A community for lazy dungeon masters
1072 adventures found
Cover of The Slumbering Shadow
The Slumbering Shadow
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
116 pages

The yuan-ti anathema, Hessatali, calls out to his yuan-ti faithful from his prison in the Abyss. His network of vipers has uncovered the ruins of ancient Ss’tatha’lass and the Fane of Hessatali, a fountain of pure venom that will return the demi-god to life. Above the buried ruins of Ss’tatha’lass, yuan-ti agents have moved to control the politics of Scornubel. The characters fall into a complex yuan-ti plot that spans the breadth of the realm, pits the heroes against the forces of the Abyss, and explores the culture of the yuan-ti.

Cover of Lost Halls of Everforge
Lost Halls of Everforge
5th Edition
Level 3
4 pages

"Lost Halls of Everforge" is a flame dragon wyrmling lair suitable for four or five 3rd level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.

Cover of SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A religious festival in the nearby town of Saratoga is the spot your introductory level PCs have opted to begin their careers. With so many people coming to the festival the group anticipates finding information on adventures they can start their budding careers with. Action begins sooner than expected as the celebration is interrupted by a group of Stirges bothering some of the revelers and it quickly gets worse…

Cover of The Desecrated Church
The Desecrated Church
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

This is a short adventure than can be completed in a single session, for 4-5 players of 1st level. The old church at the edge of town has long been abandoned, but a week ago several robed figures arrived in town and have taken up residence in the old church. Since then, the townsfolk claim to have seen a strange mist around the building, and several folks have gone missing. Little do they know, these cultists have awoken a long dead necromancer, who seeks to bind a dark power to its will.

Cover of Terrible Trouble at Tragidore
Terrible Trouble at Tragidore
Levels 5–8
16 pages

Terrible Trouble at Tragidore is a 16 page tournament module for 5th to 8th level characters. Notorious for being one of the worst modules of all time, with implausible background and encounters and a railroad of a plot.

Cover of DDAL04-07 The Innocent
DDAL04-07 The Innocent
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

The mists have led you deep into Glumpen Swamp to a den of great evil. Within, the unliving son of an unliving god awaits the peace of death that eternally eludes him. Will you grant him his rest, or realize the part he is to play in things to come? Part Seven of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of The Accursed Tower
The Accursed Tower
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The PCs begin in the port city of Luskan, where they're hired on by a caravaning merchant to perform guard duty for the long, dangerous journey over the Spine of the World Mountains. If the heroes do well, they reach the small town of Targos, where they hear rumors of a dead mage's lost tower out on the tundra. In order to find it, the PCs must overcome numerous obstacles but may find allies in the peoples of the Ten-Towns region, including a barbarian prince, a sly halfling, and a unique ranger. Not all is as it seems, though, nor can all smiling faces be trusted. Can the PCs separate the truth from the lies, locate the Accursed Tower, determine all its secrets, and survive?

Cover of Into the Underdark - Part 2 The Spider's Den
Into the Underdark - Part 2 The Spider's Den
5th Edition
Level 2
12 pages

Save the village of Millvein! Prevent a war with the drow! In this 3-4 hour adventure for 4-5 characters of 2nd level, travel to a small chitine lair to prevent them from destroying the small village of Millvein and inciting a war between the surface and the drow. Includes: A 3-4 hour adventure for 2nd level characters Map of the village of Millvein 2 DM maps Stat blocks for all monsters the players might encounter. See where the adventure began in Into the Underdark - Part 1 A Family Affair The adventure continues in Into the Underdark - Part 3 They Call It A Mine

Cover of The Hole in the Oak
The Hole in the Oak
Levels 1–2
40 pages

Old-School Essentials Adventure A hole in an old oak tree leads characters down to a maze of twisting, root-riddled passageways, the chambers of an ancient wizard-complex, and the banks of an underground river where once a reptile cult built their temples. A classic expedition into the Mythic Underworld for characters of 1st to 2nd level. 60 keyed areas, rumour table, loot summary, dungeon background info, suggestions for expanding the dungeon. Keyed in a quick-reference, bullet point format. Unlabelled map included for VTT use. The Hole in the Oak can be linked with The Incandescent Grottoes to form a large, 3 level dungeon with over 115 keyed encounter areas!

Cover of Fall of Whitecliff
Fall of Whitecliff
Levels 1–2
22 pages

Beginning in the prison of the Castellan of Whitecliff, this campaign arc takes the players from level one to four, presented as a sandbox area in a lonely and gritty peninsula full of villains and opportunities for the players to explore. Much like Stonehell, but for regional play. Published by Coldlight Press

Cover of CCC-BMG-17 ELM 1-2 The Lost Sanctum
CCC-BMG-17 ELM 1-2 The Lost Sanctum
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
19 pages

Terrible news indicates that some vestige of the long-dead god Moander might be active in the forests near Elmwood. The Town Council is seeking clever adventurers to brave the perils of the Cormanthor forest to breach a lost wizard’s sanctum in search of a way to protect the town. Four hour adventure. Also contains information about the town of Elmwood. Part of the Elmwood Trilogy.

Cover of Cryptic Entry
Cryptic Entry
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
23 pages

Intrepid explorer Reslin Kine garnered a modest reputation and fortune for himself throughout his years adventuring. When he learned he'd die of an incurable illness before his first child would be born, Reslin hired the best workers and wizards he could find to create a vault to protect his son's inheritance. Reslin kept a journal of his efforts, logging the information necessary for his heir to find the vault and claim its treasures. Whatever came of Reslin Kine, his family, or his treasure is now the stuff of stories. Through whatever circumstance, the party has managed to get their hands on a few tattered pages of Reslin’s journal. The cryptic entries noted there contain clues to finding his vault, and the treasure which awaits inside!

