A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of NC9 - Archipelago of Tyr
NC9 - Archipelago of Tyr
5th Edition
Level 6
23 pages

Far north of the Denali homeland is the Archipelago of Tyr and home to dangerous seafarers. Tyr is well-known as the land of the Minotaur that does allow some foreigners to visit albeit with less than perfect hospitality. Originally used as a one-shot with the Denali campaign characters, King Pellet sent the party north to investigate a trade deal and look into reports of some type of incendiary weapon…

Cover of FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
Levels 5–7
24 pages

With several adventures under your belts your party arrives at the small settlement of Goshen seeking a warm bed and full bellies. As you begin to satisfy both you hear rumors of some overdue mining Dwarves. These miners have been quite consistent about coming to town to move their gemstones to market and with recent sightings of humanoids the townspeople are concerned. Is your party ready for a well-being check?

Cover of FO8 - The Thane's Crypt
FO8 - The Thane's Crypt
Levels 2–4
12 pages

The Thane’s Crypt is one of my original adventures created a very long time ago. That being said it has been dusted off and revamped a bit for an interesting solo adventure for a low level or novice PC. A fortress fell to the forces of nature decades ago and the dungeon entrance has recently been discovered by a shepherd. It pits the PC against other parties who have found the crypt area to find the fabled Amulet of Akar which is said to possess magical qualities. Can your fledgling PC brave the depths and come out a hero?

Cover of FP5 - Temple of the Si Hur
FP5 - Temple of the Si Hur
Levels 4–6
18 pages

Sometimes wandering through the frontier garners information as opposed to bloodshed. In this adventure the party stumbles across a party of Plainsmen who tell the party of some strange goings on at a remote graveyard. They tell the party that they observed ghostly figures after a lightning strike and small fire. As they were unprepared to deal with the undead but suggest if the party is up for some experience, perhaps they should head north in the morning!

Cover of FT - Phillipsburg
FT - Phillipsburg
Levels 1–6
17 pages

The northwest corner of the Duchy of Bast is ruled by Sir Elwin of Monoth the 4th Earl of Kawall. This pudgy ruler sits in his tower in the small city of Phillipsburg which is a hub of the Caravan trade. The town is rather dirty and mostly considered a backwater area for good reasons. This city is a stopping point on the upcoming release of “FQ4 In the Caravan Service” Get a jump on the next adventure by getting used to one of the main settings. Phillipsburg, along with the Barony of the Knolls are point “A” and point “B” in the next adventure!

Cover of OS192 - Missionary Retreat
OS192 - Missionary Retreat
Level 6
14 pages

A job offer from the high bishop? Looks like your fame is becoming far reaching. You meet with revered figure and discover that he has a task right up your alley. A group of missionaries on an island retreat have not been heard from in a year. He asks that you and your associates go check on them.

Cover of FT - Port City of Kak
FT - Port City of Kak
5th Edition
Any Level
15 pages

Welcome to the Port City of Kak! A jewel in the Duchy of Starryshade and near the disputed border of Pryston Realm. A mecca for traders and gamblers this city has something for everyone. While the city is under the control of the duke, Lord Fargo Mellathan is the sole voice of law in this city. The 8th Viscount yields to the duke on most issues but does not allow military units inside the city limits that are not controlled, or willing to be controlled by Fargo. Traders abound the city limits with items and goods from the corners of the known world. The city is nestled in an easily defensible harbor and the viscount’s men protect the port area with large war engines from the bluff. All adventurers of any experience can find items of interest within the borders of Kak and even locate multiple types of transportation here. Whether the party wants to gamble hard earned gold at Ohmar Mylo’s gambling hall or needs to do research in the Hole of Manuals library, your PCs are sure to find a variety of interesting spots ripe for exploration in Kak. Many rumors can be heard, verified, or quashed along the cobblestone streets of this bustling port city. Flesh out the businesses or better yet, have your players tell you what they expect! This adventure setting was designed for the 5th Edition rules and used in the Filbar Duchy of Starryshade campaign. It is easily adaptable to any campaign or setting. Save yourself some time and utilize it for your own!

Cover of FD7 - Needle of Patti
FD7 - Needle of Patti
Levels 2–4
20 pages

While doing due diligence going over some dusty tomes you have discovered a scrap giving you a clue about some magical items in a strange obelisk somewhere in the vicinity. The adventure takes the PCs across the Torgoth’s Causeway into the frontier. A few coins to a local sage and you will have a better idea on where to go…or so it would seem.

Cover of FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
FN9 - Karnack Sanctuary
Levels 6–9
28 pages

Nestled high in the mountains of the Holdfists is Karnack, known for a millennium as the ‘city of the gods’. Known for its multitude of shrines, one in particular has caught the attention of the party. Annwyn is the legendary Plane of Magic for Filbar and can be used to recharge magical weapons that ‘lose their edge’. This adventure was used to help the party recharge one of their weapons they had, but this setting can be used for a variety of different purposes including a visit with a rather nasty neighbor beyond the city borders….it ain’t easy being green!

