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3288 adventures found
Cover of The Gribbits Detective Agency
The Gribbits Detective Agency
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Janos Meer, the powerful underworld figure known as the Beggar King, has vanished. Gribbits - Meer’s right-hand goblin - has tasked a group of neophyte adventurers with getting to the bottom of where his boss has gone, and why. This is easier said than done, of course. The explosive destruction quite accidentally meted out by the Dragon Friends some months prior has made their city a dangerous place. It’s up to the adventurers to follow the clues through the urban chaos, unravel the mystery of the missing Meer, and maybe - just maybe - expose a conspiracy greater than any of them expected. The Gribbits Detective Agency is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure for four 1st-level characters.

Cover of Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

TENTACLES. VERY DANGEROUS. YOU GO FIRST. Adventure in the Underdark, Part Two The colony of svirfneblin, while grateful for the adventurers’ deeds, is still in need of a reliable source of drinking water. The kuo-toa hold the lake, and there is the matter of the tentacled menace the party faced previously… This adventure is a continuation of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?, but can be run by itself as well. It is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. A 4-hour adventure for 6th-8th level characters

Cover of Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
3rd Edition
Levels 3–4
188 pages

Years ago, brave heroes put the denizens of the Temple of Elemental Evil to the sword. Now, dark forces whisper again in the shadows of the once-deserted temple - forces far more insidious and dangerous than any sane person could dream. Evil has risen again to threaten the village of Hommlet. A continuation of the original AD&D Temple of Elemental Evil, made for a party of 4th-level adventurers, taking them up to 14th level.

Cover of Into the Underdark - Part 3 They Call It A Mine
Into the Underdark - Part 3 They Call It A Mine
5th Edition
Level 3
15 pages

Chase a choldrith trying to incite a war! Detour through an abandoned dwarven mine when your path is blocked by a cave in! Fight through dangerous beasts to get back on the choldrith's tail. In this 6-8 hour adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd level, explore an old dwarven mine and fight through a hive of dangerous beasts to get back on the trail of the choldrith your group has been pursing. Includes: A 6-8 hour adventure for 3rd level characters 2 DM maps Copies of the maps suitable for use in your favorite virtual tabletop Stat blocks for all monsters the players might encounter. 4 new undead versions of NPCs Be sure to check out the first two installments in this series: Into the Underdark - Part 1 A Family Affair Into the Underdark - Part 2 The Spider's Den

Cover of Risen of the Rotbog
Risen of the Rotbog
5th Edition
Level 2
7 pages

In the fetid waters of the Rotbog, the Wraith’s Breath lies wrecked. Those squalid remains were once the proud vessel of the Dread Pirate Ghostbeard, during his fanatical pursuit of the Lost Gold of Tagua. Whether he found a piece is not known, though it is said that a mere touch of the treasure can infect one’s soul with the ‘Gold’s Will’ – a compulsion to reunite the scattered booty. Perhaps that explains Ghostbeard’s mad obsession. Risen of the Rotbog is a short, undead-pirate-themed encounter for four to six 2nd level characters that builds towards a chilling showdown with the Dread Pirate Ghostbeard. It can be easily slotted into an ongoing campaign, or can work as a short one-shot. The file includes a battle map - one version for the players, and one with GM annotations.

Cover of The Shackled City Adventure Path
The Shackled City Adventure Path
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–20
416 pages

Evil schemes are afoot in Cauldron, a metropolis of merchants built into the caldera of a long-dormant volcano. To foil the agenda of evil cultists, your band of adventurers must brave haunted jungle ruins, slay mighty dragons, and bind themselves to a layer of the infinite Abyss. Will their swords and spells be enough to save the Shackled City? Originally published as 11 linked adventures in the award-winning Dungeon magazine, the Shackled City Adventure Path is the most ambitious official Dungeons & Dragons campaign ever created. Now, for the first time ever, everything you need to play the campaign has been compiled into a deluxe 416-page full-color hardcover that also includes an 8-panel fully detailed map of the City of Cauldron, a 16-page full-color map and illustration booklet, and a brand new Shackled City adventure written by fan favorite author Christopher Perkins.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy
Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy
Level 1
61 pages

