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698 adventures found
Cover of Witch of the Black Tree
Witch of the Black Tree
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
24 pages

A malicious and virulent force possesses the Vermyr Woods. The local wild-life has fled; known paths have mysteriously vanished or shifted; and locals have been found hanging dead from trees yet their eyes watch... they always watch. The hopes of the people are dwindling quickly. Believing that evil harpies have afflicted the woods, brave Captain Harkin set forth to serve them righteous justice! Even the mighty druid Algalor is nowhere to be found. Time passes and their worries compound. Why have the harpies attacked? What is the fate of Algalor and Captain Harkin? What is this mysterious evil that plagues the Vermyr woods? Who is Cartman's dad? The heroes will stumble into this mystery as they travel to Homid. They will discover the truth of the harpies as well as the fate of the heroes who safeguarded this region by delving deep into a forest labyrinth that feels alive! Will it consume them or will they be strong enough to defeat the evil at its core!

Cover of a Question of Ethics
a Question of Ethics
3rd Edition
Level 12
11 pages

Six months ago, an adventuring group that calls itself the Company of the Shining Stone learned of an aged wizard’s tomb that lay in the rocky foothills of a prominent mountain range, and sought to plunder it. What they were not counting on was that a band of stone giants would move into the immediate area to make their lair. The giants have rebuffed the company’s attempts at getting past them and to their goal. Now is the time of the annual fair in Adurath, a small town located not far from the tomb, and thus, the giants. The giants have no interest in the town or the tomb, but are instead interested in a rare mineral found only in that region. A few of the townsfolk have seen the giants, but there has been no confrontation other than between the giants and the Company of the Shining Stone.

Cover of Blood on the Trail
Blood on the Trail
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

Bale, the kind gnome and owner of Bale's Outfitting Outpost, requests that the adventurers track down a group of youngsters that rented horses from him. The horses are overdue and Bale believes that he may have been swindled. Unbeknownst to the gnome, the party of young adventurers has met a dark fate. Will your adventurers accept Bale's request to track down the youngsters and, in doing so, find out what really happened? Or will they leave more blood on the trail? The module includes an introduction to Bale's Outfitting Outpost, encounter stat blocks, maps, and a battle stat tracker. Note: You do not need the Bale's Outfitting Outpost module to run this adventure.

Cover of The Color of Ambition
The Color of Ambition
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–2
4 pages

In this adventure, the player characters discover the illegal actives of an ambition Red Wizard operating out of an enclave in a small town. This adventure is short and a great way to introduce players to Red Wizards. For a group willing to use diplomacy fighting they can cut down there combat. The adventure is found on pages 284-287

Cover of A Shadow over Waterdeep
A Shadow over Waterdeep
5th Edition
Levels 12–15
18 pages

A terrible and unnatural fear has come over the people of Waterdeep. In a matter of weeks, dozens of people are missing, and more disappear each night. Rumors tell of curses, phantasms, demons, and possession. In truth, these are the victims of tiny parasitic brain maggots unleashed by the illithid dragon called Brainstealer. The fate of its victims fall on your shoulders, as you discover his lair and prepare to raid it.

Cover of Bitterbark's Circus
Bitterbark's Circus
Levels 8–9
30 pages

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold the greatest circus in the land! Behold the skilled mummers performing at The Stage; you’ll literally feel like you’re part of the play! Thrill to the death-defying acts (and audience) in the two rings under the Big Top! Laugh at the antics of the baleful buffoons, harmful harlequins, and malevolent merrymakers of Clown Alley! Gaze in wonder at the wild beasts of the Menagerie, (just make sure you know which side of the bars you’re on)! All this and more, for the small price of a single admission, to Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus! The circus is in town! But there’s something not quite right about it. There are rumors of missing children, evil plots, and more. Can you discover the secrets hidden inside Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus? Intended as a stand-alone adventure, but there are notes on how to include it as part of the Castle of the Mad Archmage mega-dungeon adventure. Published by BRW Games

Cover of Night of the Scarecrow
Night of the Scarecrow
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Night of the Scarecrow is a fairy-tale adventure for Tier 1 characters (Levels 1-3), loosely based on the Russian story Vasilisa the Beautiful. The party must seek for assistance from the ferocious hag Lucinda Lilywhite in order to discover how to defeat a monster of nightmares, and must complete three deadly tasks to gain her help. The village of Nalva is no stranger to creatures of horror. All kinds of bogles and shadows find their way there from time to time. But when a new and unfamiliar creature appears and starts snatching locals into an unknown dimension, their normal defenses are insufficient. The only solution they can think of is to brave the forest and beg the assistance of the local hag, Lucinda Lilywhite. A fearsome creature in her own right, Lucinda has a reputation for burning visitors to ash when they are insufficiently polite to her. But by all accounts she keeps to her bargains, and if found in the right mood, perhaps she will provide the advice and help they need.

