The young heroes are invited to Massie Littlefoot’s birthday party before she departs for wizarding school in Waterdeep. At the height of the party, Clonker, an ogre known to live nearby, steals Massie’s cake! The heroes must brave the forest and get Massie’s cake back before everyone goes home. This introductory adventure is designed for level 1-2 characters. What Is This Project? An Ogre and His Cake is an introductory 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure built for and tested by kids. It is every parent or guardian's dream to share their passions with the young ones they love. We hope Clonker, the lovable ogre, opens these doors for you. We also want to support children and families who are unable embark on every adventure. All of our creator royalties (50% of what you pay, with the other 50% supporting the upkeep of the Dungeon Masters Guild and Wizards of the Coast) will be donated directly to Extra Life, a non-profit organization focused on supporting children's hospitals through communal gaming events.
A mission to find a rare recipe ingredient for a local wizard. The recipe to fashion that magic item calls for a few drops of fey blood. Hmmm...where in the world can that be found?
An atmospheric one-shot adventure set in a dark forest for one-on-one or parties of level 5 or 6. There are two new sidekick classes, NPCs, and leveling tables included with handouts for your player! In this adventure, the characters gather information in the small village of Redvale on the outskirts of the Blackwoods Forest. They go into the forest in search of Adelle, a druid whose other eleven Circle members have disappeared within the last year. Inside the forest, they discover several undead beings, including a wood woad, who guides them to Adelle. She and her Circle learned a year before of a sorceress’s plan to extend her power beyond the forest, a death sentence for the village of Redvale and the lands beyond. Adelle is the last one left. Adelle is suspicious of the party at first, but she might help them get to the center of the forest to investigate the dark sorceress and try to put a stop to her destructive plans. This adventure sets a mysterious woodland ambiance that lends itself to an immersive one-shot experience! This Adventure Includes: -Full one-shot adventure for levels 5 or 6 -Two sidekick characters (or DMPCs) with handouts for your player -Two new sidekick classes and unique leveling tables: the archer and the Circle of the Phoenix druid -Mechanics for running a sidekick -Beautiful art -Well-rounded NPCs -Two custom NPC stat blocks -A new custom creature and -Two custom magical items
How dangerous is a wounded dragon? A black dragon has seized Ravenglade Keep, though not without resistance! Badly wounded in the fight, the Warriors of Sehanine have fled their home and now turn to the outside world for help. There’s no time to lose! Can you arrive at Ravenglade Keep in time and discern allies from foes on the way? Warriors of Sehanine is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure module for a party of four to five characters from 3rd to 5th level. • Experience the Wood of Sharp Teeth on the way to Ravenglade Keep in a 12 to 16 hour adventure of 38 pages, written by Mithral Best Selling creators Florian Emmerich, JVC Parry and DMsGuild Adept Ashley Warren • Rock the (virtual) table with four breathtaking maps by Dean Spencer & Erin Harvey that come with player and DM versions • Bring the adventure to life with stunning artwork and player handouts by Raluca Marinescu,Henrik Rosenborg & Nathalie Lehnert • Show the NPCs with selected exclusive Trash Mob Minis
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 4th-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path is part 2 of 6 of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 7th level by the end of this adventure. The PCs receive a shipment of funds, materials, and colonists from Brevoy and beyond, along with instructions to build a town and attract more pioneers to their nascent country. Having already explored the northern reaches of their new domain, the PCs must now venture into the wilds to bring the rule of law to the south. Wicked fey inhabiting a ruined keep, undead haunting an ancient barrow mound, and others must be defeated to make the region ever more secure. Along the way, the PCs might also have the opportunity to ally themselves with some of the region’s local residents, including the dryad druid Tiressia, her satyr consort Falchos, and a band of gnome explorers called the Narthropple Expedition. In addition, the PCs will be called upon to mediate between two rival factions in the area: a group of independent loggers and the angry fey sorceress who opposes them. As they explore, evidence that a group of trolls is stirring up trouble in the region becomes apparent. Meanwhile, the PCs must deal with events within their burgeoning kingdom—a rabble rouser seeks to oust the PCs from their positions of power, the secretive cult of the hag goddess Gyronna has infiltrated the town, and a werewolf is preying on the townsfolk. All of these events build to the adventure’s twin climaxes: the sudden assault on their capital city by an owlbear of unprecedented size and the expansion of Hargulka’s trolls into the north. Faced with danger on multiple fronts, the PCs must draw upon all of their resources and bravery to become the undisputed rulers of the Greenbelt.
