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956 adventures found
Cover of Beastmaster's Daughter
Beastmaster's Daughter
5th Edition
Level 3
36 pages

It's feeding time at the zoo and you could be the main course! Raven Aldritch, mysterious and beautiful, runs the Aldritch Research Centre and Zoo for her father, a powerful mage. He enjoys turning dangerous creatures into terrifying monstrosities. But daddy is away and the magical shields that hold the creatures in their enclosures have failed. These monsters are rampaging through the research centre endangering the lives of the innocent workers. Raven desperately needs help to regain control, and she’s willing to pay the right group of adventurers handsomely. Will you come to her rescue? An adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Fifth edition compatible. A one-shot for a party of Level 3 adventurers

Cover of SQ17 - Grimoire of Deenus
SQ17 - Grimoire of Deenus
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
23 pages

Deenus was a necromancer that was put out of business a quarter century ago by a group of adventurers. Despite their success, the delvers were never able to discover the dungeon entrance. Your new benefactor may have information on that…

Cover of The Slumbering Tsar Saga
The Slumbering Tsar Saga
Levels 7–20
951 pages

The Sleeper Awakes! At last, after languishing in its crypt for an age, the secrets of the slumbering city of Tsar burst forth in all their macabre glory. Poured forth from the eldritch furnaces and crucibles of the Necromancer and Orcus himself comes Frog God Games bringing you at long last The Slumbering Tsar Saga™. Something Stirs in the City of Evil Over the distant northern hills, beyond The Camp, and past the Desolation stand the pitted walls of Tsar. A hundred armies have crushed themselves against this bulwark in futile attempts to breach the city. Even the combined might of the Heavens and Earth were unable to break through in the final battle of Tsar. So why was the city suddenly abandoned on the verge of victory, and what waits for those foolish enough to enter the Temple-City of Orcus? The Black Gates Await Only the bravest and most powerful of heroes dare the depths of the Desolation and live to tell of it. But what happens when they penetrate that blasted landscape and look upon the gates of the very center of evil on the earth. Can even heroes of such renown breach the Walls of Death and live?

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #15: The Asmodeus Mirage
Pathfinder Society Scenario #15: The Asmodeus Mirage
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–7
19 pages

Appearing only once a century in the western deserts of Katapesh, the Asmodeus Mirage has plagued Golarion for thousands of years. Powered by a crystal bone devil skeleton and legendary for trapping unwary travelers, the Society has a vested interest in studying and cataloging the source of its power. You have been sent deep into the deserts of northern Garund to enter the Mirage—but there's a catch! The Mirage only exists on Golarion for 24 hours every 100 years. Get trapped in the Mirage, and you may never see Golarion again.

Cover of Things That Go Bump in the Night
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Levels 3–6
22 pages

Giants and ghost trees and foul undead beasties... What happens when elves, giants, and a mysterious witch all decide only you can settle their troubles. Strange new tree species! A hobgoblin fort! Unexplained noises during the day and different noises at night! Investigate and explore the Bretonwood to get to the bottom of its problems. The adventure provides an overland open-world style map of the Bretonwood which the players are encouraged to explore. Many set and random encounters are provided. There are opportunities for combat in this area, but players should be ready to handle some problems out of combat to get the most satisfying experience. Pgs. 22-43

Cover of Tides of Dread
Tides of Dread
3.5 Edition
Levels 9–11
32 pages

The colony of Farshore has survived on its own for years, a secluded and struggling hamlet perched on the western shore of the tiny island of Temute. An island dwarfed by the savage landscape across the narrow channel to the north, a landscape of rugged mountains, tangled jungles, and trackless swamps. This is the Isle of Dread, and its resources and hidden treasures are matched only by its peril. Yet for all these dangers, what may bring doom to Farshore is not an invasion of inhuman monsters from the mainland, but an invasion of all-too-human monsters from across the sea. "Tides of Dread" is the fifth chapter of the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's monthly "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand upon the campaign. Issue #352 of Dragon magazine features rumors of Farshore, a helpful list of improvements the PCs can make to the colony, and other features to help get PCs oriented in their new home on the Isle of Dread. The destruction of a pirate ship signals the beginning of a Crimson Fleet invasion. The PCs must race against time to prepare for the onslaught before an old enemy can release another savage tide. Pgs. 28-59 Also see Pgs. 60-71 Backdrop: Farshore City of Hope.