Cover of The Night Comes Down
The Night Comes Down
5th Edition
Level 6
26 pages

Deacon Manor used to be a friendly and welcoming place. Often hosting nobles from far and wide as well as supporting the local community of Fettercairn. However, since the return of Lady May, and the unfortunate death of her parents, things have changed. Very few people visit now and those that do never return... Published by Fortiter Games.

Cover of PS6 - Furrier's Tale
PS6 - Furrier's Tale
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
17 pages

Your time in Queen’s Point has been productive and your level training is complete. As you relax in the Frothy Goblet Tavern & Inn you enjoy catching up with your compatriots over a steaming mug of mead! While you enjoy your time together you can’t help but overhear an interesting conversation at the next table over. A mountain man from his appearance is regaling a group of drunks about a foray into the wilderness and discovery of some old ruins. Those listening chime in with their thoughts on the potential for lost treasure…perhaps this guy may lead you to your next adventure?

Cover of Artifices of Quartztoil Tower
Artifices of Quartztoil Tower
5th Edition
Level 1
66 pages

It begins in the marketplace or main square of a town when the calm, peaceful day is interrupted by a hulking golem trouncing through town, smashing objects, and attacking townsfolk. The party witnessing this should intervene and stop the rampaging golem with combat or by luring it into a nearby warehouse to trap it so it can be damaged and, eventually, destroyed by the town guards. When the party examines the golem’s remains, they find bones encased in the metal armor and the name 'Quartztoil' written in gnomish script. The town guard explain that this is the eighth construct they have encountered in the area in the past six months. The party can then go on to investigate the name 'Quartztoil', leading them to learn of an old, gnomish, aspiring artificer, Penaral Quartztoil, who had a lab and workshop in a tower in the nearby mountains, but who has not been heard from for close to a century. Published by Nord Games

Cover of A Miner Problem
A Miner Problem
5th Edition
Level 2
? pages

You are hired by a mine operator to retrieve the mine's gnomish engineer who has barricaded himself in the mine's lower reaches. But there's more going on than just a crazy gnome and his robots sabotaging the mine. You'll need to explore the forest, build alliances, and brave a rollercoaster ride on a mine cart to get to the bottom of this adventure (pun intended). This is a gamebook-style solo adventure that you can play in your browser. You make a 2nd level character sheet, roll your own dice, keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and are on your honor to be honest. It's all text-based with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice.

Cover of Ij'Namuj
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
3 pages

This adventure is an exploration in creativity for the GM as the players are invited by a stranger in the center of town to play a board game called Ij’Namuj. With a devilish smile he promises a grand reward if they can complete it successfully. Unfortunately, the game unleashes chaos onto the world around it, causing terrifying weather phenomena, death knights to appear and hunt players, or even causing all of the chickens in town to go rabid and attack. The only way to return things to as they were is to complete the game, so best get to rolling those dice!

Cover of Doom Comes to Dustpawn
Doom Comes to Dustpawn
Level 9
32 pages

When the iron mines that made Dustpawn so prosperous played out not long after the Goblinblood Wars of Isger ended, the city shifted its focus from mining to goat herding with quite a bit of success. Things have, as a result, been quiet and calm in Dustpawn for the past several years, but that quiet is shattered the night a strange falling star roars across the sky above town to crash somewhere in the hills several miles to the south. When several locals eager to find the fallen star and strip it of its ore go missing, it becomes apparent that whatever has fallen from the sky is much more than a mere meteorite. There are those in town who claim the falling star was in fact a ship, and now a strange malady is creeping through the townsfolk.

