A community for lazy dungeon masters
586 adventures found
Cover of Horn of the Unicorn
Horn of the Unicorn
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
8 pages

Equinis Edwards, a cursed talking horse, has run afoul of a forest witch. He requires the aid of adventurers to convince the witch to reverse his curse and restore him to his original state, a unicorn! This adventure is: - setting agnostic - designed with combat-optional scenarios for younger players - all conflicts can be resolved with roleplay and creative thinking - written for a party of 2-3 adventurers of very low level (level 0-2 ) - easily scaled for small or large parties

Cover of A Fey's Evil
A Fey's Evil
5th Edition
Level 4
19 pages

The heroes hurry to reclaim a treasured item that an evil hag has hidden away. The item they seek is well guarded by dangerous foes bent on destroying any that dare enter their domain. Estimated play time - 1 hour. This product contains two combat encounters designed for 4th level PCs, an extensive backstory, new monsters and new magic items. The encounters are easily adapted to almost any campaign setting. The text also includes optional changes that DMs may consider when running the adventure for their own campaigns. This side trek encounter is the second of a three-part "Fey's Bargain" encounter series.

Cover of Dark Times in Sherwood
Dark Times in Sherwood
3rd Edition
Level 3
26 pages

Where's Robin Hood When You Need Him? The Sheriff of Nottingham and the outlaws of Sherwood Forest share a common enemy. Will an unlikely alliance end this newest threat to the land? Pgs. 42-67

Cover of Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lake
Level 1
8 pages

Who is the dying woman? Where is the lake that can save her? Even ladies in distress aren't all that they seem. Ideally, there should be at least a cleric, a magic-user, and a ranger in the party. Pgs. 11-18

Cover of A Miner Problem
A Miner Problem
5th Edition
Level 2
? pages

You are hired by a mine operator to retrieve the mine's gnomish engineer who has barricaded himself in the mine's lower reaches. But there's more going on than just a crazy gnome and his robots sabotaging the mine. You'll need to explore the forest, build alliances, and brave a rollercoaster ride on a mine cart to get to the bottom of this adventure (pun intended). This is a gamebook-style solo adventure that you can play in your browser. You make a 2nd level character sheet, roll your own dice, keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and are on your honor to be honest. It's all text-based with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice.

Cover of Temple of Xhodes
Temple of Xhodes
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
20 pages

The Temple of Xhodes is half wilderness adventure, half dungeon crawl for 4-6 characters of 2nd level. People have been disappearing from Eastbrook and surrounding lands. Can the adventurers figure out why – and who’s behind it? Can they stop the cultists before they take over?

Cover of DQ3 - Demise of the Slavers
DQ3 - Demise of the Slavers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
30 pages

Retribution and revenge are yours for the taking! Demise of the Slavers pits you against the forces responsible for turning your life upside down and kidnapping your friends and family. The original pair of adventurers have come a long way and with the help of friends, it is time to end the slavers hold on your homeland of Esaq! Don’t miss this exciting conclusion for the DQ series.

Cover of Carcass Fracas!
Carcass Fracas!
Level 1
2 pages

It's only a flesh wound. This roadkill isn't as harmless as it looks. Reports abound of brigands and hobgoblins attacking travelers in the area. Though there were brigands, the attacks are the work of a Thoul (magical combination of a hobgoblin, ghoul, and troll). The Thoul is playing dead in the road to attract prey. It has been doing this successfully for a number of days now with the help of its mate, a second Thoul hiding nearby. The PCs must defeat the Thouls to keep the road safe for travelers between the local towns. Pgs. 26-27

Cover of Servants of the Blood Moon
Servants of the Blood Moon
3rd Edition
Levels 7–10
16 pages

Deep in the elven forests of Myereth, ancient rowan trees spread white boughs above a sacred site. Pillars of stone twist like some strange form of vine, curling among the branches and reflecting the light of a silvery moon. The forest is silent, and beautiful, protected since the dawn of time by a powerful Unicorn. The elven forest of Myereth is well known throughout the world as a safe haven of good and peace, a place where evil cannot stand to enter and where the trees weep healing tears upon those injured within its boundaries. Any player character elves know of the forest, its healing properties, and its legendary beauty. They may have heard of it as a legend, or they may have visited its mystic shrine when they were children, brought along on a pilgrimage by other elves. But something has gone terribly wrong. Refugees from Myereth, terrified and confused, are flooding into other elven cities. They speak of a great evil that has conquered the forest, one that has killed the body of the immortal Unicorn and tainted its spirit. Myereth runs with blood, they say, and the once-powerful rowan trees have begun to wither and die. In the center of the Rowan Grove, the bloodied bodies of the last elven warriors of Myereth lie scattered and broken. Those responsible call themselves the Servants of the Blood Moon, and they are led by a dark-robed sorcerer. The surviving elves do not know this evil man — all but one of those who fought against the Servants died — but they know that the sorcerer calls himself Tamarat. He has butchered the Unicorn, the spirit of the forest. The Myereth, and the elves, are dying.

