An insane villain plots ruin deep beneath the city of Sharn. In order to save the city, the PCs must find the one thing that can stop him, an enormous Siberys dragonshard hidden somewhere in the jungles of the lost continent of Xen'drik. "Temple of the Scorpion God" is part two of the three-part Shards of Eberron Campaign Arc. Pgs. 66-75
An atmospheric one-shot adventure set in a dark forest for one-on-one or parties of level 5 or 6. There are two new sidekick classes, NPCs, and leveling tables included with handouts for your player! In this adventure, the characters gather information in the small village of Redvale on the outskirts of the Blackwoods Forest. They go into the forest in search of Adelle, a druid whose other eleven Circle members have disappeared within the last year. Inside the forest, they discover several undead beings, including a wood woad, who guides them to Adelle. She and her Circle learned a year before of a sorceress’s plan to extend her power beyond the forest, a death sentence for the village of Redvale and the lands beyond. Adelle is the last one left. Adelle is suspicious of the party at first, but she might help them get to the center of the forest to investigate the dark sorceress and try to put a stop to her destructive plans. This adventure sets a mysterious woodland ambiance that lends itself to an immersive one-shot experience! This Adventure Includes: -Full one-shot adventure for levels 5 or 6 -Two sidekick characters (or DMPCs) with handouts for your player -Two new sidekick classes and unique leveling tables: the archer and the Circle of the Phoenix druid -Mechanics for running a sidekick -Beautiful art -Well-rounded NPCs -Two custom NPC stat blocks -A new custom creature and -Two custom magical items
From the magazine: "Brave are the mortals who take on the tasks of the gods - and dreadful their fate if they fail." This adventure is heavily themed on Greek mythology, using Greek gods as NPCs and even sending the PCs back to ancient Greece to obtain the main object of the quest. Eventually the PCs find the chest that they seek, which actually holds the god Hermes inside. He was being held by the Aloeids, two brother cyclops. After rescuing him, the PCs may gain his favor and perhaps the favor of more Greek gods.
This adventure begins with the party chasing down a thief who has procured the crown of a local Marquis. The trail goes to a northern border community in the dead of winter and potentially ends at the ruins known as Valtarius's Retreat which secured the border in the “old days”. The ruins are currently home to a dreaded Dracolich who will most likely not care to be disturbed by a group of adventurers! Can the party recover the crown and remain alive?
Old hatreds die hard, but sometimes it is necessary to set aside petty, personal disagreements for the greater good. The hag, Jeny Greenteeth, is wise and may prove instrumental in the troubles that lay ahead. Your task will not be easy, however; the dark forces of Barovia have agents everywhere, and eyes from beyond the grave no doubt watch your every move. Part Six of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.
This module is designed for characters who have made their way through the Freeport Trilogy. Characters new to Freeport are at disadvantadge, however. Hell in Freeport sends the characters to the depths of the Hell as pawns of an undead duke. When they discover the truth of their mission, they must race against a sinister clock to save two cities. Act 1 kicks off with a battle against a cornugon on the Freeport docks. The characters are hailed as heroes for defeating the fiend, and are summoned to the Church of Retribution to help in the battle against Hell. Tee old inquisitor who greets them is actually Jalie Squarefoot, an infernal lich who took this form to search for the perfect cat's-paw. Squarefoot wants to take the souls of Freetown, a city in Hell, but must first get around a contract poin: he can't take the city until the Tyre tower clock-now stopped- strikes midnight. He sends the party to Devil's Cry, an inslan off the coast of Freeport, with instructions to close the gate to Hell hidden inside. In truth, he knows the party will be transported straight to the Third Circle when they try. Inside Devil's Cry the party finds the remnants of a great battle fought between an invading devil's army and the Church of Retribution, and battle their way past undead defenders until they reach the gate itself and unwittingly trigger it. Act 2 begins with the party in a twin of the complex they explored in Devil's Cry, but now they are deep in Hell. They fight their way back to the cavern entrance, only to find that they are not on the Prime anymore. When they voyage back their homeport, they instead find themselves in Freetown, a city of scaped slaves in a dark mirror image of Freeport. Once in Freetown, they make the acquaintance of the city's mayor Wycleffe-a servant of Jalie Squarefoot-who persuades them to go on a quest to Tyre to restart the tower clock. They travel the Styx to the Eight Circle and fight their way into a long-buried vity, and then into the tower clock itself. They restart the clock and begin the trip home, but are waylaid by devils and taken prisioner. Act 3 opens with the party naked and in chains in the infernal prison called the Forge. They learn that Jalie Squarefoot and Wycleffe have duped them, and that the supposed rebels of Freetown are actually its protectors. The characters must escape or win their freedom in the gladiator pits before the tower clock they restarted destroys both Freetown and their home city of Freeport. They battle back to Freetown, taking revenge on their captors in the process, and capture the city from Wycleffe with the help of the rebels. Finally it falls to the PCs to enter the tower clock and stop it and Jalie Squarefoot before the fiend's plan can come to fruition. After being tricked and manipulated throughout the adventure, the party finally has their revenge on the duke and his minions.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold the greatest circus in the land! Behold the skilled mummers performing at The Stage; you’ll literally feel like you’re part of the play! Thrill to the death-defying acts (and audience) in the two rings under the Big Top! Laugh at the antics of the baleful buffoons, harmful harlequins, and malevolent merrymakers of Clown Alley! Gaze in wonder at the wild beasts of the Menagerie, (just make sure you know which side of the bars you’re on)! All this and more, for the small price of a single admission, to Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus! The circus is in town! But there’s something not quite right about it. There are rumors of missing children, evil plots, and more. Can you discover the secrets hidden inside Bitterbark’s Magnificent Circus? Intended as a stand-alone adventure, but there are notes on how to include it as part of the Castle of the Mad Archmage mega-dungeon adventure. Published by BRW Games
A roach thrall has infiltrated Sharn's highest circle of power, the council, and few have noticed. It's up to our adventurer's, with a little help from a perceptive councilor, to rid Sharn of the growing infestation.
