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783 adventures found
Cover of AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Princess Arelina rushed from the tent as total disorder breaks out across the camp. She descends on your party as you struggle to secure you weapons…. Wonderfully descriptive, isn’t’ it. Well, now you can see for yourself with the 3-D DRAGON™ tiles. Use the DRAGON™ Tiles to bring your DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ an ADVANCE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ adventures to life. This package includes 3-D figures, featuring tents, trees, carts, a waterfall, and characters. A sheet of 2-sided tiles including trails, streams, creatures, and other wilderness features. A wilderness mapping grid is included to help you lay out wilderness encounters quickly. The 3-D DRAGON™ Tiles also comes with a special D&D® adventure, “The Revenge of Rusack.” TSR 9145

Cover of Daughters of Fury
Daughters of Fury
Level 3
63 pages

When devils slay the knightly leader of Arwyll Stead and orcs from the Hell's Fury tribe attack the town, all hope seems lost for the brave people living on Lastwall's border. The coincidental arrival of the mysterious half-orc Vegazi also raises unsettling questions, and it's up to the heroes to make sense of these events and end the Hell's Fury tribe's threat to Arwyll Stead once and for all. What does Vegazi have to do with the raiders' diabolical plot? Who will rally Arwyll Stead now that the town's icon has been cut down? And who is the mastermind orchestrating the orc tribe's alliance with devils from beyond?

Cover of FS5 - Zenobia's Lute
FS5 - Zenobia's Lute
Levels 2–4
19 pages

As you move throughout the countryside a rider appears in the distance and begins to close quickly. Hand going to your weapons you ready yourself for danger but notice the rider is very young. Timmy Little introduces himself and warns you of a bout of Goblin-Pox at his village. Many people are sick and need help. Timmy says he and other young people have been sent out to find heroes to save the town and asks if you can help. While the boy cannot provide a great deal of information on the malady he advises you that the people of Troburtandban who aren’t sick can help with information. Once you agree he rides off to find additional help.

Cover of Fallen Dawn
Fallen Dawn
Level 5
41 pages

The Lotus Blossom Steppes have long been a land of disjointed tribes, squabbling with one another for central rulership. In the past, great rulers laid claim to the Steppes, bringing the tribes under a single banner for a great purpose—be it under the terrible dictatorship of a half-rakshasa khan or an enlightened visionary khan that leads the tribes beyond the borders of the Steppes. Yet there is great power tucked away behind the tribes’ individual banners. All it takes is an individual with enough ambition and enough power to change the destiny of the Lotus Blossom Steppes... and one ambitious man is on the hunt for the fragmented powers of the NewGod war. Can the PCs put an end to a rising warlord's ambitions, or will the Lotus Blossom Steppes fall again into tribal conflict?

Cover of Frozen Whispers
Frozen Whispers
3.5 Edition
Level 3
9 pages

Despite the bitter cold that reigns here nine months of the year, the Timberway Forest has long been a source of prosperity for civilized folk who live nearby. Many trappers and hunters spend the better part of the year within its borders, stockpiling furs and meat to trade in the frontier towns to the south, where they spend their winters. Most feel that the value of these commodities makes braving the Timberway Forest worth the risk. Recently, though, a small group of trappers and hunters has awakened a terrible new menace in the forest. Based in a remote hunter's abode called the Bluerock Lodge, they hunted the animals of the woods more out of a deep-seated desire to be cruel than a need to feed themselves. In particular, they focused their hateful attention on the local Timberway lion population. Timberway lions are rather small (more like leopards), but they are known for being lithe and wary. Still, the trappers had the advantage of intelligence and tools, and before long they had slaughtered the entire pride save for its leader. As the winter worsened and game grew ever more scarce, this last surviving lion began to starve. At that point, the darker forces of nature took notice, and the Timberway Forest gained a predator like no other. Frozen Whispers is a short D&D adventure for four 3rd-level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set mostly in and near a remote hunter’s lodge in a snowy forest. The scenario can be placed in any cold area of your campaign world that features a remote tract of woodland—a copse of trees near the arctic circle, a swath of taiga near the treeline on a high mountainside, or even a normally temperate forest caught in the grip of an unnaturally snowy winter. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of Where The Fallen Jarls Sleep DF18
Where The Fallen Jarls Sleep DF18
Levels 3–5
35 pages

Disturbing shadows have grown long over the northern reaches of The Land of Song. The fierce people who once fished the chilly fjords and hunted in the evergreen peaks now huddle in their villages. An evil is abroad in the land. The heroes are charged by Jarl Yngvar with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, an old tomb in the hills where dead kings are laid to rest, to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords? For decades this malevolent being plotted his vengeance upon Hjalmar’s heirs, for the jarl had gone the way of all mortals. Taking for himself the name Mogens (“powerful”), this evil spirit, now a self-styled dark lord, gathered wicked cronies and servants to itself and came to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls. There, he has spent nearly two decades corrupting and desecrating the sacred resting place, reshaping the hollowed tombs into a blasphemous temple to his infernal lord.