Cover of F6 - Euriduis of Santos
F6 - Euriduis of Santos
Levels 4–6
22 pages

The caravan master Santos Boromite was personally assaulted and his Euriduis, the symbol of caravan power, was stolen. The item signifies full authority over all legs of the caravan and in the wrong hands would wreak havoc. You have been summoned to speak with the Governor Lando Shardo at once to save Timel yet again! Can you find the bandits responsible for the theft and bring them to justice. Timel wants a caravan traffic and unless this matter is taken care of quickly that won't happen. Just when you think you have it figured it out it turns out you were wrong!

Cover of FVC9 - Royal Recovery
FVC9 - Royal Recovery
5th Edition
High Level
18 pages

FVC9 – Royal Recovery is a short adventure involving a lost princess. A peace accord is in jeopardy when a royal wedding may be postponed due to a missing bride. She was secretly coming to Tol Borron, home to her future suitor, but her ship is now missing. The party has been asked by a gypsy, working on behalf of the king, to head towards the Horns of Barnack where some debris has been located. Will your party be able to solve the mystery of the missing princess?

Cover of F15 - Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains
F15 - Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains
Levels 7–9
29 pages

Caverns of the Dorgel Mountains is/was the finale in Filbar series. It features Lexicon Meridius the Ancient Red Dragon and scourge of the Dwarf Lords (F4 & F5). This large adventure represents how I look at the difficulty of taking on the deadliest dragon of the Prime Material plane. Will your party return to the Halls of the Dwarf Lords to help aid them one more time?

Cover of MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
5th Edition
Level 7
14 pages

Who is ready for a murder mystery? This scenario is completely customizable for a variety of levels available. We won't kid you, this scenario is not something you just throw on the table and play as soon as it is downloaded. A spreadsheet for understanding clues vs. suspects will need to be studied for you (the DM) to understand how to run the mystery. That being said, everytime we (myself & playtesters) have run it, it has been a smash! Like all of our offerings, you SHOULD customize it to fit your needs.

Cover of NC4 - Xantus - The Ice Lord
NC4 - Xantus - The Ice Lord
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
22 pages

Rumor has reached your ears that the legendary Amulet of Rafael is in this region. Further investigation has revealed that a reclusive nobleman in the north called Xantus is currently in possession of the item. While details are sketchy about the item, it is well known that quite powerful in the hands of a mage. You decide that you will go north and locate the “Ice Lord” and see if he is willing to part with the item.

Cover of PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Adventuring in the Principality of Lockerbie continues with Issue in the Canyon. Your party has enjoyed the advantages of being considered a hero but as the days’ progress, it is back to normal in Gormell. After having a bit of ale at the local tavern you notice a wagon caravan has arrived in town and the people are abuzz over their arrival. Noticing that some of employees are a little beat up, you find yourself in the sheriff’s office being told of a brazen, humanoid attack on the merchants. Looks like you just found a job opportunity!

Cover of FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
Levels 1–3
35 pages

SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE! The Tabernacle of Ka-Sik-Fal is a 2 in 1 adventure including a TRUE SOLO adventure. This double adventure is actually the same adventure in two formats, one DM & PC, and the other a true do it yourself adventure. This adventure is for a PC of 1-3 level . It follows the Filbar Campaign setting but can be placed in any campaign setting. This adventure takes a single PC into a deserted shrine to discover the whereabouts of missing villagers. At 35 pages this adventure will keep your PC busy. Did I mention a true 1 person solo adventure?

Cover of OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

Today's offering is a one-page adventure built for a solo 3rd level character. While in between normal adventures you have been tracking an escapee known as Johan Cupid and believe to have picked up a lead in Jakestown. With the bandit hiding out in an old manor house you see a payday coming. Not a traditional "Valentine's" theme this adventure reminds you that sometimes Cupid's arrows sting!

Cover of FV2 - Urgoth's Canyon
FV2 - Urgoth's Canyon
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
22 pages

This area of adventure is a continuation from FV1 – Jeopardy Caverns and picks up where the party left off. If your party discovered the “back door” this is where it leads. It also offers an opening that flanks Jeopardy Caverns that has a perilous rope bridge to navigate! This area provides multiple smaller adventures and was utilized to get the party from different adventures. Portions of this adventure can be used as fillers in your own campaign. I hope you enjoy it as much as my players did!

Cover of FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
Levels 2–5
20 pages

The fifth offering of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is Venture into Sordack Valley and takes the small group of young adventurers and puts them on the border of the frontier. The small town of Commerstance is located on the edge of the Lordek River separating civilization from the wild. Several locales are present for the aspiring group of adventurers including two wanted criminals.

Cover of PS2 - Highway to Upton
PS2 - Highway to Upton
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
14 pages

In PS1 - Barrow of the Culder, your newfound companions were offered a paying job as adventurers. With your victory complete it is now time to get paid. The only problem is that your benefactors are not in Merrydale, they are in Upton. With a payday in sight you head out on the Highway to Upton. As an ancient sage once said “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” In this case the journey is going to be the adventure!