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3299 adventures found
Cover of DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising
DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

The frost giants of the Ice Mountains have long held to the belief that a great Jarl will one day step forward to unite the families as Konung (king). With the Ordning shattered, Jarl Ryndölg believes that if he can locate Hartkiller’s Horn, a legendary artifact among giant-kind, he could be the one. He may very well have found what he is looking for. A great clarion call has echoed across the Hartsvale for two days, and the giants are all marching north, has Ryndölg done just that? A Four-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters This adventure consists of three Parts, as follows: Part 1. The adventure begins with the characters having already arrived in Stagwick (whether sent by their faction or by their own, individual search for adventure and wealth) and have been briefed before preparing for an important journey to the north Part 2. From Stagwick, the players discover their guide has been killed and must make their way through the deadly cold fingers of the Ice Spires alone—either by skill or luck. Part 3. Once at Ise Festing, the group discovers it’s been inhabited by a troupe of Shatterblood Ogres whom they must defeat to gain access to the redoubt’s observation deck.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai
Mists of Akuma: Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai
5th Edition
Level 7
44 pages

A scourge has recently fallen upon the house of Lord Gabiru Fuson as his family’s servants began disappearing, one slain in the street by a fallen hero known as the Scorpion Samurai in a widely-talked of murder that has sparked a wave of public dissent and ridicule. The dishonored adopted son of Lord Gabiru has evaded authorities for years but the tide of blood his sword washes onto Soburin is growing ever higher—the adventurers are called upon by the Fuson bengoshi Yukari Nishioka in secret, brought into service to strike down the murderous brigand in an ambush she has set on Shjiki Island. As they lay in wait however a local outcast brings information to light that reveals there may be other bait in the village of Shinjitsu… This exciting adventure (set in the Mists of Akuma campaign setting) begins in the snowy hideaway village of Yukinokyu where the PCs are approached with a curious message—orders delivered by a local Kizuato bengoshi's servant, hiding the authority of a Fuson Herbal Master's directives! The adventurers must sneak into the prefecture to the north, traveling through Hidaretei Pass where three dangerous ogres dwell. After reaching the town of Kakasu they are bid to meet the state functionary in a distant grove and are waylaid by an oni and its adeddo-oni retinue before clandestinely infiltrating the island-village of Shinjitsu. Once there they must bait and capture the Scorpion Samurai, stopping him and the dark ritual he has planned before the evil he unlocks transforms the fallen hero into an unstoppable monster! What you'll find in this fully-illustrated 33 page module: The story of Hinjuku Nagaro, dishonored orphan son and bloodsoaked warrior known as the Scorpion Samurai! A compelling and action-filled adventure in 3 acts that take the PCs across the continent of Soburin before upending a plan that might save one of the world's most powerful nobles from certain doom! Rules for the supernatural haze and two new attributes integral to Mists of Akuma: Dignity and Haitoku. More than a half dozen NPCs and monsters ranging from adeddo-oni to the deadly Scorpion Samurai and his duplicitous ally, a penanggalen! Five maps for every major encounter in Hidaretei Pass, Kakasu, the Fuson Forest, Shinjitsu, and Ikatteiru Cave!

Cover of Meltdown in the Mire
Meltdown in the Mire
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
14 pages

The Dysmal Swamp is a coastal wetland that stretches over 100 square miles. Devoid of any urbanization, the ecosystem enjoyed its dank sanctuary. A community of bullywugs called the swamp home for generations, hunting and maintaining the balance of the land. The land also appealed to the Belange Company, a wicked fey-run enterprise making cheap magic items, who needed a secluded location far from both thieves and oversight. When the Belange Company established their magical workshop in the swamp, the bullywugs attempted to drive them off. However, the Belange Company’s supply of magical items provided enough firepower to protect their endeavor, and many bullywugs fell in the initial conflicts. The Belange Company began crafting scores of magical items to be sold across the region, using a cheap alchemical process that produced a nasty liquid byproduct glowing with chaotic magical energies. Rather than devise a new process, the Director decided to discharge the waste into the swamp. As production increased, so did the pollution, and the sludge began to warp the wetland. The region’s typically reclusive bungisngis population became aggressive. It is only a matter of time before these mutated swamp giants lay waste to bullywugs.