Cover of Into the Dragon's Lair
Into the Dragon's Lair
3rd Edition
Level 10
96 pages

Into the Dragon's Lair takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting, and takes place after the novels The High Road and The Death of a Dragon by Troy Denning. The nation of Cormyr tries to rebuild after the death of King Azoun IV, and seeks the treasure hoard of a dragon to fund these efforts and keep the kingdom from falling into chaos. The player characters must find this treasure before all the other seekers.

Cover of Par2 - Patrician Stronghold
Par2 - Patrician Stronghold
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
22 pages

In Par2 - Patrician Stronghold, the base defense of the nation is discussed in detail. For decades the protective ring of fortresses has protected the country from outside forces bent on overthrowing it. This offering explains the general overview of the consistently made fortifications as well as giving a low-level adventure to explore a deserted one!

Cover of No Silent Secret
No Silent Secret
5th Edition
Level 1
10 pages

The adventure begins with the characters discovering the recently murdered Returned, Varyas, and confronting his killers. Varyas's gold mask bears a code on it, one that points toward the sage Khea who lives in the nearby polis. When the characters investigate, they learn from Khea that the writing is undecipherable except for the first line, which refers to the legendary Court of Orestes, a site sacred to the god Phenax. She also notes that a recent earthquake has uncovered a cave along the Khystonos River that could be the secret site's location. If so, then perhaps within lies the key to deciphering the mask, along with its own treasures. With the information provided by Khea, the adventurers set forth into the wilds, where they'll face multiple storied dangers before reaching the Court of Orestes. Once at the lost holy site, the characters discover ancient guardians, as well as an unliving entity with the potential to reveal Phenax's lost secret.

Cover of Ironwood Gorge
Ironwood Gorge
Levels 2–5
42 pages

"Orcs have returned to the once quiet border province of Blackmarch. The Bleak Tower and its meager garrison are all that stand against the tide. Their only hope lies in a ragtag band of adventurers willing to venture into the perilous maw of Ironwood Gorge..." "Ironwood Gorge is a fantasy role-playing adventure for 4-8 characters of levels 2-5, designed for older editions of the world's most popular fantasy role-playing game and its clones such as Labyrinth Lord and OSRIC. The material is also easily adaptable to any other class and level based fantasy role-playing game. Ironwood Gorge serves as part two in the Blackmarch sequence of adventures, but is built to function just as well as a one-off adventure, a drop-in-a-hex location for sandbox games, or as a kick start to a new campaign. The module includes keyed maps detailing both the Bleak Tower: a living, breathing refuge for adventurers; and Ironwood Gorge: a cave complex with over 100 keyed areas of traps, monsters and mayhem. The module is illustrated throughout with original artwork and includes appendices detailing new monsters, magic items, and spells. Whether you are looking for an out-sized adventure to usher the hardiest characters to the intermediate levels, or a fully-realized location to plunder for maps and ideas, Ironwood Gorge is a treasure from the old-school of gaming..." An alternative to B2 - Keep on the Borderlands

Cover of GC18 - Ta-Killya Estate
GC18 - Ta-Killya Estate
5th Edition
Low, Medium Level
23 pages

In lieu of a monetary reward for their latest adventure, the PCs have been 'gifted' land ownership in the form of a former religious holding on the coast. While the party cannot collect taxes, they can rennovate the building and use it as a base of operations as they adventure around the Katorian Sphere. Best of all, it sits on a vineyard!

Cover of Winter Yonderland
Winter Yonderland
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
12 pages

Beasts in the Blizzard After offending that wizard last night, you awake feeling a strange chill in your bones. Perhaps it’s just a figment of your imagination, a physical manifestation of paranoia. As you rise from your bed and look out the window, you think perhaps not.

