A community for lazy dungeon masters
576 adventures found
Cover of DDEX02-11 Oubliette of Fort Iron
DDEX02-11 Oubliette of Fort Iron
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
27 pages

When Fort Iron was taken from the duergar who inhabited it, much of their subterranean quarters were never fully explored. An ancient oubliette has been discovered and its contents have disturbed the miners. Can the mine and the miners be saved from the dangers of the Oubliette of Fort Iron?

Cover of DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

An unexpected envoy arrives in Sporedome and offers to give aid against the fire giants of Maerimydra, if you are willing to help his people with a small problem. A two-hour adventure for 5th through 10th level characters. Optimized for five 8th level characters.

Cover of Maidens of the Weave
Maidens of the Weave
5th Edition
Level 7
9 pages

After a drow girl goes missing, characters must delve into the depths of the Underdark to bring her back. As they journey through the dark, characters discover not all monsters are monstrous and webs are capable of restraining all manner of creatures; in fact, they can capture magic itself.

Cover of FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
Levels 1–5
32 pages

Welcome to the picturesque village of Eveningstar, nestled at the foot of the Stonelands where the River Starwater winds down a gorge and snakes into the King's Forest. Here, the Knights of Myth Drannor began their famous adventures. Here, the Ladies of the Brazen Blade, The Company of the Singing Sword, The Steel Shield Band, and many other came, clutching royal charters from King Azoun with the ink scarcely dry on the parchment. Some fell, some went on to greatness-but they all came here first; to the Haunted Halls. Despite numerous infiltrations, the Halls have not yet yielded all their secrets or treasures. Many dangers lurk as deadly as ever in dark chambers herein, awaiting new companies of eager-eyed adventurers. Is it your turn to dare The Haunted Halls? Many come, but few survive to again see Eveningstar's beauty. Welcome, then. Enter in, and find in these pages: A challenging introductory level dungeon. A detailed countryside setting, including important local personages, local color, and guidelines for play. Suggested campaign plots and adventures. New spells. New magical items. New monsters. A splendid campaign can begin here. Adventurers in an ongoing campaign can stop by for a memorable visit. Those looking for an underground stronghold may even find a home in the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. TSR 9354

Cover of FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Randal Morn certainly has his hands full! The temple of Lathander, which burned to the ground eight years ago, seems to be the source of a curse affecting the entire town. People are taking ill, animals are dying overnight, crops are failing. All this seems to have started after Eragyn, priestess of Cyric, disappeared from Daggerdale. Shortly before that, a forgotten mage-lord's crypt was discovered and opened, and things just haven't been the same since. Constable Tren is displeased with the situation, what with suspicion being cast in the Zhentarim's direction as well as toward Cyric's priesthood. He's undoubtedly making the Dalesfolk's lives more difficult than usual because of this upheaval. Randal has sent out the call for aid to all who are interested and able to help; his freedom riders have their hands full already. A missing evil priestess, a mage-lord's crypt-curse, a plague, and possible Zhentarim involvement: all the elements of a rousing adventure in one place! Where do your characters sign up? Step right this way, won't you? TSR 9391

Cover of A Fey's Lair
A Fey's Lair
5th Edition
Level 4
20 pages

This side trek encounter challenges the heroes to recover a precious item from the lair of an evil hag. Estimated play time - 2 hours. This product contains a pair of encounters designed to challenge 4th level PCs. It also includes an extensive backstory, new monsters and new magic items to add to your campaign. The encounters are easily adapted to almost any campaign setting. The text includes optional changes that DMs may consider when running the adventure for their own campaigns. This side trek encounter is the final chapter of a three-part "Fey's Bargain" encounter series.

Cover of DDEX03-11 The Quest for Sporedome
DDEX03-11 The Quest for Sporedome
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

In the search for allies in the Underdark, you are called upon to travel through the recently opened Waydown sinkhole to find the lost myconid colony of Sporedome. It is said that they once cultivated a strain of mushrooms that could protect one from falling into madness. Can this be the cure for the rapidly spreading onslaught of insanity?

