This scenario picks up where the Ga Mantse Tombs left off. As your party delves deeper into the natural caverns they begin to uncover more and more unusual amphibian creatures in their path. With the amount of bad guys you’ve found in the tunnels it is hard to imagine what will be at the end! This adventure is the perfect segway to a much larger problem in the lands beneath Mellowmarble.
As a new adventurer, you haven’t been able to catch a break. Just as you empty your mug, a job opportunity presents itself! A crazy Gnome, (Guy Fieri) has gotten ahold of a Wand of Construct and is animating mundane objects that are causing problems! Can you stop the Gnome and gain the mantle of “Hero”?
In Par2 - Patrician Stronghold, the base defense of the nation is discussed in detail. For decades the protective ring of fortresses has protected the country from outside forces bent on overthrowing it. This offering explains the general overview of the consistently made fortifications as well as giving a low-level adventure to explore a deserted one!
Half a century ago the legendary mage Delekin reached his zenith but began a fall of monumental disaster. After being betrayed by his party the mage changed alignment and began a cruel tirade against the residents. He was finally taken down by the Lords of Evil and imprisoned in a tomb created to lure good adventurers to their death. Many have entered the unholy locale and none have returned. Whatever evil is present in the tomb is powerful, and most likely very wealthy. This adventure is one of the Original series i.e. an early work!
As the PCs opt to leave the “friendly” confines of the Duchy of Starryshade due to some unfortunate misunderstanding, they head north. The Noteflame Coast is filled with desolate reaches, humanoids of all types, and the home base of the Corsair Council. The major community in this county is Kale Bay but getting there won’t be easy. This offering is more of a sandbox style with several optional adventures.
This tongue in cheek adventure brings new PCs into a small town after an adventure. Upon arrival they quickly discover that the small agricultural community has just been robbed of its harvest supply. With the seasonal change coming those supplies are necessary for the town’s survival. One of the victims of the attack was an alchemist. Contained within his bag were a few Potions of Growth. The bitter taste of the potion disagreed with the bandit who discovered it and he flung it into a field. Unfortunately for the PCs oversized fowl must be overcome before dealing with the bandits. Used as a fun one-shot for my group this scenario can be quite deadly if played poorly. Will your players save the day and feast on a Giant Turkey? Gobble this adventure up for free!
FVC9 – Royal Recovery is a short adventure involving a lost princess. A peace accord is in jeopardy when a royal wedding may be postponed due to a missing bride. She was secretly coming to Tol Borron, home to her future suitor, but her ship is now missing. The party has been asked by a gypsy, working on behalf of the king, to head towards the Horns of Barnack where some debris has been located. Will your party be able to solve the mystery of the missing princess?
The Adurite Empire once ruled a major portion of Filbar but when the culture lost the favor of the gods it spelled doom for the entire civilization. In the wake of the carnage that followed the major cities fell to fires, plagues, and other disasters both natural and magical. In the centuries that have passed the cities are now in ruins but rumored to still hold magic and wealth. The most famous of these cities was the port city of Leptis Magna. The city was once the crossroads of the empire and was known for trading, agriculture, and magic. What treasures remain in the ruins so fierce that even pirates avoid the area? This was also the adventure played at Gen Con 2014! "I step over his body and go inside..."
After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!
As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!
This adventure was not meant to be a serious campaign addition but could with some tweaking. Instead, we present this as more of a seasonal classic based on a popular movie. The scenario is a solo PC attempting to locate a runaway during the holidays. With a gypsy, a runaway, and an old “abandoned” house what could possibly go wrong?
This scenario was originally designed for five PCs of 13th level as a one-shot. A string of successes by the party has resulted in a high demand for their services. This new challenge involves an intrusive Ancient White Dragon extorting funds from the countryside of San Doral. Can your party cross Garnet Gorge and show this nasty Wyrm who’s the boss?
Sitting at the mouth of the Saint Torgoth’s Causeway leading to the Newmack Sea is the port city of Civille and home to the baron of the land. This former fishing settlement has grown in the last century to be a stronghold for the Baron Philostratos de Civille as well as a financial boon for the entire area. In growing itself into a small seaport this city has been able to increase income by a factor of five. While the port itself brings in a significant amount of goods it also acts as a travel point for the Caravan Masters. This location is one of the main areas for the FD series and can be used as a base of operations
With a bit of experience under your belts, you roll into the small town of Windomere with the hopes of catching a ferry to the larger community of Sepopolis. Your initial greeting lacked a warm glow and you quickly discover why. Apparently a river pirate with the moniker of ‘Slippery Peat’ and his cronies have been causing quite a stir in the area. You have a bit of a layover…ready to do the region a favor?
Retribution and revenge are yours for the taking! Demise of the Slavers pits you against the forces responsible for turning your life upside down and kidnapping your friends and family. The original pair of adventurers have come a long way and with the help of friends, it is time to end the slavers hold on your homeland of Esaq! Don’t miss this exciting conclusion for the DQ series.
Deep in a secluded vale is a place known to the locals as Yasmine's Tower. It is said that she is an evil witch who uses magic to bend lost travellers to her will. Can your party put an end to this evil?
A moderate sized town perfect for adventurers to relax in and pick up extra supplies and lift a pint or two. This particuliar town is a focal point in several adventures in Filbar including FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu and F3 - Adventure in Skull Pass. A larger settlement than Xer, Feastelburg offers a variety of different shops for the well-heeled and 'healed' adventurer. As the Mayor of Feastelburg says "Oy, pull out a stool and drop a coin or two for something that suits your fancy"
Far2 – Discord at the Docks is a short adventure based in the city of Phoenix in Fartook. Similar to Far1, this adventure is for low/novice level players. The adventure begins as your ship docks in Phoenix and you and your group debark. The scenario was designed for five players and gives them a variety of small problems to tackle. The PCs were on a delivery mission but mistook a subject on the dock as the intended recipient. The true owner is not pleased at the foul up and demands the party fix it IMMEDIATELY. Part of the inspiration for GenCon 17’s adventure, this scenario gives a number of “inconsequential” encounters that bring depth to urban adventuring!
Your party ventures towards the small town of Stoneridge to procure some of the ale reputed to be the finest in the area. As you near the community you meet a caravan group and learn of a problem ahead. A group of miscreants has been creating mayhem in Stoneridge and the party will discover that the brigands are in possession of a strange artifact and are seeking out the Temple of Theasn. Perhaps interviewing some of the captured warriors will reveal more information.
With survival being the hardest thing at low levels it’s important that PCs are careful and find help where they can. Xavier’s Wand offers a fledgling adventurer the opportunity to shine on their own and find a little help on the road as well. This adventure pits your new “hero” up against a bully and other challenges that will bolster a young adventurers experience and pockets! A thorp, humanoids, and potential henchman are some of the encounters in this adventure.