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586 adventures found
Cover of The night of the Scarecrow
The night of the Scarecrow
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
8 pages

This 5th edition investigation one-shot is planned to be played by 4 to 6 level 1 characters. The characters will face a spirit in the form of a scarecrow out to wipe out the villagers of a town, the group will discover that all is not what it seems and that this spirit is actually out for justice... or revenge.

Cover of FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear
FRQ2 Hordes of Dragonspear
Levels 10–12
34 pages

Dragonspear Castle. All who live within several hundred miles have heard the name and know its import. Once home to the proud and the brave, it stands now a ruin, cloaked behind a history of murder and diabolic plots. Few go there, for the only reward to be found is death. Rumors abound that Dragonspear holds a portal to the sinister planes, but until now those have been unfounded. Following a great battle against orcs and trolls from the High Moor who had taken possession of the castle, a temple to ward against further evil was established. However, by the Time of Troubles, that temple and its clergy had disappeared. Now, a horde of fiends and monsters has amassed at Dragonspear Castle, and it terrorizing the surrounding countryside. The portal is active, that is for certain. The army of Daggerford needs reinforcements! Is you party made of the stuff of heroes? Hordes of Dragonspear can be played using either the Battlesystem miniatures rules, or the quick combat resolution system found in DMGR2, The Castle Guide. Alternatively, a few simple changes render the entire module playable without any special rules. TSR 9369

Cover of PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
24 pages

After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!

Cover of Among Them - A Barghest Hunt
Among Them - A Barghest Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
17 pages

A fiend lurks among the Black Blade goblins. A shapeshifting barghest fashioned by the General of Gehenna to exact revenge on all goblin-kind. It’s aim: to kill as many goblin leaders as possible… A masked goblin approaches the party asking for help. Two tribe leaders are dead. But a rival for chief has control of the crime scene. Will the party discover the barghest among the goblin ranks? Can they stop this imposter before it strikes again? Adventure Overview The adventure’s story is spread over 4 parts and takes approximately 4 hours to play. The adventure begins with a Call to Action scene. Part 1: Goblin Politics. Krill sends his emissaries to implore help from any strong intermediary. The party is asked to investigate the murder of Thrawn in Dringly’s lair. This is Story Objective A. Part 2: The Opposition. Gain entry into Dringly’s lair and investigate the murder of Thrawn. Gather enough evidence to find the killer. This is Story Objective B. Part 3: To The Lair! Now that the players have determined the barghest (Yeep) is to blame, they need to get to Krill’s lair quickly as he is in imminent danger. This is Story Objective C. Part 4: The Barghest.When the players arrive at the lair, they need to get to Krill and expose and defeat the barghest. This is Story Objective D. Adventure Background A barghest named Yeep has begun its onslaught of attacks against the Black Blade goblins. Starting with Chief Gnar, then his second in command Thrawn, the barghest is moving methodically down the line of command. Krill is now chief. But he has some problems: Two leaders of the Black Blades are dead. Who killed them and why? Is he next? Dringly, the next in command, has decided to take his lair for himself, declaring himself Chief of the Black Blades. Who are the Black Blades? The Black Blades are a tribe of goblins in the local area. They are known for dipping their blades in a dark black substance. It is rumored these blades are poisonous. The Black Blades regularly attack passersby on the road to rob them. The Black Blades have two lairs, one run by a chief who leads the whole tribe, and another overseen by a boss lieutenant. The Black Blades have a well-established pecking order which is how Krill stands to become chief. The next in line is Dringly, who has also declared himself chief and wants Krill dead. Krill suspects that there is something suspicious about two leaders being killed within a day of each other, but he has already burned Gnar’s body without any investigation. He needs to investigate the body of Thrawn, but it is in Dringly’s lair. Krill wishes to avoid direct confrontation with Dringly at the present for three reasons: 1) Any violence would only kill his own tribe members and further divide the lairs. 2) He believes there is still hope for negotiation to reunite the Black Blades. 3) He believes that if he were to attempt negotiations himself, Dringly would kill him. This adventure features: Two maps. Ready for your favorite Virtual Tabletop. A full color pdf. A black and white pdf. One custom monster, a reprint of barghest, all others available in the Monster Manual. Four hours of entertainment involving: roll playing a goblin bard, investigating a murder scene, tracking down a barghest before it strikes again. Applicable to any setting.

Cover of FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
Level 8
13 pages

As the party relishes in the accolades of their achievements word of a Dragon nearby reaches their ears! Apparently a similar adventuring party stumbled upon the Wyrm by accident and was nearly wiped out. With the townspeople in fear, it is time again for the PCs to step up and perform heroic deeds! I wonder if there will be any pages from the mysterious Codex of Gamber Dauch will be around. With only one more adventure in the quest series the PCs must be getting close!

