A community for lazy dungeon masters
551 adventures found
Cover of MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
MV1 Midnight on Dagger Alley
Levels 4–6
8 pages

As darkness presses into the narrow, muddy alleys of Goldstar, silent shadows slip out of hiding. Now is the hour for cutpurses and cutthroats to creep into the night to do their work. Would-be victims bar their doors and lie sleepless in their dingy hovels waiting for dawn. Your task sends you into this dismal, dangerous place after sundown. No moon lights your steps as you scurry past yowling cats in smoke, fog-filled alleys. Above you and beneath you lurk unseen encounters. Somewhere ahead in the despairing gloom lies your goal, if you can survive Midnight on Dagger Alley. TSR 9104

Cover of Jammin'
Any Level
9 pages

From the magazine: "A rotting ship holds the secrets of all the universe, but its crew wants you only for the 'fuel' you carry." This scenario is useful for launching players into a Spelljammer campaign. The players are tasked with investigating a derelict ship that fell from the sky. The ship is captained by a spectre and crewed by a host of undead enemies. Clearing the ship gives the players the possibility of a Spelljammer ship as well as access to several wheel-lock pistols and ammunition (the biggest treasure from the adventure). The adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting, though it may be easily altered to fit any other campaign world. Module LC1 Gateway to Ravens Bluff, The Living City, would be helpful, as the city of Ravens Bluff is suggested as the PCs' starting point for this adventure. Any other city can be substituted without difficulty. Pgs. 29-37

Cover of Wild Dragon Den
Wild Dragon Den
Levels 1–3
16 pages

A young black dragon and two hatchling dragons live in an excavated sandstone burrow in the swamp west of Knacker Knob. Connected to the dragon lair is a complex of sandstone tunnels and chambers inhabited by lizard men. Some sandstone tunnels and chambers are partially flooded, and others are filled with nasty things such as slimes, oozes and gelatinous cubes. The lizard men revere the dragons as magical spirit guardians. In small groups the lizard men are easily defeated, but if allowed to prepare a common defense, the lizard men tribe with its spellcasters may present serious threat to the player characters (PCs). Wild Dragon Den is the first dragon's lair to conquer. Part of TSR 1073 The Dragon's Den

Cover of H3 The Bloodstone Wars
H3 The Bloodstone Wars
Levels 17–20
32 pages

What strange role does Orcus, Prince of the Undead, play in the invasion of the peace-loving Damara? And what interest does the Grandfather of Assassins have in the tiny barony of Bloodstone Pass? With this adventure, your player characters inherit an entire barony - with a recently-reopened mine that produces immense wealth. Wealth enough to attract the dangerous attention of their neighbors...wealth enough to attract the attention of the Witch-King of Vassa...and Orcus himself! Now, your tiny barony is the pivotal point in a war that threatens to engulf the entire Forgotten Realms. Take command, and defend yourself against the encroachment of the evil, demonic forces of the nightmare realm of Vassa. A large, four-color map of the region makes your new realm come alive. Wild and wooly BATTLESYSTEM scenarios (with options if you're not into miniatures) give you the full range of battlefield excitement! Come learn why high-level AD&D game play can be much more than just monster bashing. The Army of Bloodstone wants you! TSR 9200

Cover of XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain
XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain
Levels 7–9
40 pages

The ancient dwarven kingdom of wonder and fable is no more! Only the tales of it's grandeur remain to entertain the children, or so you thought. Then you met Nimron. Distraught and desperate, you alone can pass the gates sealed so long ago. Within are the lairs of bandits, cutthroats, and worse. The evil that destroyed the dwarven home - the Halls of Paradise - is awakened again. Into this horror ventured the dwarven princess Grona Marblefist to reclaim her kingdom. She, like so many others, has not returned. Now you must face this peril alone. Thunderdelve Mountain is a solitaire adventure for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Expert game. Players who don't wish to face the fallen Halls of Paradise alone may also use this adventure for group play. TSR 9157

Cover of A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords
Levels 7–11
128 pages

"... an Adventure to Challenge the Bold..." Screams echo in the night, the charred remnants of a village are mute by day. From the decaying lands of the Pomarj, slavers have struck again! The adventure that began in the Temple of Elemental Evil now sweeps southward across the Wild Coast and into the desolate lands of the inhuman Pomarj. Slave raiders scour the countryside, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Daring adventurers strike into the heartland of the foe to harry the villains and bring retribution and justice to the land. This product contains the completely revised Aerie of the Slavelords series of adventures. Also included are new challenges and new scenarios detailing the Wild Coast, the city of Highport, the blasted lands of the Pomarj and the Drachensgrab Mountains. TSR 9167

