable . . . when he is asleep. Then, and only then, they can plunge into the mind of this once nobleman and drive back the forces of darkness that threaten to destabilize the entire political landscape of the area. The potion is powerful. Dying while in this dream state cause such severe mental trauma that it usually results in the death of that individual in the real world, so the party will need to be careful. The rules of the normal world don't necessarily apply in the realm of dreams, and as they close in on the entity things are sure to grow more and more chaotic and illogical. Find out if your players have what it takes to fight back against an invisible evil using nothing but their strength of will!
In this adventure, the heroes face the sinister Baron Metus, the vampire who took the life of Van Richten's son, Erasmus. Metus, with Daclaud Heinfroth, has been doing the bidding of the ghost of Madame Radanavich in her quest to destroy Rudolph van Richten. But Metus has his own reasons for seeing van Richten destroyed as well. Included in Bleak House: The Death of Rudolph van Richten TSR 1141
In 1492 DR, a group of adventurers are approached by a ghost in Candlekeep who urges them to investigate the unsolved, grisly murder of the Yellowcrest family in Waterdeep five years prior. The investigation leads the adventurers to the nearby village of Greenfast, which is plagued by a secretive cult.
This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the city, the lower wards and The Depths, to the highest and most exclusive neighborhoods in the upper wards and the Skyway. This adventure has it all. There are roleplaying opportunities, underground exploration, interesting NPC's, a flying chase scene on flying vessels, and a BBEG with enough charisma to captivate any player.
“The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge” is a sequel to “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” and the third part of the Scales of War Adventure Path. In “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” the PCs discovered that dark creepers had sold arms and tactical intelligence to the orc war chief Tusk, aiding him in his attack against the folk of the Stonehome Mountains. In this adventure, the PCs investigate the link between the orcs and the dark ones, stumbling into an armsrunning operation that takes them to the Shadowfell in order to finally confront the charismatic figure behind it. Pgs. 4-53
Someone kidnapped Lady Anilah Salhar—the Chelish wife of Dremdhet Salhar, one of Osirion's many Grand Ambassadors to Absalom—and sold her into slavery. With Salhar holding delve permits over the heads of the Decemvirute, the Pathfinders are sent to assist the Osirian Ambassador. Venturing into Absalom's darkest corners to save Lady Anilah, the Pathfinders must face the secrets of the Slave Pits to avoid becoming slaves themselves.
Content in English / Contenido en Español Mini Hex is Hex Crawl that can be played in one session, its ideal to show your players what a hex crawl is about. It may serve simple purposes as finding some rare flowers in the forest, the location of a ritual in the city or the cave with the treasure in the hills. This module contains: 3 scenarios. 18 combat encounters for levels 4, 7 and 11 characters. 30 obstacles encounter of varying difficulty. More than 100 traps variations. Aids for easy setup. Area and battle maps. A couple of interesting mechanics to make your game feel fresh. Mini Hex es Hex Crawl que se puede jugar en una sesión, es ideal para mostrar a tus jugadores de qué se trata un rastreo hexadecimal. Puede tener propósitos simples como encontrar algunas flores raras en el bosque, la ubicación de un ritual en la ciudad o la cueva con el tesoro en las colinas. Este módulo contiene: 3 escenarios. 18 encuentros de combate para personajes de nivel 4, 7 y 11. 30 obstáculos ambientales de diversa dificultad. Más de 100 variaciones de trampas. Ayudas para prepara rápido y fácil una partida. Área y mapas de batalla. Un par de mecánicas interesantes para que tu juego se sienta fresco.
Isle of the Ape is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game World of Greyhawk campaign setting, in which the events occur in a magical demiplane of the same name created by the mad archmage Zagyg Yragerne TSR 9153
A vibrant circus has just arrived, setting up on the edge of town. Run by the charismatic half-elf ringmaster, Marlow, the performers bring with them dazzling displays of magic and talent, artifacts with incredible powers to behold, and strange creatures most people would never get the chance to see close up. Behind all of the joy and revelry, the circus holds a dark secret, for Marlow keeps tyrannical control over his performers with both whip and word. As this latest performance reaches its height, two acrobats decide to take their chance at freedom, making use of a distraction to steal something valuable from Marlow and make their escape. Marlow will do anything to get the two back under his power, and so turns his significant charms upon a hapless band of adventurers attending his circus.
Visit Marlinko, a borderlands city where life takes a strange fever-dream cast, in this 72-page urban adventure fantasy supplement. Part city-setting, part full-blown adventure, Fever-Dreaming Marlinko is a stand-alone companion to the Slavic acid fantasy weirdness of the Slumbering Ursine Dunes. Contains background and hooks for the city's four city quarters, two complete dungeon adventure sites, two new players classes (Mountebank and Robodwarf), Chaos Index with escalating events/triggers scattered throughout the city, news generator with full news briefs and hooks, and tiger-wrestling mini-game.
Intrigue and action in Freeport's exclusive hotel. This adventure is a series of plots that are only connected by happening on the same night. They can be separated, or run as written, and each plot includes hooks for further adventure. NOTE: The Tales of Freeport that contains this adventure is NOT one of the versions currently available in the Green Ronin store. Those contain short stories. This is an older item that appears to no longer be available from Green Ronin. It is possible that the adventures within it have been included in other products since then. But I have linked to the original product on DriveThru RPG.
We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. This adventure sees the characters ally with the Athar of Sigil to raid the Abbey of the Iron Star and destroy the devils within who are attempting to bring Asmodeus to Sigil.
“Rats in the Walls”: A dockside tavern in Khromarium is plagued by rats of a most unusual breed. These abominable rodents have ruined the tavern keeper’s business and his life. The man is desperate, and he offers a substantial reward for the elimination of his horrific problem.
The nightbound realm of Sithicus is dying! The grey forested crags scarred by jagged rifts echo with the laments of the dying elven nation. But the lord of the land sits uncaring on his blackened throne in the charred castle of Negragaard, lost in ancient memories. Through his passion and hatred the nightmare haunted death knight, Lord Soth, permitted catastrophe to befall his native world of Krynn. Now trapped in the Realm of Terror, Soth has once more brough calamity to his home. Abandoning rule of his twisted realm of Sithicus, Lord Soth has retreated to a still more distorted domain: the mad fantasies of his own history. To save the land and themselves, the heroes must venture into banshee-haunted Nedragaard Keep, and there into the warped mindscapes of a tormented darklord. TSR 9476
A group of mysterious, sea raiders— capable of appearing from out of nowhere, striking, and disappearing— has terrorized a group of coastal states for some time. Now the leader of the states has asked the characters to infiltrate the raiders, find out how they operate, and put a stop to their activities. But once the heroes join the raiders, things aren’t as clear as they were led to believe. Will they succeed at their mission? Or join the raiders themselves? Pgs. 54-82