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551 adventures found
Cover of How the Mighty Are Fallen
How the Mighty Are Fallen
Levels 11–14
64 pages

As the floating cities of Netheril hover peacefully in the air, the winds of intrigue boil all around them. The phaerimm continue to plot the downfall of the Netherese even as Karsus prepares for the casting of his greatest spell. Undead walk the land, driving orcs and humans before them. And somewhere below the greatest nation of Faerûn, the Tarrasque awakens from a long slumber. How the Mighty Are Fallen, is an adventure designed for use with the Netheril: Empire of magic boxed campaign setting (which is required to play this adventure). Within these pages, the final heroes of Netheril can : Gather the spell components, that Karsus requires for casting his "most wondrous" spell, the only 12th level spell ever known. He just needs a few body parts from two creatures - A gold dragon and the Tarrasque. Reuinte lost lovers after they have been separated by death. Nopheu's wife was killed in a magical explosions, and now he's finally saved enough money for her to be resurrected. Certainly a dead body couldn't pose a threat to a band of stalwart heroes?! Follow the winds of fate to wherever Tyche delivers them. Numerous side adventures allow players to take their characters to a variety of different locations. Some heroes might want to follow the trail of the missing nether scrolls, while others might want to join the resistance and fight Karsus and the other archwizards. But only the bravest hearts can take the first step... TSR 9540

Cover of Going Once... Going Twice
Going Once... Going Twice
Any Level
5 pages

Auction fever can empty anyone's pouch of coins. An Arch-Mage is retiring and selling his possessions - and you're at the auction! Pgs. 19-23

Cover of RM2 The Created
RM2 The Created
Levels 2–4
50 pages

A bizarre puppet master pulls the strings in this introductory RAVENLOFT® adventure for lower level characters. "Beware what you wish, for it might come true" is an old Vistani saying. In the small town of Odiare, a toymarker has wished a puppet to life--only this puppet is not a friendly, playful toy. It is a thing of evil, bent upon killing all the adults of Odiare. When the player characters are trapped within this town, Maligno the puppet and his animated toys begin to hunt them down. The PCs' only chance for escape is to defeat the mad marionette.

Cover of The Pit
The Pit
Levels 3–5
12 pages

What's waiting for you at the bottom? Adventurers are more than welcome - they're nourishment! Pgs. 4-15

Cover of Them Apples
Them Apples
Levels 1–3
12 pages

The village of Wistil is known for only two things: amiable halflings and tasty red apples. Someone has spoiled this year's crops and the halflings are scrambling to figure out how to respond. A band of stout folk set out from the town searching for answers; but, they have gone missing. The heroes are called in to investigate. Includes a random encounter sidebar, an overland map, and a map of the hill giant's hovel.

Cover of River Rats
River Rats
Levels 4–6
6 pages

Player's pickup the quest from the Greyhawk Adventurer's Guild to escort a barge down the Nyr Dyv.

Cover of CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
Levels 10–14
32 pages

"Taking an iron grip on his nerves, he strode confidently into the dark portal, naked steel in hand, and vanished within." (The Castle of Terror) Conan of Cimmeria Thoth-Amon, the greatest living sorcerer of the Hyborian Age, threatens the peace of Aquilonia. His tragic mistake is that he threatens Conan also, for Conan is now King of this mighty land. Conan and his companions, Pelias, Prospero, and Nzinga journey across the plains of Shem and Stygia to test their will and power against this wicked sorcerer. Battle with them to conquer the evil forces that endanger their land! TSR 9124

