A community for lazy dungeon masters
698 adventures found
Cover of DDIA05  A Great Upheaval
DDIA05 A Great Upheaval
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

An Introductory Adventure for Storm King's Thunder. As evening approaches, you spot a wooden signpost next to a trail that heads north into the hills. Nailed to the post are three arrow-shaped signs. The two marked “Waterdeep” and “Daggerford” follow the High Road but point in opposite directions. The third, marked “Nightstone,” beckons you to follow the trail. If memory serves, Nightstone is roughly ten miles up the trail. This is Chapter 1 of the greater story available for free on the Dungeon Master's Guild.

Cover of Rise of the Pumpkin King
Rise of the Pumpkin King
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
7 pages

A Halloween themed adventure for characters levels 3rd to 4th, meant for a single 3-6 hours session. The pumpkin-farmers of Goldgrain are in for terror, as in a rather ironic turn of events, their crops rise to harvest them instead. What's causing the pumpkins to become alive and angry? Is it the curse of a long dead witch? Or is it something even more sinister? Why are they dragging the corpses of their victims away, and to where? Who commands them? Soon enough, they'll find out answers to those questions, or perish under the wrath of the haunted crops.

Cover of WS3 Distant Turtle City
WS3 Distant Turtle City
Levels 5–7
20 pages

The journey continues on the high seas as the ship crosses the equatorial reach and heads into waters rarely visited by the children of the North. While plying the trades far off the coast of the mysterious T'ung Empire, the characters encounter a derelict ship caught in a thick seaweed sargasso. The ruins of the craft point to Molo and his deadly plot, and the chase continues to a new port of call, that of Distant Turtle City. Can the city be freed of Molo's dark influence? Do the brave adventurers have what it takes to challenge shade ninjas, ogre magi, bushido goblins, and even a rumored eye tyrant? Only time and dice will tell! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Salted Legacy
Salted Legacy
5th Edition
Level 1
16 pages

"A series of disturbances plagues the Dyn Singh Night Market, an endlessly changing maze of stalls filled with incredible wares, enticing smells, and magical lights. Accusations fly as the characters become entangled in a feud between the well-respected Tyenmo and Xungoon merchant families of the Siabsungkoh valley. To prevent the families' conflict from escalating, the characters must earn the trust of the market's vendors and gain their help to unmask who's behind a rash of vandalism and thefts."

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #97: The Queen of Elfland's Son
Dungeon Crawl Classics #97: The Queen of Elfland's Son
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
20 pages

Strange attacks in the night plague the people of Eng. Slaughter and shadows keep the villagers inside after dark. Mighty adventurers are needed to seek out the source of these threats and stop them for good. This quest will take the heroes to the very borders of Elfland and pit them against the cruelty of the Unseelie Court of Faerie. Will the heroes overcome the machinations of the Queen of Elfland or will they fall victim to the glamours and wiles of Elfland’s malicious nobility?

Cover of The Wolves of Welton
The Wolves of Welton
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
14 pages

Come and wolf down the adventure! It’s been a long time since the people of Welton have worried about anything but sheep ticks and late frosts, but now a pack of strangely determined wolves are spiriting away entire flocks at a time and driving farmers from their fields. With food running low and their sorcerer-in-residence nowhere to be found, the village council send out a desperate plea for brave adventurers to destroy the beasts. Is the job as easy as a walk in the woods, or is there more to the Wolves of Welton than mere animal cunning? There’s only one way to find out… A fresh take on the ancient 'kill ten wolves' quest that RPG fans will be so familiar with, The Wolves of Welton is designed to be played from start to finish in just one 3-6 hour session with limited preparation from the DM. All major characters have roleplaying notes included and full-size environment maps are included.

Cover of The Cage
The Cage
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
29 pages

The Cage: A valuable trinket was stolen from the well-protected manor of the lady Morrigan Strange, and she enlists the help of some able-bodied adventurers to retrieve it. As it is the way of things, it turns out the problem is not as simple as it first seemed. A vile demon was trapped in the stolen orb and threatens to kill everyone in sight after its release! The package includes background information about the involved characters, a few details about the town of Beregost, several maps, and lots of adventure!

