A community for lazy dungeon masters
409 adventures found
Cover of DDEX03-14 Death on the Wall
DDEX03-14 Death on the Wall
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
31 pages

First Lord Torin Nomerthal and several his advisors will be leaving Hillsfar to inspect the Wall with only a small contingent of Red Plumes. The chance to strike is now! Part Two of Six Knives for Torin Nomerthal. A two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of DDEX03-01 Harried in Hillsfar
DDEX03-01 Harried in Hillsfar
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
45 pages

In the village of Elventree, near the oppressive city of Hillsfar, a recent string of strange occurrences has the locals on edge. The factions have gathered here on the borders of the forest of Cormanthor to determine what’s happening. Are these the machinations of Hillsfar, or something more?

Cover of X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
5th Edition
Level 4
28 pages

A prison escape for an unlikely group of heroes turns into a race for an ancient relic sought by the Legion of Dusk. Can you brave the unknown and capture the treasure before the enemy does? This Dungeons & Dragons adventure is set on the plane of Ixalan from Magic: The Gathering. It uses 4th-level characters provided with the adventure.

Cover of DDEX02-02 Embers of Elmwood
DDEX02-02 Embers of Elmwood
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

A derelict raft drifts into Mulmaster’s harbor carrying a young woman. Delirious with hunger, the only words she seems able to speak so far have been “ash and fire.” The only other clue to her identity is an ornate tattoo. Is the woman insane, or is something nefarious at play?

Cover of Stranger Things: The Hunt for Thessalhydra
Stranger Things: The Hunt for Thessalhydra
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
? pages

Based on the popular Stranger Things Netflix show, this starter set adventure is designed for new players and features pre-generated characters and a simplified DnD 5e rule set.

Cover of DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions
DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
51 pages

Adventurers explore a frozen, buried dungeon of long-dead giants that turns out to be the birthplace of Runemagic itself, and may still hold the secrets of that forgotten art. However, even if they do survive the extreme cold and unfriendly denizens, they will still have to face the massive Runeforged Guardian before they can escape. This adventure includes lots of interesting multi-part traps and alternate encounters that can be added or swapped out in several places.

Cover of DDAL07-17 Cauldron of Sapphire
DDAL07-17 Cauldron of Sapphire
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
22 pages

Just off the northern coast of Chult churns the waters of the Cauldron, a single volcano with a terrible history. Legends from the jungle lands say that it vomits forth lava, stone, and monsters if the peninsula is threatened - and yet the recent events did not set if off. So why is it threatening to explode now? Part Three of the Broken Chains Series.

Cover of Wreck Ashore
Wreck Ashore
3.5 Edition
Level 1
11 pages

Though small, Seawell is a prosperous trading town with a good location on the coast. Next to it is a long peninsula that features mostly swamplike terrain. The inhabitants of this peninsula include tribes of lizardfolk, plus several kinds of reptiles and amphibians. Most of these creatures don't bother the town, and Seawell's militia is experienced at repulsing raids by the more aggressive lizardfolk. A large reef extends the entire length of the peninsula on the side away from Seawell. This great wall of coral is a favorite site for fishermen, but it has always presented a serious hazard to ships approaching from that direction. Thus, about 45 years ago, the people of Seawell built a lighthouse on a small promontory near the reef, about 200 yards from the shoreline. Operated by a family that lived inside it, this lighthouse ensured that ships could easily steer clear of the reef. A few weeks ago, ships stopped arriving from that direction. Three ships are now overdue, and the people of Seawell have begun to suspect foul play. Thus far, however, they have not been able to investigate because of increased raiding by the lizardfolk. Something has stirred them up, and the town militia has been too busy repulsing raids to mount an expedition to the reef. Wreck Ashore is a short D&D adventure for four 1st level player characters (PCs). The scenario takes place on and around a swampy peninsula that juts out from a longer stretch of coastline. Along one side of this peninsula stretches a dangerous reef. Just offshore on the reef side stands a lighthouse built to warn ships of the danger. At the base of the peninsula on the side away from the reef is a small port town called Seawell.

Cover of DDEX03-07 Herald of the Moon
DDEX03-07 Herald of the Moon
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
39 pages

Elanil Elassidil, an elf bard of no small legacy, has put out a call for trustworthy agents. It is time, it seems, for a quietly hidden piece of elven history to become known to the world. Meira Faerenduil, lost knight of Myth Drannor, has been dis-covered, and must be brought back to civilization. A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters. **NOTE** As of August 30th this adventure no longer grants an Oathbow in Adventurers League play. It has been changed to award a +2 Longbow per the Adventurers League Content Catalog.

Cover of DDEX02-07 Bounty in the Bog
DDEX02-07 Bounty in the Bog
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
27 pages

The Soldiery has grown weary of dealing with a particularly nettlesome band of miscreants who have holed up in the Flooded Forest to the south. And so, you have been called upon to quell their activities so that trade along the North Road can resume unmolested. However, in so doing, the truth behind their activities reveal that much more than simple banditry is at hand. Will you be able to stop it?

