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3288 adventures found
Cover of BASIC01: A Learning Time
BASIC01: A Learning Time
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
? pages

CALLING ALL BEGINNER GMS AND PLAYERS! Prepare to be schooled! Exallizar Preparatory Academy is a place that, for generations, has trained the best and brightest heroes in the land. All of the students are the children of famous heroes, and as one of the fortunate attendees, it is your job to uphold the legacy of excellence attached to your family name. As a student in Exallizar, you will be put through the paces like never before. This first year will see you and three strangers attempting the Gauntlet – a mysterious crucible that will put all of your studies to the test! Also included in “A Learning Time”: The first look at an exciting new miniature campaign setting specifically intended for the basic version of Pathfinder Four new iconic pre-generated PCs for quick and immersive play A classic monster never before seen in the basic version of Pathfinder A grading system to let you know how well you’ve done at the end of the adventure The first chapter of a series of seasonally thematic modules that can be run to completion in 3-6 hours HERO LAB files available for all encounters within the adventure as well as the BASIC Iconics, all playable as PCs!

Cover of The Horror Within
The Horror Within
5th Edition
Level 8
20 pages

Everyone who went to opening night of the Monveau Theater's newest show has gone completely insane. Can the characters uncover the shocking secrets inside the theater and find a way to end the plague of madness without losing their own minds? The Horror Within is a cosmic horror adventure for 8th-level characters. It's a one-shot that takes about 3-5 hours to complete and includes: -A maddening mystery where the characters' sanity is at risk -A thrilling battle against an Old One in the lost depths of the city -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of The Alchemist's Eyrie
The Alchemist's Eyrie
3rd Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

The Alchemist's Eyrie takes the characters into a fortified dwarven tower, where they are sent to recover some needed items. When they arrive, they discover the tower has been captured recently by a warband of renegade lycanthrope dwarves. Between the interlopers and the remaining traps set by the late owner, the characters may find themselves in deep, despite the lack of head clearance.

Cover of FN12 - Shrine of Ileaeni
FN12 - Shrine of Ileaeni
Levels 5–7
25 pages

Rumors and legends surround a hidden temple dedicated to the god of Magic, Ileaeni. This lost shrine is supposed to be in the Border Hills but no one, not even a legendary general has been able to locate this famed location. While long rumored to hold a supply of magical items no proof exists of this temple aside from notations in old scrolls. Myth or real you and your party are interested in exploration and treasure…this sounds like it may be right up your alley.

Cover of DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Part Two of the Umbral Aristocracy Trilogy. The treasure hunt has led to the City of the Dead. Beneath that well-manicured park is an ancient crypt where the treasure awaits you!

Cover of King of Ill Fortune
King of Ill Fortune
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
4 pages

A kobold king lair suitable for four or five 8th-level characters. King Qalqat is gathering followers in a bid to establish his own realm. A wanted dragonborn fugitive, Brustival recently joined his ranks and his power. However, Brustival is now a wanted man and there's a bounty on bringing back his head to the local magistrate.

Cover of CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
28 pages

Bloodpurge, a bayou village in the Flooded Forest, has come under siege by malevolent powers. Many hunters in this shanty-town have gone missing. Desperate folk murmur rumors of evil lurking in the willow groves.

Cover of Hunted!
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
26 pages

The people of Northwood’s Rest need help. Winter is coming, and something’s been slaughtering the livestock. Surely it must be the orcs of the Northwood! Heroes are needed to hunt them down. Will you answer the call? Welcome to Hunted! The latest adventure from the critically acclaimed platinum best-selling author Tony Petrecca. Hey, that’s me! I’ll stop with the 3rd person talk now. My last release, Killer Kobolds, was all about unadulterated, non-stop run and gun action, and quite purposefully contained absolutely no moral quandaries. Its theme was simple - Kidnapping Kobolds needed killing… now go! The result was an absolute blast, but with Hunted! I wanted to explore notably different themes. With Hunted! Exploration, investigation, and role play go hand in hand with unexpected twists and turns to present an adventure I’m quite proud of. Worry not, action hounds, as there’s plenty of combat to be had, but with Hunted! mindless murder hobo’s need not apply. Set in the frontier town of Northwood's Rest, a simple thorpe on the edge of a forest, Hunted! lends itself to easy insertion into any campaign setting and would make an excellent side quest for Storm King's Thunder. With direct tie ins to Acererak, Hunted! fits naturally within any Tales of the Yawning Portal campaign. Scaled for a party of 4-6 adventurers of levels 5-7, Hunted! can be easily tweaked to accommodate parties of lesser or greater strength. Featuring gorgeous cartography by Ennie award winner Elven Tower Cartography, beautiful art, a bevy of new creatures, new locations, several potential plot twists and a fun new magic item, Hunted! should provide six to ten hours of outstanding Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventuring fun.