Cover of Oddities & Odysseys: The Dread Tailor
Oddities & Odysseys: The Dread Tailor
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
24 pages

A new threat preys on the local trade road. Rumored to have ties to the legendary undead wizards, Vecna and Acererak, Geoff the Dread Tailor has awakened to garner his revenge on the living. A group of stalwart heroes must arise to put an end to the Dread Tailor’s depravations or all will be lost. This adventure includes: a small village of friendly allies, an optional haunted ruin to discover, an entire lair of creatures (with map!) to explore, three new magic items, two new monster descriptions, interactive document links, and more fun than a bag of scorpions (don't ask)!

Cover of FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
Levels 2–4
23 pages

FQ3- Outpost of the Humanoids is the third adventure for the Filbar Quest Series. As you make your way to a meeting with the Baron of the Knolls you come across a roadside inn and a pair of old adventurers that have a small task for you near some old abandoned ruins. Sounds easy enough right? For some reason it never is easy, especially in Filbar!

Cover of The Hag's Hexes
The Hag's Hexes
5th Edition
Levels 4–18
66 pages

The Hag's Hexes is a 66 page guide designed by Dungeon Masters Guild luminaries like JVC Parry and Janek Sielicki alongside rising stars and old stalwarts like Matt Butler, Matthew Gravelyn, and Tim Bannock. It was created with one thing in mind: to make hags more than the sum of their (often meager) Challenge ratings, giving them the mechanics, roleplay potential, and weird magic that can inspire campaigns, lay low kings and warlords, and potentially ensnare unwary Player Characters into campaign-changing curses or long-term bargains that force them into terrible moral quandaries! Split into five chapters, the authors have provided everything a DM needs to terrify their players for years to come. The Bestiary features over a dozen monsters; some are new hags, some are their minions or even their mobile lairs, and one of them -- the Shaitan AKA Desert Hag -- was featured in Monsters of the Guild! Bargains & Curses is a chapter filled with ideas that can kick-start campaigns, threaten valued NPCs, or put Player Characters' very existence and morality at stake. Chapter 3 includes two dozen items of wonderment, weirdness, and dread, ranging from fairy tale-inspired items of whimsy to terribly cursed items of horror. Chapter 4 is titled "Filthy, Vile & Downright Dirty" and provides dozens of roleplaying tips to make hags come alive, new mechanics inspired by and expanding on Volo's Guide to Monsters (coven spell lists, aunties, grandmothers, alternative coven members), and ends with useful combat tactics for each of the hags from the Monster Manual and Volo's Guide, as well as tactics for covens. Finally, Chapter 5 presents five encounter groups (with sub-encounters) to give you quick story seeds and monster lists that you can put together in minutes to create a single encounter or to inspire a full campaign, and ends with three full-length adventures -- each with 3-5 encounters -- that showcase many of the new monsters, rules, magic items, and so on that appeared in earlier chapters. Each of these adventures comes with an encounter map meant to act as inspiration for hag lairs, and they include useful mechanical ideas for terrain effects and descriptive keywords listed directly on the map for added inspiration and easy customization! Designed by Tim Bannock. Written by Matt Butler, JVC Parry, Janek Sielicki, and Tim Bannock. Edited by Matthew Gravelyn and Tim Bannock. Cover Art by Elena Naylor. Cartography by Tim Bannock using Inkwell Ideas' Dungeonographer (Dungeonographer is copyright Inkwell Ideas). Layout & Graphic Elements by Elena Naylor with Tim Bannock. Interior Art by Arcana Games, Bruno Balixa, David Lewis Johnson, Dean Spencer, Earl Geier, Filip Gutowski, Jacob E. Blackmon, Joyce Maureira, Petr Kratochvil, Jayaraj Paul, Brian Brinlee, and Wizards of the Coast.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #16: To Scale the Dragon
Pathfinder Society Scenario #16: To Scale the Dragon
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
21 pages