Cover of Ruins of Myth Drannor
Ruins of Myth Drannor
32 pages

MYTH DRANNOR, city of glory. We shall not see its like again PERHAPS YOU'VE HEARD ITS SHINING STORY.. of a time when elves and dwarves, gnomes and halflings and men lived and loved together, striving to create beauty and right wrongs. Magic was brighter then, in the City of Song. Folk were richer then, in the City of Wonder. Once this proud city stood as the highest jewel in the glittering crown of civilization. THERE CAME A DAY when it was overwhelmed by evil, thrown down, despoiled, and left a ruin in the heart of its encircling wood, as all things of beauty are. Evil spawned and crawled there, and the elves kept watch around it, that evil might not spread. Centuries passed, but the tales let few forget the powerful magic, the great treasure--and the deadly horrors that lay waiting within its walls. Now the elves are gone, and adventurers from a hundred lands and cities are rushing to Myth Drannor to seize what they can of the long lost glory. If the bards and sages are right, power lies there for the claiming that could change the face of the Realms, rule kingdoms or lay waste to them. 32 page adventure booklet contained in the boxed set with 5 adventures within. TSR 1084

Cover of Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Tyger, tyger... A search for a small child in the woods outside of the town of Launise, a case of mistaken intentions, and the despoiled ruins of a forgotten goddess of magic. Cursed is the beast that stalks the Black Forest in... Orange and Black! Pgs. 66-71

Cover of Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Levels 1–4
16 pages

The town of Byr is in need of heroes. Residents of the town of Byr have been kidnapped. Some think it was marauding Hobgoblins, but a grizzled and crippled veteran who helped to drive the Chagmat (monstrous spider-people) back many years ago believes that the Chagmat are back. Their forgotten temple is believed to be up on Little Boy Mountain. He argues that the mountain is where answers, and the missing townsfolk, can be found. Pgs. 33-48

Cover of The Ruins of Nol-Daer
The Ruins of Nol-Daer
Levels 5–8
16 pages

Abandoned and forgotten ruins never are. He left the Abyss to visit his human mother, not realizing he was a century too late. Still, there was a lot he had left to do... An ancient castle, Nol-Daer, has of late become the site of frequent strange occurrences. Gargoyles and Blood Hawks roost in the keep's ruined towers, Dwarves have been disappearing from the nearby area, and a Cambion controls it all from the shadows. Pgs. 3-17 & 64

Cover of I9 Day of Al'Akbar
I9 Day of Al'Akbar
Levels 8–10
40 pages

The land of Arir - a once peaceful desert country, dotted with oases, teeming with caravans - fell into the hand of infidels. The ruler, the dearly loved Sultan Amhara, was killed in the battle for the capital city of Khaibar. He left behind one of the greatest treasure stores ever amassed - jewels and coins, more than anyone had ever seen before or since - and in addition, the Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar. A deadly plague sweeps your land. The holy men say that if only they had the Talisman, they could create cures for this dread disease. Many adventurers have tries and failed to find the Cup and Talisman. Now it is your turn. Find these treasures, and save your people! The journey is exciting, but treacherous. Do not be distracted by exotic sights and sounds, the strange foods. You must avoid being discovered by Al'Farzikh and his brigands, as you infiltrate the palace. Be wary - what is most beautiful may be most deadly, and what seems useless may be priceless. TSR 9178

Cover of The Chasm Bridge
The Chasm Bridge
Levels 4–6
8 pages

To travel further into the Underdark the party must cross a bridge spanning a deep chasm. But to cross, they must pay the toll, or risk another route.

Cover of Melancholy Meetings
Melancholy Meetings
Levels 4–6
32 pages

Forlorn is a dreary yet dangerous place, a land of secrets and whispers. Visitors can expect to find no safe rest, no respite from the terrible creatures that plague this land. The skies are perpetually overcast and the land is damp with rain. By night, sheet lightning illuminates the sky in ghastly colors. Even if the intrepid adventurers who come to explore Forlorn know that the lord of this domain is forever trapped within his strange castle, they should take small comfort from it. Servants of Tristen ApBlanc roam freely, and the land itself is horribly twisted. The encounters in this book are designed to offer an introduction to Forlorn and provide clues about both its lord and his home. Melancholy Meetings is intended to be used before the castle adventure book, Eve of Sorrows, but it's not necessary for the PCs to experience all of the encounters in this book before embarking upon the next. Included in Castles Forlorn - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/castles-forlorn TSR 1088, from 1993