A gnomish settlement is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes, the wrath of an Earth Elemental. Can the heroes save the gnomes? Do the greedy gnomes deserve to be saved? "Valanche's Eye" was inspired by a desire to write an adventure which blurs the line of who the bad guy actually is, or indeed whether or not there's a really tangible villain. It takes the "patron hires adventurers to clear dungeon" trope and twists it – the patron turns out to be a pretty rotten bastard, and the monsters in the dungeon are just trying to live their lives. It starts when gnome gem-miners strike the mother lode of emeralds and sapphires, only to find themselves run off their claim. First they accidentally broke through to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, and mephits burst out to annoy them. When they were just about done dealing with the mephits, they disturbed an earth elemental who just wants to be left alone, and emeralds are its favorite snack. The mine boss hires the adventurers to come kill all the elementals. But should they?
For years the Count of Durwall Keep ruled over the land fairly and with justice. That ended during the Bloodrayne Conflict when the castle was felled by troops loyal to General Bloodrayne. In the many years that followed the triangular keep has fallen into a sordid state of disrepair. The keep used to hold mighty coffers of treasure for the Count and for the Emperor as well. A stronghold was built under the keep to secure said treasure and perhaps some treasure may still remain in the depths of its dungeons. Recently it’s been said that the Snaggletooth tribe of kobolds has seized the fortress and is using it as their home. It is also rumored that there may still be undiscovered treasure located in the dungeon of the keep. Faint echoes of the missing Orb of Ruler ship are still heard.
There is no night for faeries and the fey like Midsummer’s Eve, and the green woods hide many wondrous and magical things on the shortest night of the year. On this night, a group of curious villagers would be adventurers, perhaps wander into the forest and encounter the lonely rusalka, who asks for their help retrieving her lost heart before the night is done. Pgs. 7-14
Within the muck and darkness of a cave off in the forest lies an ancient creature. A manifestation of evil and psychosis that causes even devils and demons to turn a blind eye. This monstrosity is known as The Gol'Goroth. Rumors say it has just sockets where there should be eyes, yet it sees everything in this world and in others. It pierces the veil of the mind and inflicts madness on all who come near . . . of course these are surely just rumors. Surely just an excuse to justify the actions of a twisted cult that is ravaging local villages. Surely this is just the manifestation of their crazed minds as they carve their own bones into weapon and slice their own flesh to ribbons - all in the name of the Gol'Goroth
AL19 – Junket to the Southlands has the PCs enjoying a little R&R in southern Allatrama when a caravan comes into town. Scuttlebutt has it that some famous Bard came in with them and is giving a performance later. With nothing else to do you opt to take a listen. After hearing the tales recited by the incredible poet you opt to visit the location of her stories. Saddle up folks, you’re heading into the frozen land to the south!
Those friendly dwarves were the first to go, the poor things. And now the beast has been killing and eating the people of Brandonsford. No-one wants to leave the town's walls. With the humans out of the forest, fairies have taken over, and now the goblin king Hogboon seeks to claim the entire forest as his new kingdom.
