A community for lazy dungeon masters
323 adventures found
Cover of FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Even close knit adventure parties could use a break from each other once in a while. Hiatus from the Party is a set of several different adventures for solo PCs and a DM. The adventures have been divided up into selections depending on classes and are meant for lower level adventurers. This scenario can also be used to introduce players to a game!

Cover of Caverns of Thracia
Caverns of Thracia
3rd Edition
Level 3
130 pages

For over a thousand years the things that lurk beneath the waters, skulk in the darkness and lie hungrily in dank crypts have been patient, while all around them men and monsters bicker amongst themselves, bold enough to traverse the dark caverns' depths but afraid or perhaps wise enough to leave the forgotten vaults and hidden passages alone. Beneath the lost ruins of ancient Thracia lie the vast caverns of a once great civilization. While a death cult rules the surface, the Minotaur King and his beast men lurk fall below. Descend even deeper into the darkness and discover a lost and arcane world that waits for those brave enough to enter! Necromancer Games and Judges Guild have teamed up to expand and update the classic module Coverns of Thracia for 3.5. Designed for characters of 3rd to 8th level and higher, the Caverns of Thracia is a mini-campaign setting that presents intricate plots and exciting adventures.

Cover of GK1 The Adventure Begins
GK1 The Adventure Begins
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Adventure awaits both AD&D & 5E D&D players looking to take on the challenges of a Steampunk style setting! Using Gary Gygax's notes from the original AD&D DMG under 'Sixguns & Sorcery' and incorperating them into the setting, this introductory gazetteer and adventure will give players the opportunity to use the Nameless Realms (Roslof Keep & Taux) as the backdrop in a later age, The Gun Kingdoms. Secure a ship, find a crew, and take on the xenophobic and apocalypic setting as you try to deliver a spy back to the government she stole from. Will your players become part of the 'greater good' of the new world government, or will they become its opposition, striving to help the dying race of the Enlightened? Only time will tell. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of DDEX02-12 Dark Rites at Fort Dalton
DDEX02-12 Dark Rites at Fort Dalton
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Fort Dalton along the River Lis was long ago destroyed. Now rumors tell of foul cults practicing their dark rites within the fort’s ruins. Are the rumors of elemental cults true or are the rumors a cover for some other sinister plot? A two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #32: The Golden Palace of Zahadran
Dungeon Crawl Classics #32: The Golden Palace of Zahadran
3.5 Edition
Levels 14–16
48 pages

While investigating rumors of a dangerous blue dragon wreaking havoc in the deep desert, the heroes tumble under the sands into the magically sealed dome of an ancient palace. The temporarily weakened dome reseals above them, and they are left to explore the golden palace of Zahadran, once seat of power for the legendary Caliph Ardishir the Magnificent. But the dome is weak because it has been assaulted by the mythical storm demon Azi Dahaka and his trapped minions, evil creatures that were sealed under the magical dome to keep them from ravaging an unsuspecting world.

Cover of Bloodlines
3rd Edition
Levels 4–10
22 pages

The long-forgotten monastery to the Lord of Winds hides a secret of immense evil. The PCs are tasked with delving into the abandoned ruins and discover if two Houses are related in some way. Scales from level 4 to level 10, but originally designed for characters of 7th level. Pgs. 17-39

Cover of The Scepter Tower of Spellgard
The Scepter Tower of Spellgard
4th Edition
Levels 2–4
96 pages

Protect the Future! At the height of Netheril's power, the fortress of Spellgard held many great secrets of the Empire of Magic. Now, only ruins remain... and one last guardian, the near-mythical Lady Saharel, whose prophetic visions draw the desperate and the doomed from across Faerun. But a dark presence in one of Spellgard's intact towers wants to control the power of prophecy for itself and remake the future in its own image.

Cover of Creaking in the Dark
Creaking in the Dark
5th Edition
24 pages

When an injured child collapses in the street, will you venture into the cellar he fled from to discover what hides, creaking in the dark? Published by Nord Games

Cover of The Haunting of Kincep Mansion
The Haunting of Kincep Mansion
4th Edition
Level 12
24 pages

Long rumored to be haunted by eerie specters, Kincep Mansion has stood for years, mostly untouched by nearby townsfolk. Now something is preying on the local villagers—something that comes from the house. Pgs. 46-69

Cover of Key of Destiny: Age of Mortals Campaign Volume One
Key of Destiny: Age of Mortals Campaign Volume One
3rd Edition
Levels 1–6
175 pages

An ancient secret is discovered in an overrun border town, long ago forgotten by the elves of the east. It is a magical key—so obscure that history does not remember its form or even what it unlocks. But an unseen evil searches tirelessly, even as the lost knowledge finds its way into the most unlikely hands. The adventure contained within these pages will take a group of heroes from city to ruins, from wasteland to dungeon, and from despair to hope. It presents new creatures, spells and magic items. Published by Sovereign Press.

