A community for lazy dungeon masters
786 adventures found
Cover of The Crucible of Freya
The Crucible of Freya
3rd Edition
Levels 1–2
48 pages

The trees part before you, revealing the crumbling walls of the ruined keep. Only hours ago, you set off after the marauding orc band responsible for the destruction of the temple of Freya and the theft of its sacred crucible. But something else waits for you within the ruined walls. Something darker and far more sinister. Something that has hidden from the light for ages.

Cover of Hrothgar's Resting Place
Hrothgar's Resting Place
Levels 4–7
6 pages

He wanted a scabbard - but got the shaft. If the book is to believed, there's a magical sword - completely unguarded! - ripe for the taking. This short adventure starts with the players finding a diary describing the final resting place of Hrothgar and his powerful intelligent sword. In a quest for the sword, the players investigate a small cavern system and find the sword in a gelatinous cube. Pgs. 32-37

Cover of The Shattered Circle
The Shattered Circle
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The Shattered Circle is an AD&D® adventure for four to six player characters of 1st to 3rd level. For many ages, the standing stones known as the Circle of Cahervaniel have stood on a grassy hilltop, unremarkable and unmenacing, but something has changed. A powerful artifact deep within the earth has been uncovered, and its evil power has corrupted the recent inhabitants of a dungeon complex. The chitine live within, a cross between humans and spiders created by the drow, but trying to live a quiet existence. The evil Foundingstone has corrupted some of the chitine, and split their society in two, bringing them to conflict. Adventurers who navigate the chitine factions and dangerous dungeon will need to end the threat of the Foundingstone and the solve the mystery of the strange dark unicorn Mizar that has appeared recently around the stones. Interestingly, one of the unique magic items in this adventure, Icerazor - is said to have grown from a shard of Frostrazor, a sword that appears in a famous later adventure - Return to White Plume Mountain. There is a brief mention of Suloise, so it can be considered a Greyhawk adventure, but clearly states it can be placed anywhere.

Cover of NQ17 - Bloodreaver Blade
NQ17 - Bloodreaver Blade
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
20 pages

When old ruins are discovered, rumors swirl about the lost owner's magical blade. This scenario involves an overland crossing and a dungeon delve and none of it will be easy for the players.

Cover of Blacktide Cove
Blacktide Cove
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
33 pages

BLACKTIDE COVE THE CULT OF THE FISH-MEN From the Ship's Log of the Sprite: "...I can hear them fish-men. All the time with their chanting and hissing and whatnot. There's some kind of religion going on here, down below. We can't understand what they say, but it's something God-like, sure as spray on the foc'sle." A century ago, during the Spellplague, pirates hid a treasure at a shrine in a remote area of Impiltur's coast. Can the heroes claim it from that which lurks there? Blacktide Cove is a 4-6 hour adventure for 6 characters of 6th to 8th level set on the Sea of Fallen Stars! Set on the coast of Impiltur along the Easting Reach, Blacktide Cove can be placed anywhere there's a stretch of lonely coastline and the possibility of pirates. Blacktide Cove is 32 pages of adventure for you and your table! Includes a handy index, cartography by Dyson Logos, new magic items, and full-color player handouts - including exclusive art from Patrick E Pullen! Includes print-friendly version!

Cover of Fall of Whitecliff
Fall of Whitecliff
Levels 1–2
22 pages

Beginning in the prison of the Castellan of Whitecliff, this campaign arc takes the players from level one to four, presented as a sandbox area in a lonely and gritty peninsula full of villains and opportunities for the players to explore. Much like Stonehell, but for regional play. Published by Coldlight Press

Cover of The weird that befell Drigbolton
The weird that befell Drigbolton
Levels 3–5
58 pages

Something fell. A sickly gloaming lit up the night like mock daylight, just for a moment, and then the hills trembled. Now, an alien entity lies brooding in a crater gouged out of the moor. Local folk are enraptured with the toothsome jelly exuded by this being, but are blind to the true nature of the events unfolding in their rustic little backwater.