Cookie swarms? Bubble traps? A three-story tree house? The Grandmother Tree is a whimsical adventure about friendship aimed at elementary kids (and kids at heart) who love the problem-solving and adventuring part of playing Dungeons & Dragons and enjoy resolving encounters with less combat. Share your joy of Dungeons & Dragons with the whole family! This two-hour one-shot is suited for characters level 2-3, and includes the following features: -New ‘monster’ and trap that appeal to kids -Full-color maps -Detailed flowchart of the whole adventure to streamline your prep -Can be dropped into any existing campaign or run on its own -Fully playtested by kids -Printer-friendly version of the adventure and maps -Kid-friendly artwork -Interactive mini games your whole table will enjoy -Tips on playing TTRPGs with kids, graciously donated by Anne Gregersen from her best-selling guide, Little Heroes -A portion of the proceeds benefits Extra Life, helping fund children’s hospitals
Your group of adventurers has come together from a successful adventure in the old ruins seeking more fame and glory. As they travel they come upon the small community of Kamortha. Recently a problem occurred when the Witch of Margrove Swamp cursed the community as she left. Now the people have developed some strange facial malady and they want a cure. Can your party of adventurers discover the secret of the plague and resolve it for the fine people of Kamortha?
It's feeding time at the zoo and you could be the main course! Raven Aldritch, mysterious and beautiful, runs the Aldritch Research Centre and Zoo for her father, a powerful mage. He enjoys turning dangerous creatures into terrifying monstrosities. But daddy is away and the magical shields that hold the creatures in their enclosures have failed. These monsters are rampaging through the research centre endangering the lives of the innocent workers. Raven desperately needs help to regain control, and she’s willing to pay the right group of adventurers handsomely. Will you come to her rescue? An adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Fifth edition compatible. A one-shot for a party of Level 3 adventurers
The nearby jungle is growing at a disturbing pace -- overnight, whole villages have been swallowed up by creeping vines. Rumors say the source is a corrupt and powerful temple deep in the jungle. In reality, the blight lords of Talona created a monstrous corpse flower and imbued it with the power of a cursed gem from an ancient temple of their goddess. After the blight lords released it into the forest, the corpse flower bent the surrounding jungle to its semi-sentient whims, recreating the temple out of plant life -- with an insatiable hunger for expansion.
As the fledgling adventurers continue their movement throughout the area they begin to head towards the bustling Port City of Kak. To get to there from the Dy’oe Grasslands the party will need to navigate a river running along an overgrown section of the frontier. After obtaining the services of a strange riverboat captain the party heads down the river and into adventure! Between the wildlife, a mysterious old temple, and river pirates the party discovers getting to Kak is easier said than done!
The Filbar Quest series continues with FQ8 – Uprising of the Undead. As you continue to pursue the lost pages from the Codex of Gamber Dauch (Daw-sch) you quickly discover that the dead have risen from their graves. A rogue mage known as Mortatus the Wicked has discovered the emerald pages from the ancient tome and is using the powerful magic to raise an army of the dead. Your cleric had better be in good graces with their deity!
Martin's Fortune is a short classic horror quest that can be easily put in any (low) fantasy setting. This adventure scenario features a dark and trilling backstory and several handouts for your players. The quest is very much in the horror element and there are advices on how to approach the horror scenes. Adventure Synopsis: Martin Wesley, decedent of a faithful servant of Lord Amren Stieber recruits the players to pillage the Lord's lost tomb. Searching for the tomb reveals that forgotten history leaves its traces to this very day. The forest around Amren's resting place is cursed and veiled in darkness. When the party finally arrives to the Lord's tomb, they discover that it is something more - a jailhouse. Their prize will have to be earned in blood. Even when they vanquish the undead fiend, they can't be too safe, for the Lord's madness has become immortal.
Andrew Engelbrite's gripping tale of intrigue and honor takes the adventurers from a chance encounter with a kindly elder matron in Hofuku Prefecture, across the sea to the polluted islands of Uragi Prefecture, and into a deathtrap of enslaved water folk under the control of madman! What you'll find in Honorable Wills: Kittiyona and Ikkitongaku: Details for 2 of Soburin's capital cities (including full page maps) 18 new monsters and NPCs ranging from the heirs Torimu to the mythical umibōzu sea monster Cosmetic Augments: A new type of invasive technological enhancement and the Bioartist Monastic Tradition Torimu Keep: A 20 page, 3 level, fully-mapped dungeon An epic module that will end with the PCs reaching 11th level! Published by Storm Bunny Studios
"Doom Croaker's Branches" is a lindwurm lair suitable for four or five 4th level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.