Cover of NQ6 - Hanseatic League
NQ6 - Hanseatic League
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
16 pages

Hanging out in the city of Acre has gotten mundane and the old adventuring itch is flaring up. Your fruitless search for jobs quickly changes as a farmer locates you. He indicates that he has a minor farming problem with a land shark that the party can deal with. Once this job is completed, the party is approached by more opportunities!

Cover of NQ19 - Venzor Trench
NQ19 - Venzor Trench
5th Edition
Level 9
17 pages

Venzor Trench is set for a group of characters hired to deliver a magical item between two warring countries. The sea voyage becomes tumultuous and the ship goes down. With the mission unfilled the players utilize the magic item to survive on the bottom of the sea floor and continue to trek their way towards completing their misson through the legendary Venzor Trench!

Cover of The Ruins of Nehk'Talosh
The Ruins of Nehk'Talosh
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
4 pages

Off in the wilderness are the ruins of a temple that once belonged to the God of Balance, Tyr. It has long been abandoned by the traditional followers, but it is certainly not empty. A few clever individuals have found a way to harness the magics that still reside deep within this holy place and are attempting to use it to give life to an Iron Golem. The party must stop them at all costs or have a powerful monstrosity released into the hands of some terrible individuals.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon
Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
28 pages

Eons past the fabled sorcerer-kings of Parhok perished in a rain of eldritch fire. But legends hold that one tribe survived the apocalypse, fleeing with their slaves to a hidden city, where the greatest enchanters of all time could sleep away the centuries, and awaken in a future age as rulers of a ruined land. Now once more the forbidden spells of the Parhok threaten the good folk of the Known Realms. A kingdom lies ensorcelled, a royal family ensnared by the forgotten dweomers of a long-dead race. When the best attempts of seers and diviners have failed, it falls to the heroes to save the kingdom. Have the sorcerer-kings risen to reclaim their bejeweled thrones? Or has a more sinister power bent their ancient magics to its sinister will? Only the most courageous and cunning of heroes will emerge victorious from Dragora’s Dungeon.

Cover of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands
Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands
Levels 1–2
97 pages

A ruined monument to folly and ego, the Shadowed Keep stands atop an isolated bluff deep in a mist-wreathed forest. Sacked by marauding goblins decades ago the place was thought abandoned, but shadows now creep among the forest's great boles and footprints have appeared on the single, overgrown track leading to the keep. Travellers have begun to disappear with alarming regularity from the nearby road and the local folk fear some slumbering evil has claimed the ruin as its own. Dare you brave the terrors of the Shadowed Keep to crush that which lurks within or will darkness shroud the surrounding lands? Designed to be easily inserted into a GM's home campaign, Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands is an excellent starting locale to test the mettle of neophyte adventurers. Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands is designed for the medium advancement track. 1st-level PCs completing all the challenges of the place can expect to reach 3rd-level by the time they have exhausted all the keep has to offer.

Cover of Greenskin Diplomacy
Greenskin Diplomacy
5th Edition
Level 1
24 pages

When a band of orcs attacks the town of West Fork, will you and your party bravely defend the townsfolk, and strike back? This adventure is intended to be used in any campaign setting and at any party level (see ‘Instructions’). This particular adventure takes place in a medium-sized village or small town. Most of the NPCs within this adventure are human, but they can easily be substituted for other common races to best suit your campaign. Published by Nord Games

Cover of The Palace of Plenty
The Palace of Plenty
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–12
25 pages

The fair Yayosei were the children of an ancient tribe of benign river spirits, until they tried to preserve their paradise by trapping the power of the Void Dragon. Their home was indeed preserved, but at a terrible cost. Today, the descendants of the Yayosei have degenerated into beasts, but what remains trapped within the Palace of Plenty is much worse. An Oriental Adventures scenario for 10th-level characters.

Cover of Under Dovla Mountain
Under Dovla Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
24 pages

The Kierhammer clan of dwarves pride themselves as excellent excavators, but the respective families are not without friction. While clearing the entrance to the tomb of an ancient king, tensions rose following the death of one of the Kierhammers, who seemingly fell accidentally. It is your job to ensure the clan stays united, and when disease strikes, to make sure resources are managed properly, so that the mission is complete and you all return alive. A wicked force, however has other plans...

Cover of Upon the Icebound Terrace
Upon the Icebound Terrace
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
1 pages

This adventure is suitable for four 6th to 7th level PC's and may be completed in a single session. Oithois the exceptional ice mephit and his foul underlings have uncovered a powerful relic at the entry to ancient ruins. The monstrous mephits seek to crack a hole between the material plane and their icy home world. Oithois plots to lead an army of elemental lackeys and conquer the civilized outposts of the north. This ice mephit has studied the machine and is confident he can open a gateway to the elemental plane of ice. PCs are approached by a frostbitten traveler, who pleads with them to assault the terrace. The adventurers must mount an attack against the mephits, contend with an unintentionally summoned young white dragon, and defeat Oithois upon the icebound terrace.

Cover of Icicles & Brimstone
Icicles & Brimstone
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
15 pages

When a priceless relic goes missing from the archives of an ancient monastery, only one party of stalwart adventurers has the determination and strength of character to go forth and recover it from a dangerous underground fortress. That party is yours.