Cover of Rosethorn
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
8 pages

Goblin attacks have always plagued the farmers and merchants who live and travel along the roads leading to Whitesparrow. But a recent rash of new attacks are something different. The goblins of one particular tribe have gotten particularly smart, attacking with careful tactics and cunning ambushes. The village guards haven’t been able to outwit the goblins, even when laying traps of their own and hiring mercenaries to stop them. Even as goblins go, Rosethorn isn’t much to look at. He’s small and runty, and yet a lucky break placed him in charge of the Brownleaf goblin tribe. When he claimed a powerful magic relic from a dead wizard three months ago, Rosethorn found his intellect multiplied many times over. The world began to make a more intricate kind of sense to him, and he saw patterns in the ways other folk traveled the roads. After hiring a spy in Whitesparrow to tell him which wagons to pursue, Rosethorn cunningly bribed the wagons’ guards to throw battles in the goblins’ favor. He then moved the lair of the Brownleaf tribe away from their dank caves and into the ruins of the Bearded Man—an enormous dead tree at the center of the Howling Wood. There, Rosethorn continues his campaign of ambush against the foolish villagers, increasing his wealth and power with each robbery.

Cover of The Automatic Hound
The Automatic Hound
3.5 Edition
Level 4
12 pages

Deep in the forest, two hunters stumble across the site of a strange and ancient ritual, and one pays the ultimate price. Now a murderous beast stalks the streets of a quiet farm town. Can the PCs unravel the secret of Dramsburg’s dark past and defeat a monster that cannot be killed? Mystery adventure with little fighting in a small town. Can be played in a single session. At the climax a moral quandary is presented. Pgs. 14-25

Cover of FT - Silvantri
FT - Silvantri
Levels 1–6
11 pages

Tucked away in the Springwood Forest is the Elven settlement of Silvantri. The town is filled with those Elves who left their ancestral home in the Treetop Forest. The community is elevated and suspension bridges link the buildings together. This setting will allow those enjoy Elven backgrounds to further their joy.

Cover of CCC-LINKS-02 The Secrets We Keep
CCC-LINKS-02 The Secrets We Keep
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
32 pages

As winter releases its grip on the region surrounding the town of Phlan, secrets are revealed within Glumpen Swamp. Strange landscapes and sigils have been found beneath the mud, and the wildlife around the swamp has become greatly agitated. At times a spectral figure can be seen in the distance, only to disappear upon approach. Can you discover what is happening in the muck and gloom?

Cover of C4 To Find A King
C4 To Find A King
Levels 4–7
31 pages

Two centuries ago, the last king of the celtic kingdom of Pellham was deposed in favor of a High Council. Now, however, things are going badly, and a restless populace longs for the days of the ancient kingship. The High Council is floundering - and the political situation is turning ugly. It was then that the Brothers of Brie, and obscure monastic order, discovered a long-forgotten prophecy. In Pellham's time of greatest need, a long-dead king will rise to restore order. You have been chosen to prove that this is the time of the prophecy. You will take the first steps toward returning the lost king to the throne. This adventure contains the first four rounds of the AD&D OPEN Tournament that was originally run at GEN CON XVI Convention. It includes a tournament scoring system and a team of 10 characters of levels 4-7. This adventure can be played alone or as the first part of the two-part PROPHECY OF BRIE series. TSR 9107