SEER has been rescued along with Ulcaster, the infamous Archmage that founded a wizard's school that is now in ruins in the foot hills of the Cloud Peaks. However, while leaving to get the two to safety a cloud ship arrived, unloading a shipload of pirates on the ruins. SEER knows what the are after and needs the heroes to stop them and their leader.
On the border of Colorado and Kansas lies the infamous stretch of old Route 385 known as The Co-Kan Run. Few are foolhardy enough to brave that gauntlet of roving gangs, walking dead, and Combine forces, but now a girl in need and an old friend force your hand. Signing up with a wasteland convoy, you'll drop the hammer and head eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin, and you're about to do what they say can' be done. This is a Savage Worlds, Deadlands: Hell on Earth adventure module for Seasoned Characters. Product includes removable cover, 3D maps, 2D blue maps, and two interior booklets (Field Guide & Adventure). Official Savage Worlds Licensed Product.
Bastion Bay has become a bustling trade hub under the guidance of the cunning Capa Meriosa - but all is not well in the former pirate town. A monstrous undead shark stalks the seas, sinking any ship that gets too close; the newly built light house has gone mysteriously dark; and rumours swirl of twisted witches and other horrid things stalking the night. The port has been shut with no ships allowed to leave and tensions are running high. Bastion Bay is on a knife edge, and a new ship is just pulling into port... The Beast of Bastion Bay is an adventure for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons! It is designed for 3-5 5th level characters, and assumes a wide range of skills and abilities. It is designed to be played across multiple sessions and should take between 5 and 10 hours to complete. The adventure centres on the port town of Bastion Bay but can easily be transferred to any small or medium port town as long there are nearby islands and caves. This adventure was designed to have an equal balance of combat, exploration, and role-playing encounters.
Some games aren't played for fun. A friendly little gambling game - with the most bizarre players and rules! Pgs. 24-32
In the ruins of Kiris Dahn, a human town, lies a 'Slaying Stone'. The stone is said to have the power to kill any foe, though the stone is consumed in the process. The party will venture into the ruins which are the home to an assortment of goblins, hobgoblins, and kobolds. However, a mercenary band of orcs have been hired (by a benefactor who is not met in the module) to search the ruins for the Stone, and the party must find it first. The party must use caution and stealth to move through the town without alerting the denizens or the mercenaries while searching strategic points around the abandoned town to find the Stone. Eventually, the party should find the stone under the protection of an indifferent Brass Dragon.
Irtep’s Dish is an adventure for characters from 6th to 8th level. This adventure requires the skills of a rogue or some other expert at traps, a cleric or character that can heal allies and offer beneficial bonuses to the team, a wizard or other master of the arcane arts, and a fighter to take care of “the heavy lifting.”
One bad apple. The brownies would have been fine, except for the addition of one unexpected ingredient. This is a starting adventure for one druid. They set off on a wacky adventure with teh help of their driud master. Pgs. 22-31
A loyal band of adventurers must find the Horn of Kiri-Jolith, a powerful artifact that could help turn the tide of the War of the Lance before the forces of the Blue Dragonarmy claim it. They must delve into the ruins of Castle di Garinoc - the home of Lord Kiril Garinoc, a Knight of Solamnia who perished 300 years ago in the Cataclysm - and recover the horn before the Blue Dragonarmy arrives and claims it for their own! Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith is a 5-7 hour adventure for 5th level characters. Inside Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith you'll find: A multi-chapter adventure heavily-researched to fit neatly with previous canon and into the larger story of the War of the Lance. Exploration through a ruined castle from before the Cataclysm. Encounters with draconians, goblins, the ghostly lady that haunts the castle, and a final siege battle with the Blue Dragon, Swiftbolt! Unique versions of classic enemies and magic items to use in your own campaign. A foundational adventure designed to start a larger Dragonlance campaign.
Thane Tinewiner’s daughter has been kidnapped just before her betrothal and her love slain! Who will avenge this mockery? Can the girl be brought back alive? Is your PC brave enough to face this challenge alone? Surely a handsome reward will be at stake but more so the fame of saving a damsel in distress and the honor to go with it. Few clues are available and most of the Thane’s military are on the hunt for the woman so you’ll need a little bit of luck if you are to grab the honors and save the day.
Can the city of Redshore be saved from utter destruction? "The Razing of Redshore" is a D&D adventure that confronts the party with the destructive force of an awakened sperm whale druid and the sinister machinations of a secret cabal of powerful assassins. It is designed to provide such a group with an opportunity to continue their adventuring careers into the realms detailed in the "Epic Level Handbook". This book is not required to make full use of this adventure, though; any pertinent information from the supplement is reproduced here. Pgs. 72-106
"It was already a freezing morning when you set out for the legendary Castle of Madness – the mysterious castle that is said to emerge from blizzards once every seven winters. " In this short treasure hunt for one 2nd level player, you'll brave an frigid mountain, an icy cave, and a haunted castle to bring home a pile of loot. Written as a digital gamebook, you will keep track of your character's hit points, spells, and inventory on your character sheet, and keep track of enemies using your own scratch paper. The game will play GM and all enemies.
An expansion on the original Tomb of Horrors with plot and explanation. Contains a facsimile of the original adventure. The Dark Intrusion is causing the dead to rise from their graves. This is linked to a being known as the Devourer. Following the trail of Desatysso, a wizard who followed a similar quest, the players must enter the Tomb, and beyond that, the cursed City that Waits and the Fortress of Conclusion.