Cover of MHI - 0 Hanson's Gap
MHI - 0 Hanson's Gap
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
11 pages

Set for initial level PCs, this short scenario utilizes a shortcut through a mountain range. The players are in a hurry to get to town for an adventuring opportunity and all they need to do is get through a crevice. Unfortunately for the new delvers, the gap is home to a trio of bandit brothers and other obstacles!

Cover of PL1 - Encounters at Gormell
PL1 - Encounters at Gormell
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
18 pages

PL1 – Encounters at Gormell is the initial adventure for the campaign in the Principality of Lockerbie. This series of adventures are set in the land known for the large city of Kettlespit and the capital of Xado Keep. The land resides to the south of the mountain range called the Spines, home to a devastating series of magic wars years ago. This land was the site of many battles and skirmishes and the western reaches are still very dangerous. This offering provides information on the village of Gormell and a variety of different scenarios to get your first level players up to second level and beyond!

Cover of Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands
Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands
Levels 1–2
97 pages

A ruined monument to folly and ego, the Shadowed Keep stands atop an isolated bluff deep in a mist-wreathed forest. Sacked by marauding goblins decades ago the place was thought abandoned, but shadows now creep among the forest's great boles and footprints have appeared on the single, overgrown track leading to the keep. Travellers have begun to disappear with alarming regularity from the nearby road and the local folk fear some slumbering evil has claimed the ruin as its own. Dare you brave the terrors of the Shadowed Keep to crush that which lurks within or will darkness shroud the surrounding lands? Designed to be easily inserted into a GM's home campaign, Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands is an excellent starting locale to test the mettle of neophyte adventurers. Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands is designed for the medium advancement track. 1st-level PCs completing all the challenges of the place can expect to reach 3rd-level by the time they have exhausted all the keep has to offer.

Cover of Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Some ports are more dangerous than the storm. It's alive, it's hungry, it's growing. And you're on the menu. Alone, out in the wilds with a savage winter storm bearing down on you, you need shelter to survive. You stumble through the trees and smell wood-smoke. Ahead you spot the small fortified trading outpost known as Jacob's well. You're not the only traveller to find themselves stranded here in the teeth of the storm. The only problem, someone has bought something with them, it's alive, it's growing, it's voracious and you are all on the menu. Think Aliens and The Thing and you're on the right track. Has potential to be scaled to suit a group of adventurers. Pgs. 8-23

Cover of Shut-In
3.5 Edition
Level 2
11 pages

Not all evil spawns in ancient ruins or on fiendish planes. Sometimes, all corruption needs to take root is a jealous memory, cultivated bitterness, and a lonely place to bloom. An elusive killer is leaving a trail of noble blood across the city. When the PCs are recruited to protect an influential spinster, they discover that more is afoot at Dromdal House than anyone suspects. In fact, they may be the ones who need protection, from their aging ward. Pgs. 18-28

Cover of The Automatic Hound
The Automatic Hound
3.5 Edition
Level 4
12 pages

Deep in the forest, two hunters stumble across the site of a strange and ancient ritual, and one pays the ultimate price. Now a murderous beast stalks the streets of a quiet farm town. Can the PCs unravel the secret of Dramsburg’s dark past and defeat a monster that cannot be killed? Mystery adventure with little fighting in a small town. Can be played in a single session. At the climax a moral quandary is presented. Pgs. 14-25

Cover of Towers of Evil
Towers of Evil
Levels 3–5
16 pages

Devastated in a war with a nearby wizards' school, the Fighters' Academy has since been surrounded by a foul and dank swamp - the Gloomfens. Since the climatctic battle between the wizards and fighters, the tower has decayed. The spirit of the head of the academy haunts the building, eternally plotting his revenge on the wizards who killed him. his loyal sutdents remain faithful to him even in death. Other foul undead have made their home in the rotting, spacious academy. From their lair, they make forays into farmsteads near the swamp in search of victims to feed their unspeakable appetites. The Problem of these terrible attacks by the savage undead will not stop until the evil that has found a home at the tower is burned from the face of the land forever. Will your party heed the call and help the town of Melinir? Will they be able to clear the former Academy of its undead? Towers of Evil is the second in a three part adventure, The Haunted Tower. Or, it can be ran as a stand alone adventure. The choice is up to you. Part of TSR 1081 The Haunted Tower