Cover of AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
AC3 The Revenge of Rusak
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Princess Arelina rushed from the tent as total disorder breaks out across the camp. She descends on your party as you struggle to secure you weapons…. Wonderfully descriptive, isn’t’ it. Well, now you can see for yourself with the 3-D DRAGON™ tiles. Use the DRAGON™ Tiles to bring your DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ an ADVANCE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ adventures to life. This package includes 3-D figures, featuring tents, trees, carts, a waterfall, and characters. A sheet of 2-sided tiles including trails, streams, creatures, and other wilderness features. A wilderness mapping grid is included to help you lay out wilderness encounters quickly. The 3-D DRAGON™ Tiles also comes with a special D&D® adventure, “The Revenge of Rusack.” TSR 9145

Cover of The Gates of Firestorm Peak
The Gates of Firestorm Peak
Levels 5–8
96 pages

From the backcover: "Once a generation, they say, a strange comet appears in the sky overhead and the gates of Firestorm peak swing open, (twenty-seven years ago, your father led his band of adventurers into the mysterious mountain, never to return. Now the Dragon's Tear once more flickers in the sky, and the glass gates on the mountainside beckon. Will you pass through to discover the secrets that await beyond the portal none has ever dared and returned? The Gates of Firestorm Peak is the first adventure designed especially for use with the new rules presented in the three PLAYER'S OPTION books: Combat & Tactics, Skills & Powers, and Spells & Magic. While it can also be played using just the AD&D® game core rules (the Player's Handbook and the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide), this adventure offers a perfect opportunity to experience all the potential of the new optional rules. One of the highlights of this package is the first PLAYER'S OPTION player character record sheet. To meet the challenges of Firestorm Peak and escape with their lives, heroic adventurers must battle dark dwarves in their underground city, explore the abandoned caverns of the Elder Elves, and deal with weird alien entities from Beyond. Their goal is to stop the Master of the Twisted Caverns and his dark minions from completing his sinister plot before it's too late . . . if they can. Included in this product are a 96-page adventure book detailing the dungeon that lies beneath Firestorm Peak, 4 full-color poster maps detailing all the important locations in the complex, and a sheet of 56 counters for use with the tactical maps in major combats."

Cover of The Forgotten Terror
The Forgotten Terror
Levels 10–12
64 pages

A knife flashes in the darkness. You never see the face of your attacker. The adventure begins. Their spirits trapped by a cursed magical weapon, the heroes find themselves imprisoned on the surreal domain of Aggarath. Here, they must explore the mind of Chardath Spulzeer, the isane lord of the realm. Somewhere in his shattered dreams and tormented memories lie secrets that may enable the adventurers to escape. This product may be used with the Forgotten Realms Castle Spulzeer game adventure. TSR 9537, from 1997

Storm Season
Levels 7–12
16 pages

A city is plead by mysterious weather and unique monsters. The Party must find and stop what ever is causing the weather and the monster to attack.

Cover of Secrets of the Towers
Secrets of the Towers
Level 1
9 pages

Stepping through a door can mean a grand adventure - or a horrifying death. The shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. A number of magic towers connected by failing teleportation magic. Abandoned in ages past, other creatures now make the towers their homes, and provide challenges to parties of varying levels.

Cover of A Darkness Gathering
A Darkness Gathering
Levels 7–9
32 pages

Something is very wrong in Stormport: Corruption runs rampant among city officials, more and more people turn up missing every day, dark prophesies of Change convert new believers, and rumors persist of a demonic beast with a taste for human flesh that stalks the alleyways. Worse yet, spring is overdue; winter refuses to relinquish its icy grip. Only one vile force could cause such chaos: The illithids have risen up once again, ready to enslave the surface races. Now, as never before, the world needs great heroes, mighty adventurers who will challenge the illithids; dark agenda. A Darkness Gathering is the first of an adventure trilogy (continuing with Masters of Eternal Night and concluding in Dawn of the Overmind) that pits brave adventurers against the brain eating mind flayers. Dungeon Masters can run each individual adventure of the trilogy separately, or they can be linked together to form a seamless, epic-length adventure.