Cover of B6 The Veiled Society
B6 The Veiled Society
Levels 1–3
16 pages

The widow insists there are demons in her house. She hears them at night in her root cellar, and now they call out to her. But she is old and nervous and her mind often plays tricks on her. * * * Two men, their heads fully sheathed in large, black hoods, dig quickly in the darkness of the cellar. The hole grows deeper as their shovels bite into the earth. "This will teach those meddlers their place," laughs the tall, hefty figure. "But it's too bad this was an accident," the shorter, slim figure says haltingly. "But don't you see the advantage?" snapped the tall man. "They will fear us now. They will fear for their lives." Grunting. they heave a sailcloth bundle into the hole. As it falls, a woman's hand dangles lifelessly from the folds. Who is the woman? Why will her death trigger riots and unrest in the city of Specularum? And the assassins: Are they Torenescu, Radu, or Vorloi? Or, curse of curses, the Veiled Society? This special game adventure provides a section of paper buildings and figures to cut out and use, giving you three dimensions to your game play! TSR 9086

The Siege of Castle Rend
5th Edition
Level 5
50 pages

The Siege of Castle Rend is an adventure for the fifth edition of the world’s first roleplaying game, suitable for five 5th-level characters. It takes place over four parts, and each part can be completed in one or two sessions of play, depending on your group’s playstyle and how long you like to play in a single sitting. If all goes according to plan over the course of this adventure, the player characters will expose an usurping lord, fight orcs, acquire a stronghold, defend it from an invading army, win the admiration of a town filled with potential vassals, and make political connections within the Barony of Bedegar. Of course, no adventure goes according to plan. The PCs will invariably throw these well-laid schemes into chaos, and they’ll have to improvise. But if we know how things would have gone if the PCs never showed up (or are cowards), it makes it easier for us GMs to improvise when things go off the rails. Published by MCDM

Cover of The Zombie Goblin Occurrence
The Zombie Goblin Occurrence
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
4 pages

The party finds themselves in a town being plagued by goblins, but not ordinary goblins - these goblins are zombified. Many of them are missing limbs and dripping with rot, but they still march to town with powerful intent. The party must help track down the origin of this plague - a Necromancer whose Blight Stone has been stolen by a group of mischievous kids who thought it would be fun to mess with the strange old man out in the woods.

Cover of Lawful Disorder: Frozen Victims Unit
Lawful Disorder: Frozen Victims Unit
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

A serial killer is stalking the unsavory citizens of Baldur's Gate and freezing them solid! Discover who or what is responsible for these chilling crimes and unravel the killer's twisted motivations in this adventure for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus! This adventure includes: 1 New Neighborhood for any Urban Location, 1 New Creature, 3 New Magic Items, 5 New Shops & Taverns, and 12+ New NPCs!

One on One #002: The Rats of Verdant Reach
Levels 1–2
2 pages

The adventurer is hired by Dawson Beam, the sheriff of the City of Verdant Reach, to investigate a gang of thugs that call themselves the “Rats of the Reach”. This is the second adventure in the 1-on-1 Mini-Dungeon series, but can also be utilized as a standalone adventure. Published by AAW Games.

Cover of Death in the Wood
Death in the Wood
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

The Bell Wood has always been rumored to be a dangerous place, full of strange creatures and odd happenings. Timber from the wood is highly sought after for its reputed magical properties, so brave foresters sometimes dare the wood to harvest trees to finance their futures. But this time, people are dying. Loggers are vanishing, their mutilated bodies recovered from the undergrowth hours or days later. What has changed in the wood? Can anyone solve the mystery? And can they survive the investigation? A Triple Kingdom Adventure.

Cover of Deep Carbon Observatory
Deep Carbon Observatory
Levels 5–7
85 pages

The adventure takes players from a town devastated by an unexpected flood, through a drowned land where nature is turned upside down and desperate families cling to the roofs of their ruined homes, hiding from the monstrous products of a disordered world, through the strange tomb of an ancient race, to a profundal zone, hidden for millennia and now exposed, and finally to the Observatory itself, an eerie abandoned treasure palace, where they will encounter a pale and unexpected terror which will seek to claim their lives. The adventure is suitable for a lucky mid-range party, a stupid high-level party or an exceedingly clever low level party. It is difficult, with a meaningful possibility of character death. Should you find them, and defeat their guardians, the treasures of an ancient culture will be yours. At the final point of the Observatory is a glimpse of another world. Published by False Machine Publishing