The town of Sandpoint, Varisia, Inner Sea Region has put out a bounty on the nearby tribe of Licktoad Goblins in retribution for the goblins raiding traders and travelers near the quiet town. The party takes up the bounty and ventures into the swamp; eventually finding the goblin village in ruins and it's inhabitants scared in it's burned huts. The party finds out; either through investigation of the ruins or the goblins themselves; that a group of skeletons with eastern arms and armor had ransacked the village and took a stash of fireworks that the goblins stole from an old shipwreck. The party then makes it to this cave and finds it empty except for a half dozen skeletons. Further in past the skeletons is their leader, a skeletal samurai who fights the party in an attempt to defend his treasure. The treasure turns out to be a letter that reveals that secrets of the Kaijitsu family; the same family their good friend Ameiko who runs the Rusty Dragon inn belongs to; that lies in wait in the abandoned town of Brinewall to the northern boarder of Varisia. Ameiko along with several other important NPCs with a caravan north. It's recommended that GMs create encounters for the caravan trip north as it's essentially 3 weeks of travel with nothing in it. It's also recommended that GMs completely ignore caravan rules; they're not flushed out and they're not fun to run. The party and the caravan reaches the abandoned town of Brinewall where their friend Ameiko becomes possessed and is thrown into a coma; where the other NPCs agree to take care of her while the party explores the town and castle. The castle is a three floor behemoth of a dungeon populated by Dire Corbies, Troglodytes, and various other monsters all under the leadership of Kikonu, an Yamabushi Tengu Oni. The goal of exploring Brinewall Castle is to find the two keys to the vault; one of which is on the Yamabushi Tengu while the other is on a Half-Fiend Decapus that lives in the basement of Brinewall. Once the PCs enter the vault they find the Amatatsu Seal; one of the seals that cement authority to one of the ruling houses in Minkai of Tian Xia; as well as several visions that show that Ameiko Kaijitsu is the rightful heir to be ruler of Minkai and that they'll need to travel north to do so. Such ends the first book of six.

Cover of Trials of the Softoy Valley
Trials of the Softoy Valley
5th Edition
Level 5
4 pages

Long ago, the eight tribes of the Softoy Valley put aside their differences and united in peace to erect a great monument to test the mettle of their young men and women. Only by defeating the challenges and guardian of the monolith could a child demonstrate their strength and wisdom to complete their coming of age in the community. All of the tests can be defeated by mind or might in recognition that each member of the tribe has unique skills that can benefit everyone. Although the tribes are long since gone, the monolith remains for adventurers to test their skills.

Cover of DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
9 pages

The sudden appearance of the undead within Port Nyanzaru doesn’t appear to be the only thing on the horizon. A vast horde of skeletons and zombies is moving towards the city and while those of means are safe within the city’s walls, those in the Old City and Malar’s Throat are forced to contend with the problem. Where did they come from? More importantly, what are you going to do to find out? Part Two of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #79.5: Tower of the Black Pearl
Dungeon Crawl Classics #79.5: Tower of the Black Pearl
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
20 pages

Once every decade, the tides of the Empyrean Ocean recede far enough to reveal the highest eaves of a mysterious undersea tower. Long ago this was an eldritch fastness of Sezrekan the Elder, the most wicked wizard ever to plague the Known World, but now the tower is known simply as the final resting place of the fabled Black Pearl – an artifact rumored to bring doom upon all who dare to posses it. Tonight the moon nearly fills the sky, and the tides have already begun to recede. Adventurers have eight short hours to explore the tower before the dark waters return. The fabled Black Pearl will be theirs for the taking…if they can survive the Pearl’s curse.

Cover of Dwarrowdeep
Level 1
336 pages

Dwarrowdeep is a new megadungeon from Three Castles Award Winner (2018) and Barrowmaze author Dr. Greg Gillespie. Gundgathol lies in ruin. Over 250 years ago, an evil host rose from the underdark and pushed the dwarves out of their ancestral mountains. Since that time, orcs and worse have defiled their sacred halls. In recent days, the high dwarven clerics cast their runestones and read the portents: the time has come to retake Gundgathol. Are you brave (or fooloish) enough to enter Dwarrowdeep? Dwarrowdeep will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. Dwarrowdeep is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole). This project was created through a group of awesome backers from Kickstarter. Without them, this project wouldn't have happened. Thank you for your support! Check my drivethrurpg profile for all sorts of additional Barrowmaze material. This megadungeon adventure includes an all-star cast of Ex-TSR artists including Darlene, Larry Elmore, Tim Truman, Jeff Dee, and Diesel. It features 150 unique zipitomes (art that tells a story of iconic adventurers along the bottom of the page) illustrated by Peter Pagano. Dwarrowdeep is the single largest dwarven themed adventure in the history of role-playing games.