Cover of The Staff and the Secret Shrine
The Staff and the Secret Shrine
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

A Scarred Lands Adventure. Maghiel has learned the location of the staff of Zuvys and has devised a way to use its power to aid her in summoning some strange fiends known as the “Mouths of Vangal”. What purpose she has in mind, what part this plays in her plan, only she can say. She has sent her henchman, a twisted wizard named Anuzor Okalis, to fetch the staff of Zuvys by whatever means necessary. Anuzor has used his magic to charm, disable, or destroy the Order of Silver guardians, and has penetrated the inner sanctum of the shrine. A Vengeance of the Shunned Side Quest The Staff and the Secret Shrine is a side quest that can be played standalone or used with the Vengeance of the Shunned campaign. Over 20 community content creators have banded together to bring a full-length campaign to the Slarecian Vault! Vengeance of the Shunned takes your adventurers across Ghelspad on a quest to end the greatest threat to the world since the Titanswar! This campaign offers adventures from levels 1-15, and will be releasing new content weekly ALL SUMMER LONG! Vengeance of the Shunned continues with A Titanic Feast by Jeremy Hochhalter! Published by Onyx Path Publishing

Cover of DA3 City of the Gods
DA3 City of the Gods
Levels 10–14
48 pages

New Magic? That's what the flying egg has. New magic unlike any ever encountered in Blackmoor. New magic of a type that could give the fledgling kingdom an important edge in the wars that are brewing on its borders. There are only a few minor problems. Like the fact that the magician who piloted the metal egg to one of Blackmoor's sworn enemies, the monks of evil and eccentric Order of the Frog, are also interested in the magic represented by the egg. And, most important, the fact that the egg came from the distant and dangerous City of the Gods. Set amist the blistered salt flats of the Valley or the Ancients, the City of the Gods is a strange and deadly metal metropolis whose powerful guardians do not welcome intruders. Yet it is to this place of deadly menace that Blackmoor's leaders now send a daring expedition? to bargain for aid in the coming wars? or to steal the magic of the gods. TSR 9191

Cover of TS4 - Unicorn's Mane
TS4 - Unicorn's Mane
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
25 pages

You've enhanced your experience and with that comes training. You found a suitable teacher and have been quite studious and are ready to move on. As the instructor gives you leave, bad new strikes in the form of his sickened wife. You quickly learn that a rare herb known as Unicorn's Mane is required. As repayment, you set out to gather the item to save your friend's spouse. This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign, but is easily adaptable to most any game and system. This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for notices and updates as well.

Cover of A Shadow over Waterdeep
A Shadow over Waterdeep
5th Edition
Levels 12–15
18 pages

A terrible and unnatural fear has come over the people of Waterdeep. In a matter of weeks, dozens of people are missing, and more disappear each night. Rumors tell of curses, phantasms, demons, and possession. In truth, these are the victims of tiny parasitic brain maggots unleashed by the illithid dragon called Brainstealer. The fate of its victims fall on your shoulders, as you discover his lair and prepare to raid it.

Cover of Jaunt: Blood in the Snow
Jaunt: Blood in the Snow
Levels 2–4
18 pages

Farms in the hamlet of Winterton are being raided at night. Who, or what, is doing the raiding is a mystery. Animals have disappeared and now a visiting merchant has gone missing. The only clue is a blood drenched hat sitting in the snow along a stretch of road. Blood in the Snow is intended as a small side-adventure set in Winter, in a tiny village in the Bay of Spirits. A desperate clan of goblins are raiding the settlement and the player characters have been asked, or hired, to help. Published by Roan Studio

Cover of The Burning Crater
The Burning Crater
5th Edition
Levels 9–10
2 pages

The mountains are the border between our kingdom and the realm of the fire giants. Look far eastward. See how the peaks turn black? Their forges must burn night and day to mark the mountains so. Some mornings, sunrise dims from the smoke and soot. Long have we watched the pass and tallied our fortunes at its stillness. Recently, though, there are signs our luck is turning. Fiery orbs sail through the night skies and land too near these woods. Scouts report deep craters shrouded in smoke and ash. One sits a mere hour’s walk from this outpost. I fear the enemy makes ready some terrible weapon . . .

Cover of No Response from Deepmar
No Response from Deepmar
Level 8
32 pages

A hundred miles off the Chelish coast lies the remote island of Deepmar, where the House of Thrune sends prisoners to work in crystal mines, wresting valuable spell components from the depths of the earth. A month ago, all contact with the penal colony ceased, and now someone must discover what mysterious fate has befallen the prisoners and guards of this isolated mining operation.