Cover of DQ1 The Shattered Statue
DQ1 The Shattered Statue
Levels 5–9
48 pages

"A mutual friend has praised your skills highly. If you seek rich reward and the opportunity to delve into mysteries ancient and lost, bring this bottle forthwith to my demesne in the village of Volkumburgh. Together we may seek to bring mankind the lost wonder of the awtawmatawn." A mysterious note, a disappearing 5-foot-long religious relic, and the ruins of two magical schools. What do these things have in common? How deeply are your party members involved in all this? "The Shattered Statue" is the first dual-game-system module of its kind. Players of both the AD&D game system and DRAGONQUEST game system can use this adventure. It is suitable for use with FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. TSR 9221

Cover of N2 The Forest Oracle - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
N2 The Forest Oracle - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
10 pages

The land lies under a curse. Fruit drops to the ground, its pulp black and rotten. Leaves curl and wither on the branches. Animals flee the parched vale, or starve. Long ago, the Downs prospered under the care of Druids, but the priests of nature have retreated deep into the woods and rarely show themselves. One old man claims that the Druids have the power to save the valley, if only someone could find their Oracle to seek help. Will you reach the Forest Oracle of the Druids in time? And if you do, can they really lift the curse? Or does the answer lie elsewhere? Only the most daring and cunning adventurers will save the Downs. N2: "The Forest Oracle" (1984), by Carl Smith, is the second AD&D adventure in the novice (N-) series. Unlike its predecessor, it is not intended for 1st-level adventurers, but instead for 2nd level and up. This conversion guide allows DMs to run the original module with 5th Edition rules and provides a reference sheet for encounters. Also contains suggestions for placement in the Forgotten Realms. To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of The Forest Oracle, originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format on the DMs Guild. Visit Classicmodulestoday.com to find out how you can create your own classic module conversions and sell them on the DMs Guild.

Cover of Unhallowed Ground
Unhallowed Ground
Levels 2–5
11 pages

A monster amonkst us... The monastery of Montelegro was once a major center of academia, but it fell out of favor when its library burned to the ground some 20 years ago. (The fire is rumored to have been started by the candle of a monk who fell asleep while reading.) Without books to attract scholars and patrons, the order of monks that run the monastery has dwindled. Now the monastery is a mere shell, its once-thriving halls empty. Only 21 monks remain. The order that runs Montelegro supports a number of scribes dedicated to copying and illuminating books of all kinds. The most talented of these illuminators was Brother Abel of Corbone, a young monk fresh out of the university. A few days prior to the adventure, Brother Abel witnessed a miraculous sight. While walking about on the outskirts of the monastery, he beheld a vision of his god. The vision instructed him to build a well upon the spot where he stood. If Abel did this, the god promised prosperity would return to Montelegro. Unfortunately Brother Abel was unable to fulfill his god's vision and appears to have taken his own life.... Or was there Murder in the Monastery? Pgs. 8-17 & 55

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness
1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness
Levels 8–10
20 pages

Sehvain Malual is renowned for his work in necromancy, using the dark art to destroy the undead pestilence polluting the world. However every warrior must hang his proverbial sword and retiring from adventuring life, the wizened elf settled down in a nearby town purchasing a small townhouse. Here, he would finally find the peace he so craved, or such he hoped before he found The Black Lexicon. What dark intent consumes Sehvain’s time is anyone’s guess, but only the PC can uncover the Legacy of Darkness.

Cover of Trollkin Hunt
Trollkin Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
4 pages

A venom maw hydra lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. The Red Craw Marsh, so called because of the delicious and plentiful red crayfish that live in the area, is a boon to the nearby village. More than a few intrepid souls brave the swamp each season to collect the crayfish. They either sell the crayfish to local establishments or ship them to nearby cities, where they earn a good price as the crayfish is a delicacy among the wealthy. The villagers have established a tentative peace with a clan of trollkin that inhabit the swamp. The crayfish collectors pay a small fee to the trollkin, who allow them to ply their trade in the marsh without (much) interference. It is a tense but profitable relationship for all involved. A powerful creature has moved into the marsh, however, threatening the delicate balance. When a venom maw hydra decided to move to the area of the marsh between the human and trollkin villages, it brought along a number of creatures that worship and serve it. This hydra and its allies have killed some of the crayfish hunters and some of the trollkin. Each side, unfortunately, believes that the other has broken the truce, thus stirring up animosity and putting both groups on the verge of war.