Cover of M1 Blizzard Pass
M1 Blizzard Pass
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A SOLO adventure for thieves level 1-3 or Group play level 1-3 The storm sweeps off the mountaintops without warning, as if conjured by some supernatural power. Within minutes, huge drifts of snow have halted the caravan, and the snow falls so hard it is impossible to see more than five feet. You huddle next to the sledge, trying to shelter for you numb face from the icy winds. A dozen half-human forms march into view out of the raging blizzard. The little man-things carry wooden spears or long, unsheathed swords in bony, gnarled hands. Their blood-red eyes quickly fall upon your sledge and the ugly creatures turn toward your hiding place. Will you survive to uncover the secret of Blizzard Pass? This module contains all you need to solve the riddle of Blizzard Pass, including 14 maps, an invisible ink marking pen, a complete solo adventure, a pre-rolled character, and an outline for group play! TSR 9067

Cover of DE1 - Dark Echoes
DE1 - Dark Echoes
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
92 pages

A centuries old evil has been cultivating an environmental disaster deep under the earth, waiting for the time when it will be unleashed on the world. A new mine has been created above and has broken the seal. The owner of the mine has lost contact with their foreman and shipments have stopped, and it’s up to an inexperienced but eager group of adventurers to investigate. This adventure is designed to present a challenge for a group of four veteran players using first level characters. While there are opportunities for roleplay scattered throughout, this adventure is heavy on the exploration and combat pillars of fifth edition. Death is a real and ever-present threat as they investigate the mine and the dangers below. Success and survival should bring them to the third level, and they may have found some treasure well worth the effort. So much so that they may become targets themselves from unscrupulous and more experienced NPCs. Written to be a seed for a larger campaign in any high fantasy setting, the outcome of this adventure could have world-changing consequences. It introduces a new and growing threat that, given enough encouragement, greed, time and apathy, could consume the world and beyond.

Cover of Valanche's Eye
Valanche's Eye
5th Edition
Level 4
16 pages

A gnomish settlement is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes, the wrath of an Earth Elemental. Can the heroes save the gnomes? Do the greedy gnomes deserve to be saved? "Valanche's Eye" was inspired by a desire to write an adventure which blurs the line of who the bad guy actually is, or indeed whether or not there's a really tangible villain. It takes the "patron hires adventurers to clear dungeon" trope and twists it – the patron turns out to be a pretty rotten bastard, and the monsters in the dungeon are just trying to live their lives. It starts when gnome gem-miners strike the mother lode of emeralds and sapphires, only to find themselves run off their claim. First they accidentally broke through to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, and mephits burst out to annoy them. When they were just about done dealing with the mephits, they disturbed an earth elemental who just wants to be left alone, and emeralds are its favorite snack. The mine boss hires the adventurers to come kill all the elementals. But should they?

Cover of T1 Village of Hommlet
T1 Village of Hommlet
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The Village of Hommlet has grown up around a crossroads in a woodland. Once far from any important activity, it became embroiled in the struggle between gods and demons when the Temple of Elemental Evil arose but a few leagues away. Luckily of its inhabitants, the Temple and its evil hordes were destroyed a decade ago, but Hommlet still suffers from incursions of bandits and strange monsters. TSR 9026

Cover of The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Where have the staff gone? Why do the doors not lead where they should? What dark experiments were performed here? And what has become of the asylum’s enigmatic owner? During a routine train ride, the characters are halted by a powerful force within Enfri Asylum. Haunted by murderous doctors, revolutionary patients, and creatures beyond description, the characters must venture into the old hospital and put an end to the madness to reach their destination. The Monsters of Enfri Asylum is a 8 to 12 hour horror adventure for 1st to 5th-level characters.

Cover of The Pyramid of Jenkel
The Pyramid of Jenkel
Levels 8–10
14 pages

In this town, nothing goes like clockwork. A voice in the darkness offered him power, with only one string attached: first he had to find some adventurers. A fiend and minions of the plane of fire have set up shop beneath a small town, and have been attracting evil minions to their lair! In this town of Jenkel, the religious leader (named Broderick) is secretly under the influence of the demon and has been doing her will out of his own greed for power. A tilted pyramid appeared in the town years ago, and is actually the tip of a tower buried in the town. The tower leads to a dungeon and a shrine where the party can fight off the demon and rid the town of the evil influence. Pgs. 18-31

Cover of Den of the Destroyer
Den of the Destroyer
4th Edition
Level 7
41 pages

“Den of the Destroyer” is the sequel to “The Lost Mines of Karak,” continuing the unfolding story of the Scales of War adventure path. In this adventure, the PCs are called back to Brindol by a surprising summons. There they learn that a platinum sword they had collected back in "Rescue at Rivenroar" is no mundane item - the blade is sentient! The blade charges the PCs to undertake a dangerous mission to an abandoned githzerai fortress in order to perform a ritual to awaken the blade's true form. Along the way, they must deal with bounty hunters hired by an old enemy (from "Shadow Rifts of Umbraforge"), and confront a vile gang of gnolls terrorizing Elsir Vale. Pgs. 14-54

Cover of A Dungeon and a Dragon
A Dungeon and a Dragon
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
26 pages

A Four to Six Hour Adventure for 11th-16th Level Characters in Dungeons and Dragons 5E The Adult Green Dragon Valturnax has attacked the nearby village of Hartsvale, threatening to destroy them completely if they do not submit to his rule by nightfall. To save the town, adventurers must ascend the mountain by climbing through the caves housing the dragon’s minions and face him in his lair – and they need to do so before the sun sets. This adventure is meant to be quite challenging. Enemies know the adventurers are coming and have had time to prepare, and they do so intelligently. This adventure draws some inspiration from Tucker's kobolds. As an added bonus, this adventure is available completely for free.