Cover of A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
5th Edition
Level 6
26 pages

A quick-paced exploration of the magic tower, home to the great Solomon, the Master Conjurer, an expert in fiendology. Adventurers have to find Control Orbs to disable the tower's security system before it destroys them, and discover the secrets of the tower in the process. Their progress will be ushered by a seemingly helpful entity with nefarious intent - Zarloxar, the blue Abishai. The success of adventurers could also finally spell freedom to the fiend... or not if players, under stress, will realize the trickery in time. Part of "Detailed Encounter" series - each "Detailed Encounter" - features new monsters with unique stat blocks, new magic items, a custom battle map, and detailed NPCs. It also has story hooks and advice enough, to quickly turn it into a separate adventure!

Cover of FP8 - Insignia of Bromide the Wicked
FP8 - Insignia of Bromide the Wicked
Levels 6–8
22 pages

In your many adventures since ridding the world of Sukits the Butcher you have heard whisperings of his boss in the area. The name Bromide the Wicked has been passed around as a greater threat to the freedom in the area as he is the slaver boss. The Plainsmen have given your party the general direction of this evil man and ask for your help in the matter. Is your party ready to deal with the slaver issue and take down the network of traffickers?

Cover of Dromar's Tomb
Dromar's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
3 pages

Dromar is a figure of power all over the realm. He is known as a legendary fighter from centuries ago. He was buried in a tomb along with an artifact of great power. Those who built his tomb were afraid of grave robbers, and so his tomb was created in the frigid, ice-coated lands at the base of a a mountain. The secret of this tomb's location has been passed among a select few people as the years have gone on. Most of the general public do not even believe it exists, but now the ancient relic buried alongside Dromar is needed once again.

Cover of Glaive of the Revenant King
Glaive of the Revenant King
5th Edition
Level 3
40 pages

Deep within the dark recesses of the Tomb of Nihalar, the final resting place of elven kings, the weapon of the wood elves of Imfe Aiqua stirs. Two individuals are drawn to the weapon—but only one can accept it. Who will take up the glaive of the revenant king and become the ruler of the forgotten elven city? Glaive of the Revenant King is a 3rd-level Fifth Edition adventure for 3-5 characters. Characters who survive the adventure should reach the 4th level by the adventure's conclusion. This is the major side quest in the Hand of Eight adventure path. It can be played as the kickoff for the larger adventure setting or as a one-shot adventure for your players. The campaign is intended to be set in the DMDave crowdsourced campaign world of Omeria. However, it can just as easily be inserted into any other mysterious, untamed wilderness. The adventure is written by renown Fifth Edition author, DMDave Hamrick. It's 40 pages of fast-paced fantasy adventure that includes zombie hordes, horrible monsters in dark forests, battles with orcs, and tombs filled with dangerous traps.

Cover of Bzallin's Blackspher
Bzallin's Blackspher
Levels 12–15
24 pages

Into the void. It all started with two wizards feuding now a sphere of annihilation and a daemon princess threatens the whole town. It is up to the party to stop things before the city is destroyed. Pgs. 24-47

Cover of GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin
GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin
3.5 Edition
Level 7
32 pages

Long hidden away in remote vaults and guarded by powerful wards, the ancient Seven Swords of Sin have been stolen and brought together again for a terrible cause. Seven Swords of Sin is a lethal adventure that pits players against a vile enchantress, Tirana, in a trap-laden and monster-guarded dungeon. Only the brave (and perhaps foolish) can survive Tirana's lair and rescue the fabled Seven Swords of Sin from her heinous plot to unlock their deadly powers.