Cover of The Accursed Tower
The Accursed Tower
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The PCs begin in the port city of Luskan, where they're hired on by a caravaning merchant to perform guard duty for the long, dangerous journey over the Spine of the World Mountains. If the heroes do well, they reach the small town of Targos, where they hear rumors of a dead mage's lost tower out on the tundra. In order to find it, the PCs must overcome numerous obstacles but may find allies in the peoples of the Ten-Towns region, including a barbarian prince, a sly halfling, and a unique ranger. Not all is as it seems, though, nor can all smiling faces be trusted. Can the PCs separate the truth from the lies, locate the Accursed Tower, determine all its secrets, and survive?

Cover of Eye of Doom
Eye of Doom
Levels 6–10
36 pages

After hiring a group of brave adventurers to help him "acquire" a beholder specimen, the mage Velinax disappears! Rumors blame an insidious thieves' guild called the Unblinking Eye for this turn of events. Why would the Unblinking Eye wish to "take care" of the mage? Why does the guild want to speak to anyone involved with Velinax? Finally, what dark goal does the guild truly intend to accomplish? Finding out the answers to these questions will lead doughty adventurers straight through the shadows of a crafty thieves' guild and onto the threshold of an even deeper and more dangerous darkness. "Eye of Doom" is the second of three adventures featuring the nightmarish beholder. It can be played as an individual mission or as part of the series that began with "Eye of Pain" and concludes in "Eye to Eye." TSR 9530

Cover of The House of Long Knives
The House of Long Knives
Level 10
9 pages

Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of Fires of Dis
Fires of Dis
Levels 5–9
74 pages

In the Outer Planes, a holy sword can be a fiend's best friend, especially when the owner wants it back? Sneaking into the second layer of foul Bagtor ain't easy, but with a little help from the right high-up men, it can be done. 'Course, exactly who the right high-up men are can give a basher pause, so it's often best not to ask. But there's a sword to be found, and bloods needed to find it. Truth is, those who don't end up lost are sure to find out that no good deed goes unpunished! Fires of Dis is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 5th to 9th levels. From Sigil, the City of Doors, the heroes plunge head-first into a dangerous journey across the Outer Planes. Their quest for a stolen sword leads them to the hostile gate-town or Ribcage, the treacherous plane of Baator, and the disciplined burg of Fortitiude - a gate-town teetering between two planes, just waiting for something to tip the scales. Your player characters need wits as keen as their steel to brave the fires of Dis and survive!

Cover of Sharla's Zoo
Sharla's Zoo
Levels 4–6
8 pages

A walk in the woods, a trip to the zoo, a day at the circus - harmless enough, right? Wrong, as players will discover when things are not as they appear to be. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Levels 1–4
16 pages

The town of Byr is in need of heroes. Residents of the town of Byr have been kidnapped. Some think it was marauding Hobgoblins, but a grizzled and crippled veteran who helped to drive the Chagmat (monstrous spider-people) back many years ago believes that the Chagmat are back. Their forgotten temple is believed to be up on Little Boy Mountain. He argues that the mountain is where answers, and the missing townsfolk, can be found. Pgs. 33-48

Cover of The Beast Within
The Beast Within
Levels 1–3
4 pages

Lambs to the slaughter. A lonely cottage hides a dreadful secret. While searching for a place to make camp for the night, the party is drawn to a clearing by sound of bleating lambs and the smell of a wood fire. In the clearing is a rustic cottage and tethered around it are a dozen lambs, forming a ring around the house. The owner is a reclusive cleric who contracted lycanthropy about a year ago when his camp was attacked by a marauding werewolf. Though he recovered from his injuries, on the next full moon he transformed and attacked his companions. In the aftermath he resigned himself to a life of isolation, believing that his faith will cure the curse. This is a short adventure, just a single combat encounter where the werewolf attacks the party. If the werewolf isn't killed outright there is a roleplaying opportunity and the potential for the party to seek a cure. Although the adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign, it can be readily adapted to any setting. Pgs. 66-69

Cover of I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill
Levels 8–10
48 pages