Cover of A2 Slag Heap
A2 Slag Heap
Levels 3–5
24 pages

The hunt is on! Agents have hired out the infamous Redcaps to raid along the Hruesen River and Baron Botkin wants them brought to justice. A mad run by the goblins left a trail of ruin along the river road but the time to act is now, before the trail goes cold. the evil doers broke off the raid and now lie in hiding somewhere in the Barren Wood. There in the deeps of the forest stands the legendary Slag Heap - an ancient complex of unknown origin and terrifying reputation for years ago the Heap served the Horned God's minions as a bastion against the fey of the Barren Wood. But now all the forest is hostile to outsiders, whether good or ill. The men of the Barren Wood are fierce, independent, and distrustful of outsiders. Facing them is a daunting task in the best of times and now they seem to be protecting one of their own. Discovering the real powers in this region only brings the characters closer to doom as they travel to piles and heaps of slag and detritus that was once a glorious abode and temple to the dark powers before the age of man. Also available for 5E

Cover of TW3 - Attack on the Andall Mines
TW3 - Attack on the Andall Mines
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
22 pages

As your experience is beginning to get noticed, a new problem has come to Lakedale. Reports of the profitable Andall Mine to the south is under attack by humanoids. Gather your cohorts…looks like it is time to go back to work and see if you can boost your fame!

Cover of CCC-SCAR01-01 Corrupted Artery
CCC-SCAR01-01 Corrupted Artery
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

The mining town of Glister has had a prosperous year, and people have been coming in search of work and wealth. A call has gone out for help in some local matters, but getting there is no easy task. Catch the caravan and travel through treacherous Thar! A 2-Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters Part 1 of Kossuth’s Kiss

Cover of FV10 - Stronghold of the Venomous Wyrm
FV10 - Stronghold of the Venomous Wyrm
5th Edition
Levels 8–10
22 pages

Sightings of a large Green Dragon have become more and more frequent and the shipping lanes are becoming regular targets. The duke has sent a military contingent but no word has come from that group. Is your party ready to lend a hand against an extremely dangerous foe?

Cover of The Dragon's Demand
The Dragon's Demand
Level 1
64 pages

Founded by a famous dragonslayer, the small town of Belhaim has become a sleepy rural community just off the beaten path, a settlement where everyone knows everyone and strangers are the talk of the town. But when Belhaim’s peace and quiet is shattered by the sudden collapse of the last standing tower of its founder’s castle, things quickly bloom out of control. Why were there bodies of kobolds amid the rubble? What’s the sinister secret behind the strange sounds of flapping wings in the night? And what’s happened to local wizard Balthus Hunclay, who’s not answering knocks on his door? The collapsed tower had long been an eyesore to the cantankerous old man—could he have had something to do with its destruction? And what of the rumors of strange stirrings in nearby Dragonfen? Has Belhaim’s ancient draconic nemesis returned?

Cover of Ragged Hollow Nightmare
Ragged Hollow Nightmare
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
47 pages

Yesterday, young Tobias went to investigate an old tomb by himself. Everyone told him it was a bad idea. Everyone was right. Today, you and your companions awaken to a town in chaos. Why is the temple sealed behind a divine shield? Why are children and worshippers trapped within? How do we get inside? What did Tobias do?! Ragged Hollow is a full-service starting town, full of classic creatures and challenges all updated and brought together for newbies and nostalgia-lovers alike. There are goblins and witches in the woods, a house full of traps, a basement of vermin, kobolds in a cave, bandits on the road, riddling ravens, a 50-room temple dungeon, nursery-rhyme monsters, living nightmares, Lovecraftian horrors, and tons of unique items to find. This is a mystery with lots of relevant side-quests around the town. The heroes can investigate the situation, get into the temple, save the innocents, and stop the monsters. And get some loot! ADVENTURE TYPE: Medium Dungeon / Town / Wilderness Adventure DESIGN NOTES This adventure is intended for characters levels 1 to 4. It includes several wilderness areas (forest, hills, mountain), a bustling town, several local mini-dungeons, and one 50-room temple dungeon. Each area contains various encounters and unique items. There are many opportunities for combat, but it is possible for players to explore most areas and complete many interactions without any combat at all, depending on their choices. INCLUDES: Story hooks, dialogue prompts, random encounters, stat blocks, original creatures and treasures, and maps. KEYWORDS: town, village, forest, goblins, goblin market, witches, hags, hills, bandits, ogres, mountain, kobolds, caves, dwarves, temple, clerics, nightmares, demons, riddles, traps, ghosts, fairy tales, Lovecraft, mutant