Cover of The Heart of the Jungle
The Heart of the Jungle
Levels 5–8
34 pages

This adventure is part of TSR 9386 FRM1 - The Jungles of Chult Introduction: Lord Onovan of the Dales stumbled through the underbrush, his clothes in tatters, his body aching from a tenday in the jungle. The food was gone; the water, too. The last of the bearers had fled hours ago, leaving him nothing but the tunic on his hack and the sword in his hand. Through the lush curtain of vines and broad-leafed plants surrounding Onovan came the ominous sound of Batiri war drums. He glanced up at the thick canopy high overhead. The sun was going down. The goblins would be after him soon. The howling packs would trail him like bloodhounds through the jungle until the sun drove them into hiding again. Panic closed around his heart like a stone giants fist, crushing his dreams of escape. The goblins had killed Kadir Silveraxe and Ryn the Bold as if they'd been stripling warriors, not experienced sellswords. And if stout warriors like them were no match for the Batiri, what hope did a gentleman explorer like Onovan have? That grim thought flew from the explorers mind as he pushed through a tangle of saw-leafed vines. The creature lurking there in wait for him was huge, at least as tall as a two-story building. Splashes of browns and greens covered the beasts scaly hide, perfectly masking its bulk against the jungle. A dinosaur! Onovan noted in fearnumbed awe, just before the allosaurus snapped him in two with its powerful jaws and row after row of daggerlike teeth.

Cover of Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Tyger, tyger... A search for a small child in the woods outside of the town of Launise, a case of mistaken intentions, and the despoiled ruins of a forgotten goddess of magic. Cursed is the beast that stalks the Black Forest in... Orange and Black! Pgs. 66-71

Cover of Monument of the Thunderer
Monument of the Thunderer
5th Edition
Level 7
2 pages

"Monument of the Thunderer" is a desert half-dragon lair intended to challenge a party of four 7th-level characters. Near the city state of Makuria, on a small island in the middle of the Green Nuria River, an immense stone sculpture of a dragon watches over the mighty Red Cliffs and the waterfall that pours off them. The monument was built by ancient worshipers of the Mharoti conqueror known as Zulatil the Thunderer, but now serves as a base of operations for a band of sinister thugs who call themselves the Red Cliff Raiders.

Cover of The Void Walker
The Void Walker
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
3 pages

A great threat lopes toward a small city at the edge of a wasteland. One of the leviathans of the wasteland, a gigantic malevolent creature known locally as a “walker,” appears to be on a course directly through the city. The PCs are called to heroism by the city’s council, who have learned that the walker is being directed by a foul darakhul who has gained control of the creature and directs it from atop its shoulders! Scouts have discovered a portal used by the ghoul to teleport atop the walker. With a hastily scrawled map, the party must navigate the wild hills to locate the magical doorway. In this epic and deadly adventure, the party must navigate wild hills, locate a teleportation portal, and slay the Darakhul and his minions on teetering platforms built atop the shoulders of the walker.

Cover of Shit Bird Shit Fight
Shit Bird Shit Fight
5th Edition
Levels 5–16
17 pages

About a year ago, an adventuring party found themselves encumbered with more treasure than they knew what to do with. After brief deliberation, the group buried their hoard in a remote grotto inhabited by water birds. It was only a matter of time until one of the resident scavengers exhumed a most unfortunate item. Armed with a headband of intellect and a stash of other equipment for the taking, Belladonna the Bin Chicken began to study the abandoned spellbooks. The ambitious fowl quickly advanced as a mage, and set her sights on conquest of the surrounding areas.

Cover of The Carver's Cave
The Carver's Cave
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
14 pages

While searching for a series of missing people in the Galago Hills, the party comes across a cave decorated with disturbingly life-like statues. What lurks in the cave isn’t anything as simple as a monstrous basilisk, however. After all, what evil could possibly be as dark and dangerous as that which lurks in the heart of mortal men?

Cover of The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
24 pages

A one-shot adventure of dark fantasy, tragedy, and horror... - 4-6 hour adventure for 3rd - 5th level characters. - 24 pages of an elegant, easy to read PDF. - 4 custom handouts that pair with the adventure. - 2 custom monsters. - 10+ trinkets and magic items for handing out to your players. - 6 gorgeous free battle maps that can be found here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/434359/Map-Pack-01--The-Sorrows-of-Southsward-Keep

Cover of Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
12 pages

Who ever heard of a civilized gnoll? Stories of a secluded valley full of peaceful gnolls have been swirling for years, the occasional nonviolent encounters dismissed as tall tales or unique oddities. Now you are about to discover these gnolls for yourself. The rumors are true...but the full truth is a secret more terrible than anyone knew. A sect of the tribe maintain the magical peace by a terrible ritual sacrifice--not of blood, but of memory. The gnolls who undergo it become Forgotten, losing their identity and becoming a stranger to the clan who once knew and loved them. What is the truth behind the valley's protection? Will the gnolls be allowed to continue living in peace? Or will their only hope become Forgotten?