Cover of Woe to Mistledale
Woe to Mistledale
3.5 Edition
Level 8
21 pages

This sequel to issue #87’s ”Raiders of Galath’s Roost” takes the PCs back to the Dales region, where they must uncover a plot to destabilize the region. Zhentarim agents from Zhentil keep are disrupting trade along the Moonsea Ride, while drow from the forests are slaughtering merchants and taking their goods to sow discord between the humans of Misteldale and the elves of Cormanthor. The PCs must embark on a convoluted investigation to uncover the mystery behind the attacks. Pgs. 48-68

Cover of N5 Under Illefarn
N5 Under Illefarn
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Daggerford is fairly quiet for a frontier town. Sure, lizard men raid the local baron's holding now and then, orcs sneak out of the Misty Forest to raid caravans on the Trade Way, and Lady Bronwyn has a few suitors who are a touch too passionate, but there's nothing going on that a member of the renowned Daggerford militia can't handle. Except that the Shining River has turned green, and cattle are dying. Except that the Elf King of Laughing Hollow, a place where no human dares go without fearing for his life, is asking the militia for help. Except that strange substances are oozing from the fissures caused by a recent earthquake. Except that the earthquake also has opened an entrance in the cliffs around the Laughing Hollow that might lead to the fabled dwarf mines of Illefarn. Suddenly, being a militiaman isn't quite as easy as it used to be. TSR 9212

Cover of The Return of the Crown
The Return of the Crown
5th Edition
Level 3
22 pages

A mysterious package, a forgotten guild, a lost heir, and an undergoing conspiracy. Unfold Neverwinter’s dark past in this urban-intrigue D&D 5th edition adventure. The characters are called to guard a mysterious package that arrives the city at night. A well-planned robbery and the fact that this package was ordered by Lord Dagult Neverember himself alerts them that, this is not going to be an ordinary task!

Cover of The Crypts of Kelemvor
The Crypts of Kelemvor
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
15 pages

This scenario sees the adventuring party given an important quest to collect a number of broken magical seals and to light a number of magical braziers, all of which once protected the crypts of Kelemvor. In so doing, they can help to quell a devastating uprising of undead — organized by a powerful lich named Idris bent on destroying the city of Neverwinter. “The Crypts of Kelemvor” is a one-shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 3 to 5, adapted from a quest in Neverwinter online.

Cover of CCC-BMG-MOON13-1 Lure of the Reefs
CCC-BMG-MOON13-1 Lure of the Reefs
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
35 pages

Ships have disappeared amongst the Norheim Islands, almost all of them carrying refugees from Norland. An expedition, sent to find the cause, has similarly vanished without a trace. Most blame lack of experience with the treacherous local waters, but a few whisper of a more sinister cause, something that lures the desperate to their doom. Initiates of the Flame are looking for powerful adventurers to help since the authorities have more pressing trouble.

Cover of The Discarded Gem
The Discarded Gem
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

The Kingdom of Halruaa’s past is a mystery. The disappearance of the entire kingdom during the Spellplague and its subsequent return has always been looked upon as feat of magic that will never be replicated and Halruaa’s Council of Elders has dedicated itself to ensuring that this magic remains hidden. rumors are starting to surface that someone may have found a way to duplicate the feat and this has made faction leaders throughout Toril nervous, especially when recent communications with Faction agents in the area have grown silent. What can be discovered in the Kingdom of Halruua? Are the rumors true or is there something else entirely happening? The Discarded Gem is a 3 to 4-hour adventure for characters level 1 - 4.

Cover of THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 The Lower Tower
THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 The Lower Tower
5th Edition
11 pages

Aumvor is aware of the intruders and sends a warning with a powerful fire ball. Satisfied that the party has lost interest, Aumvor returns to his vault where he can safely leave his remains and travel the planes in search of greater power. Perhaps the PCs that survive the blast may have the upper hand. Growing closer to the final chapter, the party of adventurers will find that the only way out is into the tank for a swim. Aumvor the Undying has hidden here in this dungeon for centuries, waiting for his chance to resurface as the emperor of Netheril. The time has passed slowly and Aumvor’s powers are waning. He has hidden phylacteries well, but what use will they be if he has no vessel I which to dwell. Aumvor makes a final effort to kill the party before returning to his vault to wait in ambush for them. In “𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 The Lower Tower”, you will find the secret at the bottom of the tower, 16 exciting and deadly encounters, and a lot of zombies floating in cadaver soup. Ever fight zombies while swimming and dodging specters? Here is your opportunity. Also coming soon, Roll 20 Map Pack for The Tower of Bondage.