The last remains of a sage from an age long past rests high atop the snow-covered tips of the Fog Peaks in Southern Galt and the Society wants his bones in order to study them and learn from them. They've sent you into a wintry wilderness of primordial beastmen and snow creatures not seen below the snow line to do just that. With the Aspis Consortium also seeking the bones, the race is on to beat them to the top and, once the bones are recovered, to make it back down alive.

Cover of Bitterbark's Circus
Bitterbark's Circus
Levels 8–9
30 pages

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold the greatest circus in the land! Behold the skilled mummers performing at The Stage; you’ll literally feel like you’re part of the play! Thrill to the death-defying acts (and audience) in the two rings under the Big Top! Laugh at the antics of the baleful buffoons, harmful harlequins, and malevolent merrymakers of Clown Alley! Gaze in wonder at the wild beasts of the Menagerie, (just make sure you know which side of the bars you’re on)! All this and more, for the small price of a single admission, to Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus! The circus is in town! But there’s something not quite right about it. There are rumors of missing children, evil plots, and more. Can you discover the secrets hidden inside Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus? Intended as a stand-alone adventure, but there are notes on how to include it as part of the Castle of the Mad Archmage mega-dungeon adventure. Published by BRW Games

Cover of B8 Journey to The Rock
B8 Journey to The Rock
Levels 1–3
32 pages

To a wizard, knowledge is power, and the wizard Lirdrium Arkayz wants to know the mysterious secret of The Rock. Many have tried to discover it - but The Rock keeps its secret well. The wizard offers a rich reward to anyone bold enough to solve this dark mystery. But the road to The Rock leads to danger and hidden peril - dangers that have claimed the lives of many brave adventurers. Rashness and folly will lead to quick death, but riches await the clever and brave. Have you the wits, courage and skill to survive the Journey to The rock? TSR 9106

Cover of DDAL04-01 Suits of the Mists
DDAL04-01 Suits of the Mists
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
44 pages

Strange things are afoot in the Moonsea. The factions have called all those willing and able to investigate strange occurrences in the region surrounding Phlan. Dark whispers and unseen terrors lurk in the misty shadows between this world and someplace much more sinister. Unveil the horrors before it is too late! Part one of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of The Dark Tide of Damodan
The Dark Tide of Damodan
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
31 pages

The Dark Tide of Damodan is an underwater rescue adventure, where time is of the essence. A mysterious disease is killing of locals and visitors alike in the port town of Havenword. While the adventurers are in town, Havenword is attacked from the sea by nasty fish-headed creatures. After the battle, the characters learn that the creatures dragged off several townsfolk. They have been tasked with finding the captives and returning them safely. The only problem...they were taken out to sea. The characters must delve into the depths into an underwater keep to rescue the captives. Using the knowledge the captives to help locate one another, all the while, avoiding the sinister Damodan's forces. Will the characters turn the tides in their favor? Or will they swim with the fishes? Published by Crit Academy

Cover of Little Shrine of Horrors
Little Shrine of Horrors
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
24 pages

Yonder lies the Shrine of Lucien Harpell, greatest mage of this or any other age. In the arts of golemancy, artificery and necromancy, his equal has never been known, nor will be again. Cursed are those who enter this tomb. Cursed are those who look upon this statue. Cursed are those who seek his riches. Know that your demise is certain – your lives will be short, and your deaths slow. Read this, fools, and despair! The Shrine of Lucien Harpell is the stuff of legends - full of hideous traps and strange monsters, but guarding fabulous treasures. It was lost for generations beneath the grim and lonely Starmetal Hills, but has now been found again. Will any dare enter? Little Shrine of Horrors contains over 20 encounters and is full of puzzles, tricks, traps, roleplaying and combat. Do your players have what it takes to outwit Lucien Harpell?