Cover of DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
Levels 10–14
64 pages

On every side the storm clouds gather. To south and east, the Great Empire of Thonia plots to end Blackmoor's independence and reclaim its lost province. To the west, the implacable Afridhi are on the move. To the north, the evil Egg of Coot prepares to cross the thundering sea and once again bring fire and sword into the heart of the small kingdom. Beyond the realm of the Egg, the hated Skandaharian Raiders are building longships and preparing to fall upon Blackmoor's unprotected coast while its tiny army turns to meet these other threats. Into this time of black despair, there steps a band of adventurers who clutch strange swords and wear the most curious armor?and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice 3,000 years ago! TSR 9172

Cover of Goblin Heist
Goblin Heist
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
16 pages

Ever feel like you just want to snatch all the blankets and pillows you can find and hide in your own warm little nest? Goblin Heist is a chaotic Tier 1 adventure where 1-6 players take control of goblin characters on a mission to steal as many cozy things as they can from the sleepy winter village of Little Humbleton. But be wary... the town has hired an adventurer to stop you! Can you and your goblin gang survive the cold, sneak into houses, steal the cozies, and escape before daybreak all without being caught? Goblin Heist is highly replayable, and features: - A choice of four adventurers protecting the town, each adding their own difficulty and flavour to the game - Variable weather conditions - Pursuit mechanics - Randomly generated challenges - Cozies - Stuffing sweets in your face

Six Feet Under
Level 1
2 pages

The adventurer awakens buried in a coffin only to be inadvertently rescued by a goblin grave-robber. With no recollection of how they came to be buried alive, the adventurer is thrust into an encounter with the goblin and his party who have stolen a precious heirloom off their unconscious body. Before starting this adventure the GM and player should discuss what heirloom item the adventurer possesses. Though having immense sentimental value, the heirloom shouldn’t be magical, and it should be of minor monetary value. It should be a worn item that can easily be removed such as a ring, bracer or necklace.

Cover of HHQ4 Cleric's Challenge
HHQ4 Cleric's Challenge
Levels 2–4
32 pages

Cleric's Challenge is a one-on-one AD&D adventure, made specifically for a Cleric character. Pommeville is a sleepy little town that seems like a good place to stay for the night. That is, until the dead rise from their graves and begin terrorizing the village! Ancient evil threatens to overwhelm the good folk of Pommeville unless someone can find a way to comfort the restless dead. A lone, player character cleric will have to be clever, courageous, and more than a little lucky to solve the mystery and save Pommeville from the mindless zombies that threaten it! TSR 9429

Cover of The Lurkers in the Library
The Lurkers in the Library
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Some monsters don't have any class. The quest for knowledge can be as dangerous as any other. The heroes investigate a library after one of the locals claims to have seen a librarian be attacked by a tentacled creature. In reality, a group of orcs found a secret entrance into the library and the "tentacle" is merely the whip that the leader wields. The party must make their way through a labyrinth hidden underneath the library and rescue the hostages. Pgs. 4-9

Cover of Of Conks & Cons
Of Conks & Cons
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
6 pages

A magical conk is stolen and planted by an unsuspecting pawn. The tree which grows from this 'tato threatens the whole village of Hempholme and the characters have to take matters into their own hands. There are a number of threats to deal with and number 3 will shock you!