Cover of FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
Levels 2–4
24 pages

With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.

Cover of Ransom at Falcon's Crest
Ransom at Falcon's Crest
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
29 pages

Bandits have kidnapped the eldest child of one of Timbertown’s prominent citizens, who is secretly being manipulated by shadowy forces. You are tasked to get her back. But there are questions. Is she his real daughter? Does she want to be found? Who is behind the kidnapping in the first place? If you bring Evi home alive, your rewards will be great, and your standing in the town will increase. But if you fail, or if the demon worshippers of the Fraternity of Tharos gain a further foothold for their secret society, Timbertown's future may be in jeopardy. This adventure can be played in any frontier campaign area, but is set in the author's home campaign setting of Timbertown, a barony in Impiltur, a kingdom on the Sea of Fallen Stars in the Forgotten Realms, also available from the Guild.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #66.5: Doom of the Savage King
Dungeon Crawl Classics #66.5: Doom of the Savage King
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
18 pages

At long last, the first adventure ever published for DCC RPG is now available! This is the updated second printing that was first released at Gary Con 2014. It features a fresh edit and several new pieces of art! High above the windswept moors and darksome woods, the village of Hirot is under siege. Each night, as the sun sinks beneath the western mountains and the candles burn low, a devil-beast stalks the village streets, unleashing its savage fury on the living. From warlord to pauper, crone to child, no one is safe. Defeating the immortal hound will require more than mere blades or even spells. To slay the beast, the characters must delve into the mysteries of the land and its Savage Kings. Only then, armed with relics forged from a bloody past, can the most cunning and courageous of adventurers challenge the hound of Hirot!

Cover of Smashing Pumpkins!
Smashing Pumpkins!
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
80 pages

Reeve Dunder Chorley has an offer you can’t refuse - perform at his village fete in exchange for a small fortune! Visit picturesque Brindlebury and dive into country life! Judge pumpkins, show off your skills, fight Elder gods… Smashing Pumpkins is a 5e Folk Horror adventure for a level 3-5 party. The adventure has five parts, four of which are set in a rural, sand-box locale. Total playing time is around 12 hours or 4 sessions, based on a party of 4 adventurers playing at Level 3. It can be played as a one-shot or part of a larger campaign. Included within the 80-page booklet: Over 12+ hours of gaming in an immersive sandbox environment full of interesting locales and encounters. Catchy narrative hooks, side-quests and minigames to draw your players in with hours of atmospheric play. 7 intricately detailed, full-colour maps (also included as jpegs for digital play) and over 15 interactive and eccentric NPCS. GRAB A CIDER AND JOIN THE REAP!

Cover of Siege of the Spider Eaters
Siege of the Spider Eaters
3.5 Edition
Level 1
17 pages

The village of Haven-Fara has a problem - it's been overrun with spiders that have been forced out of their nearby lair. Yet could this spider problem be merely a symptom of something worse to come? When the backwater town of Haven-Fara wakens under a thick blanket of webs to find half its populace missing, its up to the PCs to descend into a silk-chambered nest of the arachnid abductors. In a vertical maze of web-lined tunnels, they discover a dying queen, a legendary treasure, and a secret that could change Haven-Fara forever. Pgs. 14-20 & 22-28 & 30, 32 and 34

Cover of DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

In the town of Easthaven, a group of adventurers is tasked on a routine mission to resupply an expedition to the Reghed Glacier. But everything is not quite as it seems, and it's not long before the chronographer's misfortunes become apparent.

Cover of The Beasts of Aulbesmil
The Beasts of Aulbesmil
3.5 Edition
Level 3
13 pages

The sleepy forest town of Aulbesmil has seen better days. Orcs and monsters lurk in the woods now, but the real menace hides in the town itself. The PCs arrive in town to investigate a mysterious tragedy that has befallen the townsfolk. As they explore the town, they learn of other strange happenings and must assemble the puzzle to figure out who is responsible for the thefts and disappearances. Eventually, they track down the baron's culprit and bring him to justice, as well as liberate the captive nephew of the Baron. Pgs. 16-28

Cover of A4-Forest for the Trees
A4-Forest for the Trees
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

The loggers of the West Wood have been logging these lands for over five years without a problem. Now, an eerie entity demands that they cease their logging activities and evacuate the forest immediately. If they refuse, they will die. When the PCs arrive to help they find that things are not so black and white. The decisions which they make will have permanent and lasting implications for the entire region. Will the PCs choose to save the forest and lose the support of the village, or destroy a sacred elder tree in order to win the hearts of the loggers and their families?