Cover of Confrontation at Candlekeep
Confrontation at Candlekeep
5th Edition
Level 2
27 pages

Candlekeep is under siege, and it needs adventurers to help protect it! Heed the call to defend the legendary monastery and stand against the tide of evil. Confrontation at Candlekeep was used as a D&D Next playtest for D&D 5E. It was released to organized play Dungeon Masters in August 2013, and ran at Gen Con, PAX, and other major conventions. The adventure includes rules for running multiple tables, but can also be run for just one table. The attack on Candlekeep by forces of Asmodeus is tied to the events in Ed Greenwood's novel about the Sundering, "The Herald."

Cover of D&D Encounters Season 6 - Lost Crown of Neverwinter
D&D Encounters Season 6 - Lost Crown of Neverwinter
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
62 pages

A City on the Brink of War Missing for decades, the Crown of Neverwinter, symbol of the former ruling family, has emerged at last. Yet not all are pleased with the crown's reappearance. Beset by rebels and plaguechanged, Lord Dagult Neverember must hire a group of adventurers to track down the so-called Lost Heir and discover his intentions for the city. The stakes are no less than the lives of the citizens of Neverwinter, for if the heroes fail, Neverwinter seems doomed to descend into civil war.

Cover of Something's Cooking
Something's Cooking
3rd Edition
Level 2
5 pages

If you're looking for a light-hearted adventure, you've come to the right place. Can a wizard and her beloved chef live a quiet life of baking and brewing, or is trouble destined to enter their innocent kitchen? It's up to the player characters to see what these two have cooked up before things get too hot to handle (without potholders, anyhow). Game designer Andy Collins offers the latest in our series of monthly free adventures. This original Dungeons & Dragons scenario, including full description and stats for a crusty new culinary creature, is suitable for a party of four characters of 2nd level. Adventure Preview When Andolyn met Gendrew, it seemed a match made in heaven. Andolyn was a skilled wizard with a love of a good meal, looking for an excuse to settle down from adventuring, while Gendrew was a master chef looking to create new methods of cooking. Together, they took up a quiet life of baking and brewing, content to live in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. But now one of their experiments has gone horribly wrong, and the characters must save poor Gendrew from his own delicious concoction, while defending themselves from the inhabitants of the cottage, and one unwelcome invader.

Cover of Evil Unearthed
Evil Unearthed
3rd Edition
Level 1
18 pages

Digging in the Dark People are vanishing from the village of Brookhollow. Can you solve the mystery in time to save your friends? Pgs. 12-29

Cave of the Spiders
3.5 Edition
Level 9
8 pages

Bandits have been preying on the caravan trade of late, and the number of burglaries and kidnappings is on the rise. Such events might not seem all that unusual, except for the bandits' calling card -- webbing! Can the PCs penetrate the bandit lair and slay the leader before any more locals vanish?

Cover of Out of the Abyss
Out of the Abyss
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
256 pages

The Underdark is a subterranean wonderland, a vast and twisted labyrinth where fear reigns. It is the home of horrific monsters that have never seen the light of day. It is here that the dark elf Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, casts a foul spell meant to ignite a magical energy that suffuses the Underdark and tears open portals to the demonic Abyss. What steps through surprises even him, and from that moment on, the insanity that pervades the Underdark escalates and threatens to shake the Forgotten Realms to its foundations. Stop the madness before it consumes you! Note for DMs: This adventure is not for the faint of hearted, to run or to play. The module starts with 10 NPCs traveling with the party through the grueling Underdark. This number can grow. The encounters within the book are often incredibly deadly for the characters that would be going through it. This is because the module expects them to run or talk their way through the events, or, in some cases, the module expects them to lose. If your players aren't the kind of party to run, talk, or surrender, do not get this adventure. The module almost requires that you use milestone leveling because the experience provided does not commonly get players to the levels they should be once they get to certain milestones in the story (7th when they leave the underdark, 15th when they face the demon lords.) Good luck and happy questing.

Cover of Storming the Clouds
Storming the Clouds
4th Edition
Level 27
6 pages

Every fifty years, a pair of storm titans met to pray in an isolated and well guarded cloud temple. This time, they have obtained a copy of the fabled Ritual of the Primordial Gate and are exploring its secrets in hopes of bringing a lost primordial to the world. Divine messengers are sent to the PCs to enlist their aid in disrupting the storm titans’ efforts.

Cover of Against the Giants 5e
Against the Giants 5e
5th Edition
Level 11
45 pages

Giants have been raiding civilized lands in bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding group. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monster have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for life and property loss means failure of the vows of noble rulers to protect the life and goods of each and every subject--and possible lean times for the rulers as well as the ruled. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. Remake of the original series of AD&D adventure.

Cover of The Broken Tower
The Broken Tower
4th Edition
Level 2
6 pages

Ages ago, the tower stood as a bastion against banditry and marauders. But civilization has long since retreated from this area, and a band of goblin thieves has taken up residence in the ruined tower. Local woodsfolk beg the PCs to rid the place of the bandits before they are victimized again by the goblins of the Broken Tower. Pgs. 18-23

Cover of Massacre at Fort Dolor
Massacre at Fort Dolor
4th Edition
Level 8
22 pages

The outpost of Fort Dolor has experienced an unprecedented stretch of peace in recent times. Then nearly the entire garrison disappears on a supposed routine patrol, and the town— still on the frontier— is left nearly defenseless. Can the adventurers dig to the bottom of the mystery at Fort Dolor before they, too, disappear? Pgs. 82-103