Strange tales of a mad queen and a hoard of legendary treasure have driven adventurers into the jungles of the great trade road between Tiefon and Nextyaria for a generation, but now new information has come to light. A travelling bard has uncovered certain keys to the location of the lost queen's mysterious volcanic home, and the secret that may thwart her seeing immortality and invulnerability. Once again, the Barrens takes center stage as characters must via for a chance to grow rich and expand their legend among the heroes of the Nameless Realms! The Infamous Black Label series continues with this second part to the Barrens trilogy as characters must dodge the marauding forces of bandit lords, discover a wayward bard, and then journey to the caldera fortress of the Hall of the Spider Queen. What secrets does that dark sanctuary hold? Only time, dice, and the comradery of the gaming table will tell. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
The Chapel on the Cliffs is a 5th edition horror adventure optimized for a group of 4-5 characters of 3rd level. In this module, the characters will need to explore the ruined village of Kennmouth and its surroundings, find out why a small army of skeletons rises from their graves every night to drive out intruders, and search for a way to lift this unholy curse. The PDF comes with a companion PDF for scaling from levels 2-6. Produced by Goblin Stone
Finish up this Dwarven Forge world of Mythras trilogy in the epic conclusion of The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Master your occupation of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. In this climactic end your players will fight paralyzing hate crawlers, kobold trap masters, spiders, and even a dragon and a mummy lord before a final betrayal awaits This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Chaos reigns outside Roslof Keep, and the spread of the violet corruption runs deep within Mithelvarn's Dungeon. Now, the Company of the Ivory Scimitar must not only face the challenges of the Roslof delve, but will also find the dangers of the Kelmalin Wildlands must be overcome as well if they are ever to get to the bottom of the deadly plague that ravages the land. Time is running out, and only those brave enough will be able to face the horrors of the Glade of the Burning Dead and the dark recesses of The Hill. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Deep within the Kraken's Maw, a brutal maelstrom of ocean that devours ships, lies the mysterious Isle of Jade. Long forgotten in the memory of men, the island has served as a bastion for an ancient sect of female Corsairs, but their power is waning and the threat of the outside world is at their shores in the form of a necromancer from Roslof Keep. Now a party has set out from Taux seeking the necromancer. Their course will take them directly into a conflict of high magic, ancient warrior religions, marauding fern goblins, and primordial dinosaurs. Will you take up the challenges presented by the Isle of Jade? When a necromancer steals a maiden of ancient bloodline, the Wizards of the Order of Towers must find a way to get her back. Hiring a merchant lord of Taux to fund a rescue mission the hope is to return her before the dark Wizard can use her to find the legendary White Ship and the key to magic beyond this world. Now the mission is in jeopardy as the adventurers have become stranded on the mysterious Isle of Jade. Braving a dark corruption, nasty native Fern Goblins, and even ancient Amazons, the party will have to stop the corruption before it turns the islands inhabitants and giant reptiles mad. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
The Part We Must Play is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in the Folio #12 (AT2 The King and the Serpent). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their fight against House Vash. It is the eve of the Festival of a Thousand Blossoms, and The Grand Playhouse has a secret performance that only a chosen few have been invited to. Can the heroes gain an invitation and find the contact they need to help them in their blood fued with House Vash? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
This is the standard fantasy age of the Nameless Realms, the 5th Age, and the setting can be easily incorporated into any world. Part of a double dungeon adventure that is set in two fantastic time periods. UN3 Dungeons GK3 Descendants This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Having now realized that they require 4 Mithel Standards at the same time, the Ivory Scimitar will be faced with actually taking a Banner from another Mithel Company. This scenario pits the characters against the waning might of Men of Iron, and should allow them to claim the Banner for House Aldenmier, thus guaranteeing that they can clear the final level of Mithelvanr's Labyrinth. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Deep within the Kraken's Maw, a brutal maelstrom of ocean that devours ships, lies the mysterious Isle of Jade. Long forgotten in the memory of men, the island has served as a bastion for an ancient sect of female Corsairs, but their power is waning, and the threat of the outside world is at their shores in the form of a necromancer from Roslof Keep. Now a party has set out from Taux seeking the necromancer. Their course will take them directly into a conflict of high magic, ancient warrior religions, marauding fern goblins, and primordial dinosaurs. Will you take up the challenges presented by the Isle of Jade? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Lost Among the Crystals is a companion adventure made to go along with the vents unfolding in Folio #15 (WS2 The Forgotten Plateau). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help the characters in their exploration of the Sacred Plateau. The mighty crystal fields of the Sacred Plateau have become a confusing maze amid the now rising vapors of necrotic energy that masks the midlands. Even the keen senses of 'Numphy', the party Triceratops beast of burden, have become dulled. Can the players navigate the crystal maze and find their true goal on the far side? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
A free adventure for the Pathfinder RPG, focusing upon a city ravaged by a natural disaster and besieged on all sides. Party levels 4-5 will face off against a half-dragon, half-demon overlord known as Ymial, a demonic seductress, goblin warbands, and drow slavers beneath the ground all while trying to discover the secrets of the city of Fairhaven. Works well for players who are looking to visit a large town and face off in a high-stakes conflict even at low levels. Includes lots of details on the town, from rumors to residents.
Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
The North can become very appealing to those who seek fame and fortune on their own course. The North is also home to humanoids and fell creatures, things that can find a foothold in the lawless wastes while also making a living. Larger and more lethal creatures like frost giants and white dragons can also be found, assuming you are foolish enough to go looking for them. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
The sewers beneath Mulmaster have always been dangerous, with countless stories of brigands, murderers, and worse that lurk beneath the streets of the City of Danger. But those stories pale in comparison to a new threat under Mulmaster, one brought to light by a strange and disturbing corpse recently found. It is up to you to learn the terrifying truth of what lurks below.
The tournament of the bloody stones has come to Taux, and the streets are said to run red with the blood of the combatants. Now, amid the crackdowns of the Sturgeons and the secret duels of the three great fencing schools, the heroes must once and for all solve the mystery of the House Vash blood feud. Taking on the guise of foreign swashbucklers, all must brave bloody single combat, pirates, ravenous cursed lowl, and evne magical reverberations from distant Roslof Keep! Complete the Adventures of the Emperald Serpent trilogy with this module. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
There is no particular overarching story here, just a prospect gate keep dungeon you can drop into your own sandbox and run as you see fit. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Everybody's a fool for a lost kid. He wanted power but settled for scraps - for now. The outcast wizard Lertol has adopted two leucrotta, and their team is ambushing passing travelers and robbing them with no-one the wiser. The players first fall into this trap when the leucrottas mimic a lost child and a search party in the middle of a night at camp. If the players leave to investigate the voices, the wizard loots the camp while they are gone. The players can then follow the wizard back to his lair and get their treasure back. Pgs. 48-49 & 28
Everyone comes to Taux for a reason, and yet they come. A few will brave the Ebon Swamp, but most come via ship, which is the method the party now employs. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strom is brewing, one with untold magical energy that can bend the very fabric of space and time. If they are lucky they will have a story to be told beyond imagination. If they aren't, they will become the fodder of sea-faring legend, just another lost ship that never made it into the sheltered bay of Taux. This mini-adventure sets up the events of Folio #11 (AT1 The Subtle Revenant) This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
The Sunken City is a companion adventure made to go along with events unfolding in Folio #18 (WS5 The Shattered Tower). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their journey through The Corsair Mists. After completing the tests of The Shattered Tower, the players are invited by the sea elven queen to ward their ship and crew from the Ghost Eye Corruption that lurks within the mists. Plunging into the waters that now cover one of the lost trade cities of Uthoria, the players must overcome a corrupted dwarven temple to find the cure for the contagion before it can take over their ship. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
With the docks of Distant Turtle City behind them, the challenge of the city's castle still lies ahead. Ancient dwarven samurai were lords of the mighty estate, but now it has fallen to darkness. What secrets and horrors might be found there are disheartening enough, but with a city of the shadow dead at their backs, the adventurers have little choice but to put an end to Molo's corruptions once and for all. Come join the battle against legendary tortoise oni, stealthy gaint mantises, corrupted beasts, undead half-dwarven guards, and even a rumored shadow dragon! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.