Cover of Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror
Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror
5th Edition
Levels 3–6
31 pages

A tenday ago, the human settlers of Olostin’s Hold started hearing strange noises coming from the distant White Stag Hills. Noises of battle. Incessant sounds of thundering hooves, clashing steel, flying arrows, and screams of agony heard from miles away. Could those be the awakened spirits of the past? And if so, what could be done to lay them to rest? The answers are found in Cairn of the Centaur Conqueror, a Feywild dungeon that only appears once every 777 years...

Cover of The White Boar of Kilfay
The White Boar of Kilfay
Levels 3–7
16 pages

A dangerous beast - but one with a mission. Even the gods slip up now and then, but few dare remind them of it. Ri Conn's son was killed by the white boar of Kilfay, and he has passed sentence of death upon it! What starts as a hunting expedition for the PCs ends up being a grand adventure through the forest. Several interesting set pieces on the path of the boar's rampage are included in the adventure. The path of destruction leads through a goblin camp and ends in the tower of a now-dead mage (which still holds the target of the boar's ire, a mutated bulette that the mage bred). Will the party help the boar kill the bulette mutation, or let it free? Pgs. 32-47

Cover of A2 Slag Heap
A2 Slag Heap
Levels 3–5
24 pages

The hunt is on! Agents have hired out the infamous Redcaps to raid along the Hruesen River and Baron Botkin wants them brought to justice. A mad run by the goblins left a trail of ruin along the river road but the time to act is now, before the trail goes cold. the evil doers broke off the raid and now lie in hiding somewhere in the Barren Wood. There in the deeps of the forest stands the legendary Slag Heap - an ancient complex of unknown origin and terrifying reputation for years ago the Heap served the Horned God's minions as a bastion against the fey of the Barren Wood. But now all the forest is hostile to outsiders, whether good or ill. The men of the Barren Wood are fierce, independent, and distrustful of outsiders. Facing them is a daunting task in the best of times and now they seem to be protecting one of their own. Discovering the real powers in this region only brings the characters closer to doom as they travel to piles and heaps of slag and detritus that was once a glorious abode and temple to the dark powers before the age of man. Also available for 5E

Cover of Nettles in the Fey
Nettles in the Fey
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
50 pages

An inexperienced eladrin leader leaves herself dangerously exposed to her enemies. An exiled hag schemes to rebuild her army. A bog troll conspires to overthrow. A child is kidnapped. PCs find themselves in the middle of a power struggle between competing forces, each seeking to dominate the feywild territory known as the Unbound Regions. Trapped in the feywild until they complete the quest, the adventurers must deal with the curious culture of the fey by striking deals, battling opponents, and ultimately deciding which competitor they will support.

Cover of CCC-UCON-01 Blood and Fog
CCC-UCON-01 Blood and Fog
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

Heavy mists have plagued the area around Phlan for weeks, even after the reported death of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence. People have been disappearing in those deadly fogs, and now dead bodies are turning up. A D&D Adventurer’s League adventure set in the Quivering Forest.

Cover of In the Lair of the Night Thing
In the Lair of the Night Thing
5th Edition
Level 1
38 pages

It is Autumn. Most of the clans of the Great Valley have departed south with the herd animals they depend on for survival. But one small clan lags behind. For seven nights they have been unable to travel, plagued by a terrible monster known as the Night Thing, which has killed their people and wounded more. Your party answers the call of dwarf chieftain Skarna Two-Axe, begging hunters from neighboring clans to pursue and kill the monster that’s been attacking her clan, and that slayed her son. Starting at the chieftain’s clanfire, the characters uncover mysteries about the creature that can only be fully solved by tracking the awful Night Thing to its lair, which is full of frightening apparitions. As the party ventures deeper into the Night Thing's lair, they'll discover an even deeper menace, and a plot to overthrow the chieftain. Only they can save Skarna and her people from the grim machinations of their powerful enemies! Published by Atlas Games

Cover of FRE1 Shadowdale
FRE1 Shadowdale
Levels 5–8
60 pages

"One morn, no sunrise comes. There is only darkness, and an icy chill." Cast out from their heavenly domain, the gods of the Forgotten Realms wander the land as mortals. They seek the lost Tablets of Fate, key to their return. A band of adventurers are hired by a young apprentice to rescue her sorceress-mentor, little do they realize the size of the stakes they will soon be playing for. Caught up in a power struggle that will determine the fate of the Realms themselves, the first step is to find the only mortal who may know what's going on - the legendary sage Elminster. Shadowdale is the first of a trilogy of modules that describe the strife called by some "the Godswar," in The Forgotten Realms. TSR 9247