Cover of Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
5th Edition
Level 4
13 pages

Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller After an experiment with a teapot goes wrong, a wizard's tower rolls through the forest, crushing all beneath it. Its owner, Manthrak the Meticulous wants it back. It's up to you and your companions to stop the tower's rampage before something even worse happens. Manthrak’s Malicious Steamroller is a short, high-octane one-shot adventure module for a party of four or five 4th level characters. With no setting specific details, it can be easily dropped into any campaign, or run on by itself for an action-packed escapade. Included: Full-color 13-page PDF Virtual tabletop maps - Gridded & Non-gridded Accessible & print-friendly PDF A fun, unforgettable experience

Cover of CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
CCC-SFBAY-04-01 The Cornflower Hive
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
41 pages

What links an infamous Zhentarim mercenary with a brilliant but tormented artificer? To find out, the adventurers must break the goblinoid siege of the village of Westfir. After the bizarre goblins are defeated, the Cornflower Hive must be destroyed. Ultimately, what secrets are held in the grain mill by the Westfork river? A D&D Adventurers League four-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of Binding Arbitration
Binding Arbitration
5th Edition
Level 4
43 pages

Two wizards are engaged in a long-running feud. When the player characters rescue one of the spell hurlers, he asks them to help him finish the conflict once and for all. But do the player characters really want to get in the middle of two very angry wizards? An adventure for four 4th level characters. For 5th edition Dungeons ans Dragons. Features the 5th edition versions of the dread, huptzeen, manikin, osquip, and rutterkin.

Cover of The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
21 pages

A galvanice weird has torn apart an Izzet laboratory in the Blistercoils. The weird’s path of destruction leads to Tin Street where the weird was spotted being subdued and taken aboard the notorious Palace of Pain’s Pleasures, a mobile Cult of Rakdos performance stage. To return the weird to its proper owner and discover the mystery behind its bizarre behavior the party must brave The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures is a 2-hour Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica adventure for 2nd - 3rd level characters. Picking up where Off to a Weird Start left off, this adventure is designed to be part of an ongoing campaign. For Dungeon Masters who wish to incorporate The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures independently from the ongoing story, 20 Adventure Hooks (two for each guild) are included, giving The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures flexibility for one-shot play or for inclusion in your own campaign! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures contains: A new location that is also a magical construct. New trinket tables for the Cult of Rakdos. A new NPC antagonist (or contact), Ophyira, the star performer of the Palace! Two new magic items. One new spell. Discover the secrets of The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures TODAY!

Cover of Tower of the Pale Lady
Tower of the Pale Lady
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

"A hundred-year curse caused by a group of adventurers slowly turned a tower and the hills around it into a region touched by the very finger of death, where life is incapable of thriving. As the curse grows in power and reach, on its way lie the town of Beregost, whose population now suffer, sicken and die every day under these nefarious powers. The government and local clerics infrutiferously attempt to remedy the situation, while desperately seeking any who could help them." Tower of the Pale Lady is a 4-hour adventure for a group of 1st-4th level characters. It is set in the town of Beregost, at the southern edge of the Sword Coast, in Faerûn, in Toril, in the Forgotten Realms. However, with little modifications, you can run this adventure in whatever world you wish. This adventure includes NPCs related to the story and to the Forgotten Realms, which might bring your players to other different plots as they play through. New ways of using old spells and items, presented as introduction to reinforce creative possibilities throughout play.

Cover of IM3 The Best of Intentions
IM3 The Best of Intentions
Immortal Level
48 pages

Prime Plane Immortals are dying like flies: nasty, violent deaths. The Hierarchs suspect Entropy, as usual, especially with all the rumors of demons' involvement. To top it all off, one of the Hierarchs is missing - Mazikeen. Your Mission as novice Temporals, should you choose to accept it, it to find Mazikeen, uncover his kidnaper, and bring him or her to a court of Immortal Justice. This entails much more than mere detective job - it also means taking part in the Immortal Olympics and going plane-hopping with the best (or worst?) of them. Should you not accept this mission, the fate of all Prime Plane Imoortals rests on your heads. (Well, it rests there anyway, but this is meant to make you more than a little guilty about not accepting - after all, you're supposed to be duty-bound and all that kind of thin, and I you don't do this, then who will? Huh? Did you ever think about that, Bucko?) TSR 9207