Cover of The Curse of Wardenwood
The Curse of Wardenwood
5th Edition
Level 7
21 pages

Things are not always what they seem in the cursed forest near Wardenwood village. Can the characters hold back the primal forces of evil and keep innocents from losing all they hold dear? The Curse of Wardenwood is a deep woods horror adventure for 7th-level characters. It's a one-shot that takes about 3-5 hours to complete and includes: -A sadistic witch, a prowling werewolf, and a surprise twist -Four new monsters that stalk the haunted woods -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of DDAL07-04 A Walk in the Park
DDAL07-04 A Walk in the Park
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

A mysterious clue has led you outside of the safety of the city’s walls and into the jungle beyond. You have been asked to venture into the jungle and seek out the wisdom of some of the native humanoids in the area—perhaps they will be able to shed some light on the situation and provide some insight on who is behind it all. Part Two of The Jungle Has Fangs Trilogy.

The Siege of Castle Rend
5th Edition
Level 5
50 pages

The Siege of Castle Rend is an adventure for the fifth edition of the world’s first roleplaying game, suitable for five 5th-level characters. It takes place over four parts, and each part can be completed in one or two sessions of play, depending on your group’s playstyle and how long you like to play in a single sitting. If all goes according to plan over the course of this adventure, the player characters will expose an usurping lord, fight orcs, acquire a stronghold, defend it from an invading army, win the admiration of a town filled with potential vassals, and make political connections within the Barony of Bedegar. Of course, no adventure goes according to plan. The PCs will invariably throw these well-laid schemes into chaos, and they’ll have to improvise. But if we know how things would have gone if the PCs never showed up (or are cowards), it makes it easier for us GMs to improvise when things go off the rails. Published by MCDM

Cover of Formaggio's Font
Formaggio's Font
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
26 pages

Can an ancient, smashed relic be put back together? Your employer thinks it can and sends you to find some of the fragments. A colorful town, detective work, interesting NPCs, a new race, and a challenging trip to the dump await you. The surrounding region inspires additional adventures.

Cover of Shrine of the Feathered Serpent
Shrine of the Feathered Serpent
3.5 Edition
Level 12
12 pages

The couatl Tlanextic saved the village of Pearlglen from a terrible plague many years ago, and now he has returned. But why is he hiding in an abandoned temple in the woods instead of working in town, the way he once did? And what exactly is the threat to the village this time? Does the mysterious death of the town's chief warden at the bony hands of skeletons have anything to do with it? Download this new adventure by Skip Williams and give your PCs a bit of detective work to do to find out what's really happening in Pearlglen. The scenario is set in a forested area, and the action takes place in the village of Pearlglen and a nearby, half-ruined temple. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of DQ1.5 A Place and Time for Death
DQ1.5 A Place and Time for Death
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A Place and Time for Death is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio Digital Quarterly #1, (GK1 The Adventure Begins). Far out in the uncharted territories, the Enlightened still cling to life, but the ever encroaching presence of the xenophobic Samaya threatens the last of their hidden enclaves. Now, a bounty hunter has been dispatched to deal with the supposed Enlightened sympathizers in the border town of Hogan's Hooch, but there is more to the story than meets the eye. Unbeknownst to the citizens of the town and old relic of the Final War is the price the bounty hunter seeks. Can the party find a way to thwart the bounty hunter and deal with the relic before it falls into the hands of Samaya willing to use it to sway the balance of power in the world? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

A Giant Ransom - Episode Five: The Wyrms Go Out
3rd Edition
Level 11
4 pages

A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy, stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains. In the story thus far, the PCs have been tasked by Duke Ambrinigan, a local lord, to recover a stolen statue of a golden lion. The lion was stolen in transit by frost giant raiders, and was to be ransomed back to the Duke for 10,000 gp. The PCs were sent to perform the exchange. The giants, however, were attacked by the white dragon Whildenstrank, who stole the statue and retreated to his lair in the middle of a nearby glacier. The PCs encountered the remaining giants, and then set off westward toward the dragon's lair. They traveled across the flat part of the glacier, encountering the frost giant ranger Velg the Dragon Tamer, as well as some burrowing bulettes. Then they braved the hazards of frost worms and remorhaz in the Ice Canyons: a maze of twisting passageways surrounding the black spire of rock that the dragon calls home. The PCs now stand at the edge of an open space, looking at the towering edifice in front of them.