"I AM THE ANCIENT ... I AM THE LAND ..." Your screams still echo in your room. Cold sweat soaks the bedsheets and trickles down your back. It seemed so real! The great towers of a darksome place called Ravenloft ... it's misty vales and the terrible tragedy of a man who had sold his soul to unlife. Now the sunlight streams through the window with the promise of a new day. The dread nightmare at last is over. In the cold sunlight of a dying autumn, you step from your room at the inn and stroll along the friendly streets of Mordentshire. But, from the back of your mind the dream creeps forward to haunt you. Why do the faces of those who have befriended you now seem those of strangers? Why do those who called you here in terror, now seem to dismiss your task as a folly? More .. why are you advised so strongly, to forget about the House on Gryphon Hill ... the domain of the fair haired Count Von Zarovich, a name that cries out from your dark nightmare? You halt, as the swirl of events grow more confusing with every passing minute. Which is the dream ... and which the reality? TSR 9181

Cover of A Hitch in Time
A Hitch in Time
Levels 7–10
11 pages

A trap that perhaps works too well. No matter how much loot you take, you never took anything at all. Confused? Wait until you try this dungeon. The players are hired to investigate and clear a tomb of a time wizard. This tomb is heavily guarded both by creatures and traps, and some sages are concerned that the defenses are lasting longer than they were supposed to. Unknown to the sages, the wizard, Sur-in Am, bound a time elemental to guard the treasures of the tomb. This guardian's duty is to frustrate robbers by returning stolen items to their original place and also reset traps in the tomb. Pgs. 26-36

Cover of DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
Levels 7–10
121 pages

The palace of the Forest Queen contains treasures unimaginable. To the sons and daughters of Athas's harsher climes, Gulg and the Crescent Forest seem almost perversely lush, a jumble of green and growing things hording precious water for the benefit of the few. But while basking in the glow of Lalali-Puy6's gratitude, your characters have the richness of the forest at your beck and call. Of course, the Oba's sensibilities are easily bruised, and her nature is notoriously unforgiving. Gulg's dank dungeons are only a staging area to a deadly ceremony, where the young nobles of the city chase prisoners through the forest to earn their places as lords of their city - the Red Moon Hunt. Play this as a stand-alone adventure or as the sequel to Freedom, Road to Urik, and Arcane Shadows. TSR 2412

Cover of CM4 Earthshaker!
CM4 Earthshaker!
Levels 18–20
24 pages

Into your hands has been thrust a great responsibility: the management of a growing domain. It has been a hard winter. Now, with the coming of spring, the populace looks to you for leadership. It will take a careful and generous hand to restore your subjects' confidence. But even as you hold your first courts of the new season, an ominous shadow falls across the land. Earthshaker - wonder of the world - has arrived! Will its arrival be a curse or a blessing? With bold action and skillful diplomacy, you may yet divert disaster. But if you fail, the consequences will certainly be the subject of many a minstrel's tragic songs for years to come! "Earthshaker" includes a complete dominion setting, new player characters and NPCs, and complete material on one of the greatest marvels of the world - the giant and unstoppable Earthshaker! TSR 9128

Cover of AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Princess Arelina rushed from the tent as total disorder breaks out across the camp. She descends on your party as you struggle to secure you weapons…. Wonderfully descriptive, isn’t’ it. Well, now you can see for yourself with the 3-D DRAGON™ tiles. Use the DRAGON™ Tiles to bring your DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ an ADVANCE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ adventures to life. This package includes 3-D figures, featuring tents, trees, carts, a waterfall, and characters. A sheet of 2-sided tiles including trails, streams, creatures, and other wilderness features. A wilderness mapping grid is included to help you lay out wilderness encounters quickly. The 3-D DRAGON™ Tiles also comes with a special D&D® adventure, “The Revenge of Rusack.” TSR 9145

Cover of The Mazes
The Mazes
Levels 2–4
8 pages

In which the Many seek the One, and the Heroes must retrieve a Sword lost amid myriad Threats to the Flesh. Chapter II of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.

Cover of XL-1 Quest for the Heartstone
XL-1 Quest for the Heartstone
Levels 5–10
32 pages

The King is dead! And the queen is in trouble. She has chosen you to find the fabled heartstone, which is buried somewhere deep in the Mountains of Ice. Is the gem I the hands of the corrupt Master Thief? Has he harnessed its powers for his own vile purposes? Or does it lie unguarded in the frozen ranges to the north, which teem with horrible creatures? This is your kind of quest! Quest for the Heartstone is a combined wilderness/dungeon adventure designed to be compatible with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Action Toys from LJN Toys, Ltd. and the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Adventure Figures from TSR, Inc. The adventure also includes complete maps, new monsters and players' illustrations. Will the heartstone be the key to peace in the kingdom? By her majesty's request... it's up to you to find out! TSR 9114