A war criminal is broken out of prison by well-armed kobolds working for a mysterious mastermind who threatens the gnomish city of Hupperdook.
An elder warlock from the goblinoid swamp village of Urzin has been kidnapped by soldiers of the Dwendallion Empire. Now the machinations of an evil imperial inquisitor might unleash an evil that could threaten the garrison at Fort Venture and the goblinoids of Urzin alike.
Trouble darkens the shores of the Vezdali Peninsula when an earthquake hits, sending part of the village of Palma Flora down into the sea. Seizing their chance a tribe of Sahugain descend upon the village, lead by their leader Selachai, a Sahugain Warlock.
Something is killing people in Palebank Village, and if the party does not stop it they could be next.