Don't you wish they'd stay dead? A ghost has been threating a local shop keeper and it is up to the party to ride her of this treat. Pgs. 54-56
Silent alarm. Who put the dip in diplomat? A small costal town is being attacked by witch's and its up to the party to put a stop to them. Pgs. 58-69
A bad heir day. The Land of Fate is known for its hot sands and fiery passions. You must survive both to restore order to the city. An evil order of wizards is terrorizing local towns. It is up to the party to find their secret lair and put an end to their nefarious plots. Pgs. 34-53 & 57
Look who's dropping in. A short encounter with a most unusual boarding party. A ruthlus pirate has been terrorizing a local port and it is up to the party to hunt him down and capture his ship. Pgs. 30-33
Watch your step. Out-of-this-world adventure. An odd box falls by a watch tower and its up to the party to discover what it is and why its here. Pgs. 22-29
Sleepyhead. The only man who can stop the amphibian horde needs a wake-up call. The party must find a missing druid an bring his captures to justice. Pgs. 8-21