Cover of I6 Ravenloft
I6 Ravenloft
Levels 5–7
32 pages

Under raging stormclouds, a lone figure stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of castle Ravenloft. Count Strahd von Zarovich stares down a sheer cliff at the village below. A cold, bitter wind spins dead leaves around him, billowing his cape in the darkness. Lightning splits the clouds overhead, casting stark white light across him. Strahd turns to the sky, revealing the angular muscles of his face and hands. He has a look of power - and of madness. His once-handsome face is contorted by a tragedy darker than the night itself. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind's howling increases as Strahd turns his gaze back to the village. Fas below, yet not beyond his keen eyesight, a party of adventurers has just entered his domain. Strahd's face forms a twisted smile as his dark plan unfolds. He knew they were coming, and he knows why they came, all according to his plan. He, the master of Ravenloft, will attend to them. Another lightning flash rips through the darkness, its thunder echoing through the castle's towers. But Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind - or perhaps a lone wolf - fills the midnight air. The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner. And you are invited. TSR 9075

Cover of FV5 - Xodus Isle
FV5 - Xodus Isle
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
21 pages

While strolling through the streets of Kak you notice a pair of men laying in the alley. Upon closer inspection you notice that one of the dead men has a unique tattoo. Peering closer you notice that this man, dressed as a pirate, has a tattoo of an island with an “x” on it! Once this tattoo is discovered the PCs will need to locate a ship to head off on a treasure hunt. Finding a ship captain that is familiar with Xodus Isle will not be difficult but trusting the captain…well that’s a different story entirely.

Cover of The Gnomes of Levnec
The Gnomes of Levnec
Low Level
20 pages

...There are older things in these forests too; the knights did not just battle the pagan kings of man but also the forest dwellers; the wodewose. Spend too long in any tavern or listen to a village alewife and you’ll hear stories of knights and wodewose duking it out in little patches of now cleared pastures. One of these little villages is the village of Levnec, a sad little town ruled by a self appointed lord banished from his seaside villa far to the south. His name is Lord Kristoph and he has been looking to hire some transient sell swords to solve his problem. Some of the townsfolk are (repeatedly) going missing and others are refusing to work, even after examples were beaten and hobbled by his men. Seeing as the townsfolk are blaming the local Gnomes, he would simply like these drifters to saunter in the wood, murder some Gnomes and bring them back to show the townsfolk there is nothing to fear (except him) and to get back to work.

Cover of The Silver Thumbed Thief
The Silver Thumbed Thief
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
18 pages

Small town merchants, frustrated after being continually conned with counterfeit coinage, want help capturing or defeating a magical thief. This 18 page adventure takes the party into the wilderness to storm a previously abandoned tower and capture a mischievous gang of bandits. The party must be quick and stop the gang before the criminals escape in the safety of the clubhouse they built in the branches of their awakened tree ally. This one shot adventure is balanced for four 3rd level characters. It should take between 3-5 hours to complete. It can also serve as a difficult challenge for 2nd level characters or a fun, but easier session for 4th level characters. It takes place in the Forbidden Realms with no set location. It can be easily run as a standalone adventure or fit into an existing campaign that takes place anywhere near forest, such Neverwinter Wood.

Cover of Into the Borderlands
Into the Borderlands
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
155 pages

The Borderlands. An untamed wild region far flung from the comforts and protection of civilization. A lone fortified Keep is the only bastion of Good desperately striving to maintain the forces of Chaos at bay. But Evil is everywhere, lurking in dark caves, fetid swamps, forlorn forests. Bands of cutthroat brigands and ruthless tribes of humanoids eager to clash with the forces of Food rove the region. The Borderlands hold many secret wondrous locations, and opportunities for fame, prestige, and fortune are plentiful. But equally abundant are the perils, risks, and challenges to those brave enough to explore the wilds. Sharpen your swords and axes. Purchase your iron rations and tinderboxes. And Don't forget at least one 10-foot pole. Adventure awaits those with the mettle to confront Chaos in the Borderlands!

Cover of Rescue A Familiar Tale
Rescue A Familiar Tale
5th Edition
Level 0
49 pages

The Heartland Scouts – brave defenders of the Coast Way – have been captured! What their captors haven’t counted on is the adventurers’ feisty animal companions. Left behind, they are nevertheless bound to spell trouble! In this entirely unique adventure, players take on the roles of trusty animal companions and familiars on a quest to rescue their adventurer masters. Surely leaving behind a druid’s harmless badger friend is no threat to one of the great evil powers of the world – or is it? Rescue: A Familiar Tale features a story and challenges designed especially for the animal companions. Players choose and customize their animal companion from over 20 options, with illustrated character sheets included for each one. This adventure does not require existing player characters and can be enjoyed by players of any experience level with the game. While it makes for a perfect “something different” one shot, Rescue can also serve as a session zero for any new campaign and includes guidelines for a fun and surprising way to create inspired new characters at the adventure’s end!