Cover of CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
Levels 10–14
32 pages

"Taking an iron grip on his nerves, he strode confidently into the dark portal, naked steel in hand, and vanished within." (The Castle of Terror) Conan of Cimmeria Thoth-Amon, the greatest living sorcerer of the Hyborian Age, threatens the peace of Aquilonia. His tragic mistake is that he threatens Conan also, for Conan is now King of this mighty land. Conan and his companions, Pelias, Prospero, and Nzinga journey across the plains of Shem and Stygia to test their will and power against this wicked sorcerer. Battle with them to conquer the evil forces that endanger their land! TSR 9124

Cover of Dungeon of the Crypt
Dungeon of the Crypt
3.5 Edition
Level 13
27 pages

The High Hunt leaves the streets of Waterdeep and heads beneath the City of the Dead where monstrous criminal overlords compete for the favor of their mysterious master. It will take more than skill with a blade to cut through the web of deceit and treachery that surrounds the Vampire Master of Waterdeep. Do you have what it takes to survive the Dungeon of the Crypt? "Dungeon of the Crypt" is part two of the three-part Vampires of Waterdeep Campaign Arc. Pgs. 62-88

Cover of Broodmother Skyfortress
Broodmother Skyfortress
173 pages

(2017 ENNIE Awards Judges' Spotlight Winner!) THE MOST AWESOME ADVENTURE EVER Since the invention of the adventure module, there have only been five adventures that were rated the most awesome, the most epic. Broodmother Sky Fortress leaves them all behind. It’s got these creatures that are half shark. Half elephant. All badass. They fly around in this cloud fortress, wrecking everything in the campaign until the players step up to stop them. It’s all terribly exciting! And all brought to you by none other than the world-famous Arch-Mage of Old-School, Jeff Rients! As an added bonus, we’ve included a Greatest Hits of the ol’ Arch-Mage’s essays and game tools to build your campaign into the unstoppable juggernaut you’ve always wanted it to be. Your game won’t suck anymore! Broodmother SkyFortress: Buying any other adventure is just throwing your money away (includes "3.PF" edition stats by Jukka Särkijärvi because somebody somehow convinced me that would be a good idea back when this thing was being crowdfunded) Writing by Jeff Rients Art by Ian MacLean Graphic Design by Alex Mayo Cartography by Jez Gordon

Cover of A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The Blacktooth Ridge, fabled for its string of long abandoned fortreses, treasure houses, temples, and underground mansions lies far to the north and east of the civilized lands. Dangerous journeys and the promise of treasure invite many an adventurer to the wilds along the Ridge. There they sek fame and fortune. But it is an altogether dangerous place, tainted with the evil of the Horned God, there in hidden caves and darkened temples some linger stioll who call him their master. Of late these creatures have issued forth to plague the few people who call the ridge home, the toen of Botkinburg most of all. Now, raids and plundering confound the settlements near the Blacktooth Ridge. Rumors of Rottenkip the Goblin King and his fearless warriors taking up residence in the Blacktooth Ridge are circulating. Ogres and Trolls are raiding villages and looting caravans. Few are coming to the aid of those beset by the depredations and the evil denizens of the Blacktooth Ridge continue to spill out ever further across the lands. The call has gone out, the mustering of militias is at hand, and the Blacktooth Ridge beckons to any and all willing to come to their aid and discover what is calling forth these foul creatures. Also available for 5E

Cover of Dark Lantern
Dark Lantern
4th Edition
Levels 6–8
38 pages

An agent of the King’s Dark Lanterns has stolen a cache of gold from the Brelish exchequer. Hunt him down, retrieve the gold, and thwart whatever else the rogue agent is plotting. Pgs. 28-65