Cover of We B4 Goblins!
We B4 Goblins!
Level 1
16 pages

As whelps of the Licktoad tribe just out of their swaddling cages, the goblins Chuffy, Mogmurch, Poog, and Reta must prove themselves by undergoing a series of challenges, from tying a string to a large spider and shouting insults with hot rocks in their mouths to facing off against a goblin bully and his dimwitted minions. As a final test of their mettle, they must make a dangerous (and smelly) trek to claim a toad from the nearby swamp and present it to the terrifying presence that lurks within the Cave of Darkfear, only after which can they truly call themselves goblins! Part 4 of We be Goblins series

Cover of NQ19 - Venzor Trench
NQ19 - Venzor Trench
5th Edition
Level 9
17 pages

Venzor Trench is set for a group of characters hired to deliver a magical item between two warring countries. The sea voyage becomes tumultuous and the ship goes down. With the mission unfilled the players utilize the magic item to survive on the bottom of the sea floor and continue to trek their way towards completing their misson through the legendary Venzor Trench!

Cover of The Terror of Haverford
The Terror of Haverford
5th Edition
Level 1
49 pages

This Adventure is based on the web comic series, Table Titans. It is set in the same village that part of the comic takes place in, however the path of the adventure does not follow the story line set in the comics. There are familiar elements that are a wink and a nod to fans of the comic, but it is a unique story. The adventure is set around the village of Haverford, currently beset by an unknown [i]Terror[/i] that has resulted in many many deaths in the surrounding forest. The adventures have arrived at this once peaceful hamlet and if they discover the source of the [i]Terror[/i] plaguing the region they will be handsomely rewarded. The Terror of Haverford is a starter adventure. Characters will advance from level 1 to 4 if completed. This adventure has both social and combat encounters, as well as combat encounters that can be solved socially. If characters aren't thorough in their investigations they will be taken by surprise by what lies ahead.

Cover of Under Dovla Mountain
Under Dovla Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
24 pages

The Kierhammer clan of dwarves pride themselves as excellent excavators, but the respective families are not without friction. While clearing the entrance to the tomb of an ancient king, tensions rose following the death of one of the Kierhammers, who seemingly fell accidentally. It is your job to ensure the clan stays united, and when disease strikes, to make sure resources are managed properly, so that the mission is complete and you all return alive. A wicked force, however has other plans...

Cover of Escape From The Tower of Midnight
Escape From The Tower of Midnight
Levels 2–4
12 pages

Run silently; the Midnight Stalkers are after you. Escape from the Tower of Midnight is an AD&D* game module for 2-6 thieves of 2nd-4th level. The Dungeon Master may change the names of the thieves’ guilds, countries, deities, and so forth to fit the individual campaign. Note that all player characters are assumed to have been imprisoned at the start of the adventure; little or no equipment will be available at first. This module is well suited for tournament use. Adventure Background It must be assumed, for the sake of the adventure to follow, that the PCs have no way of avoiding capture by the Midnight Stalkers. However, the DM may find a way to play out this adventure and have some or all of the PCs captured, allowing any who escape to attempt to rescue their comrades.

Cover of Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Par1 – Opportunity to Shine brings your new group of PCs to Jayneville in the country of Pardor. A civil war is raging with neither side able to gain an upper hand. To make matters worse a third faction, “Green skins” has been running around the countryside taking advantage of the chaos. As your party is about to discover, these individuals need to be dealt with, severely!

Cover of The Chapel on the Cliffs
The Chapel on the Cliffs
5th Edition
Levels 2–6
38 pages

The Chapel on the Cliffs is a 5th edition horror adventure optimized for a group of 4-5 characters of 3rd level. In this module, the characters will need to explore the ruined village of Kennmouth and its surroundings, find out why a small army of skeletons rises from their graves every night to drive out intruders, and search for a way to lift this unholy curse. The PDF comes with a companion PDF for scaling from levels 2-6. Produced by Goblin Stone

Cover of In the Black Hours part 1
In the Black Hours part 1
Levels 6–9
8 pages

You are hired by a merchant to protect a rare item, a crystal crown, for one night against the attempts of the city's thieves guild. The arrogant guildmaster has informed the merchant that he will steal the crown and he cannot be stopped. Continues in Part 2 in Polyhedron #23 Pgs. 13-20

Cover of Raiders of Reitheillaethor
Raiders of Reitheillaethor
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
57 pages

This is the second of the "High Forest Factbook" adventures series. The caravans have stopped arriving from the North. Lady Morgwais has asked you to investigate and help reopen the trade routes. What begins as a quick job turns into a race to save a queen. This module includes a detailed description of the Elven village of Reitheillaethor including it's NPCs. It can be run either as a continuation of the adventure started in "Menace of Merric", as an extended stand alone adventure or the three individual tombs included in it can be run as short one-off adventures.