Cover of CCC-GHC-BK1-01 Into the Border Kingdoms
CCC-GHC-BK1-01 Into the Border Kingdoms
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
10 pages

"Night falls on the Border Kingdoms, a land rife with conflicts and schemes, where lords, counts, dukes, kings, and emperors rise, proclaim themselves, and are swept away with the speed and regularity of waves crashing upon a shore. As you settle in for the evening at a quaint little roadhouse by the name of Harker’s Cleaver, all seems quiet. Were the stories of this turbulent region just that, or have the Border Kingdoms yet to reveal their true nature?" A Two-Hour Adventure for 1st and 2ndLevel Characters The tavern the characters are staying at are attacked by skeletons. Where have they come from and why have they attacked?

Cover of DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns?

Cover of Fear of the Dark
Fear of the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
20 pages

The Zhentarim ask the party to investigate what happened in one their most important underdark outposts. If the party accepts, they'll have to deal with maddening darkness, grimlocks, an insane kenku assassin and unpredictable mixtures of potions. A short, fun dungeon romp that is easily adapted to other settings and other patrons. The combination of utter darkness and a villain based on sound makes for fun shenanigans on the side of the DM. Feasible as a one shot for an efficient party. Two tendays ago, Zhentarim agents were to transport a shipment of rare potions between their Underdark outpost and the surface world. The shipment has yet to arrive, and the outpost is not responding to any sending spells. Growing worried, the outpost’s overseer sends a group of hireswords to investigate and return it to Zhentarim hands. This particular adventure deals with the delusions of madness of Fraz Urb'luu. It also features Muurmic, the mad kenku first described in the December 2015 issue of Dragon+.

Cover of Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well! is a two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with an urban theme, exploration, humor, and a small mystery to solve! Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, is brimming with exciting opportunities for adventurers - seemingly at every corner, backstabbing between rival guilds, intrigues among the noble houses, and treasures in forgotten places beckon. But today, a little girl is in trouble and needs the help of our heros in rescuing her pet "bunny"! This adventure is an unapologetically linear dungeon crawl – short, straight-forward, and to the point. It follows the three-pillar principle: combat, exploration, social interaction. The idea is to spice up the classic formula with varied challenges that result in a short, entertaining session. This makes this an excellent adventure for beginner players and DMs! Detailed support is provided for the DM in the form of roleplay advice for six completely fleshed out original NPCs, advice on the three pillars in each scene, and scenic sensory descriptions for every scene to make the adventure come to life. Included with this adventure are: + an original custom monster, the wolpertinger + six original fleshed out NPCs, including personality traits and roleplaying tips + 20 original (but mostly useless) magic items + six original diseases + one original trap + a complete original hand-drawn dungeon map covering the entire adventure

Cover of Someone Dropped the Goat-Ball (DC-POA-PND-1)
Someone Dropped the Goat-Ball (DC-POA-PND-1)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
32 pages

An anticipated rematch between the Reghed Nomads and the Goliaths of Wyrmdoom Crag is interrupted by disaster as one thing after another goes wrong! It falls upon the party to pick up the ball when others have let it drop! A DungeonCraft adventure using the "Goat-Ball!" seed. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier Two characters (levels 5-10). Optimized for APL 8. Somebody Dropped the Goat-Ball originally debuted at DungeonCraft World Tour on May 2021. Included are VTT-friendly maps and handouts in separate files to help with running your games virtually. I also have a printer friendly version included of several of those maps for those that prefer their works to be printed on the flesh of dead trees.

Cover of The Grandmother Tree
The Grandmother Tree
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
15 pages

Cookie swarms? Bubble traps? A three-story tree house? The Grandmother Tree is a whimsical adventure about friendship aimed at elementary kids (and kids at heart) who love the problem-solving and adventuring part of playing Dungeons & Dragons and enjoy resolving encounters with less combat. Share your joy of Dungeons & Dragons with the whole family! This two-hour one-shot is suited for characters level 2-3, and includes the following features: -New ‘monster’ and trap that appeal to kids -Full-color maps -Detailed flowchart of the whole adventure to streamline your prep -Can be dropped into any existing campaign or run on its own -Fully playtested by kids -Printer-friendly version of the adventure and maps -Kid-friendly artwork -Interactive mini games your whole table will enjoy -Tips on playing TTRPGs with kids, graciously donated by Anne Gregersen from her best-selling guide, Little Heroes -A portion of the proceeds benefits Extra Life, helping fund children’s hospitals