Cover of CCC-AMER-01 Asleep and Awake
CCC-AMER-01 Asleep and Awake
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

Refugees in Mulmaster have had a fairly tough time, and that was before the disappearances. The few that return have been changed, refusing to believe that they were even missing. You have been asked by Mulmaster’s nobility to find the source of the disappearances and put an end to them. This adventure premiered at AMERICA's Cup 2018 in New Zealand.

Cover of Sharn III, City of Monsters
Sharn III, City of Monsters
5th Edition
Levels 5–9
43 pages

Sharn is paralyzed. Half of the council was under the control of roach thralls for the last 20 years, and with the conspiracy revealed the government apparatus is at a standstill. The criminal organization Daask rises from the underbelly to take control of the chaos and further destabilize the city.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #1: Silent Tide
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1: Silent Tide
Levels 1–5
16 pages

When strange reports of misty undead spread through Absalom, you and your fellow Pathfinders are dispatched to the half-drowned district of Puddles. Notoriously rough, the drooling addicts, flesh panderers, and quick-handed knifers of Puddles are the least of your worries. The night's tide brings with it an ancient armada of some long-forgotten war and you are the only thing between their mist-shrouded ghost fleet and Absalom's utter oblivion.

Cover of Cat's Paws (WBW-DC-NTP-01)
Cat's Paws (WBW-DC-NTP-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
60 pages

2023 ENNIE Awards Silver Winner in the Best Organised Play category! The Dai Meow-Ou is dead, you’re accused of murder, and you have until sunrise to clear your names. It’s time to put on your thinking cats and play detective, adventurers! Can you sniff out the real killers before your time runs out? A Pawsome Feywild Murder Mystery for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. From the 2019 ENNIE Award nominated author of the Neverdusk Trilogy and experiential horror mystery The Waystop comes a brand new roleplaying & puzzle-lite adventure lovingly crafted as an homage to the films and novels of Japan's golden age detective fiction and set in the Feywild domain of Roku-Nyan, where cats rule and dogs drool! This 4-hour module is designed to be played using Theater of the Mind, and depending on the characters and their decisions, multiple endings are possible. It debuted at Lion City Conclave 2022, a community convention in Singapore that supported Causes for Animals (Singapore). The v1.2 package (9 July Update) includes: - Enhanced copy for better clarity & Jason's Cheat Sheet for running a smoother game. - Art inserts by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - A high quality digital map pack for key encounter locations, in Black & White (as befits the genre) by digital artist Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - High quality puzzle packs and resources designed by Jason Koh, with illustrations by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - Token pack featuring our assassins. - Bonus DLC Street Map.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Honorable Wills
Mists of Akuma: Honorable Wills
5th Edition
Level 8
92 pages

Andrew Engelbrite's gripping tale of intrigue and honor takes the adventurers from a chance encounter with a kindly elder matron in Hofuku Prefecture, across the sea to the polluted islands of Uragi Prefecture, and into a deathtrap of enslaved water folk under the control of madman! What you'll find in Honorable Wills: Kittiyona and Ikkitongaku: Details for 2 of Soburin's capital cities (including full page maps) 18 new monsters and NPCs ranging from the heirs Torimu to the mythical umibōzu sea monster Cosmetic Augments: A new type of invasive technological enhancement and the Bioartist Monastic Tradition Torimu Keep: A 20 page, 3 level, fully-mapped dungeon An epic module that will end with the PCs reaching 11th level! Published by Storm Bunny Studios